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The Titans were finally home again and it was at least midnight. They all sat on the couch exhausted.

Cyborg was working on the computer system while Robin and Starfire were flipping through channels. You'd think they would go to bed by now, but despite being tired, the team wanted time to unwind.

Raven was in the kitchen making herbal tea once again as Beast Boy entered the room. He took a glance at Raven, who looked up at him before she began pouring the steamy liquid into a cup.

"What type of herbal tea is that?" Beast Boy asks, putting his hands on the counter. Raven looked up at him again as she began to stir it.

"Just my usual lemon grass." Raven replies and takes a sip. It was exactly what she needed after such a long day.

"What happened to your book?"

Shocked by his words, Raven begins to cough on her tea. Once she gains control again she says, "I uhh got rid of it." She says looking down.

"You did?" Beast Boy asks, and Raven nods. He grins at her with admiring eyes.

Cyborg stands up, examining the computer. "Looks like we're already to go."

"Have you gone to the prison yet?" Starfire asks him, a little bored. Robin was just skipping through channels mindlessly. She floats over to him, and Robin does not take his eyes off the tv.

"No, with everything going on, I haven't been able to. I need to go first thing tomorrow, we can't let the same thing happen twice."

Beast Boy and Raven had turned their attention to their friends, unsure of what to say to each other. Raven watched Beast Boy curiously.

Did Beast Boy actually care about her? It seemed like he hated her, but I guess he continued to surprise her. She watches him, admiring his eyes. He was focused on Cyborg and Starfire's conversation.

Maybe she shouldn't bother, nobody could get close to her anyway. It would bring her too much pain. The prophecy was to occur in 30 days, and it was really putting Raven on edge.

During the times she wasn't fighting crime with her friends or sleeping, she was studying. Raven had been trying for weeks to find an answer to stop the prophecy from coming true. She had found nothing.

Maybe she should leave her friends now and spare them from the traitor she would soon become. She had no choice though, she was a villain from birth.

Raven closed her eyes, her head hurt and the stress of trying to keep up with everything was starting to become too overwhelming, not to mention her emotions getting out of hand.

She guessed she needed to do more studying on that. Her meditations weren't quite helping her contain them. She could feel them clawing their way out.

Beast Boy watched Raven curiously. She was definitely bothered by something. She seemed lost in her thoughts. He tilted his head, Raven looked upset and exhausted. He placed his hand on hers and Raven glanced up at him.

Their eyes met, and Beast Boy smiled at her with concern. "You okay?"

"Booyah!!" Cyborg shouts. Cyborg was now playing on the game station and kicking another online player's butt. Robin and Starfire watched him play, cheering him on.

"You should go play with them." Raven replies, something had gotten out, she could feel it.

"Why?" Beast Boy asks, saddened. "You're more important than a video game."

Raven's eyes widen from his words. Video games were practically his life, did he really just say that?

She wanted to stay and talk with him, but the fear of one of her freed emotions taking control of her stopped her.

"I-- I need to be alone." She takes off quickly, and disappears. Beast Boy frowns, reaching a hand out toward her as if he wanted to grab her hand and pull her back.

Then Robin and Starfire turn towards Beast Boy. "What did you do to Raven, Beast Boy?"

"Nothing." Beast Boy says, scratching the back of his head. "She wanted to be alone." He shrugs.

"You should go check on her, she may be upset by something you said." Starfire adds.

Cyborg beats his opponent. "alright!!!" He sits back in his chair with his arms behind his head in a relaxing state.

"Alright alright, I'll go." Beast Boy says sighing, and Starfire smiles. At least they weren't lecturing him now. He begins to leave the room.

Cyborg sets his controller down, "BB! Did you see that?!" He turns around, but Beast Boy had already left.

"He left to go check on Raven." Robin says to him.

"Raven is not okay, she seems the off." Starfire adds.

Walking down the corridor, Beast Boy fumbles around awkwardly. He wasn't quite sure what to say to Raven and she had already told him she wanted to be alone. Maybe it would be good to check on her though, right?

He barely presses his fist on the door, knocking quieter than the wind. As he does so, he looks away, scrunching his eyes. "Oh well, nobody's home." He smiles, shrugging. He was too scared to knock, maybe later..

Stepping away from Raven's door while whistling, Beast Boy runs straight into something metal. "Ow." Beast Boy cries, grabbing a hold of his nose. He looks up and sees Cyborg staring down at him.

"You might wanna," Cyborg begins, putting an arm on Beast Boy's shoulder. "Knock a little louder." Cyborg turns Beast Boy around and pushes him towards the door.

"Uhhhh...." Beast Boy replies a little scared.

Cyborg begins to knock on the door, but with all the force, the door caves in, falling to the floor in front of them. "Uhhh, Raven...? Sorry about the door. Raven?" Cyborg starts.

They both stare into the dark room, but nobody seemed to be there. "Dude, she's not here, come on." Beast Boy adds, and steps into the room.

He had never been in Raven's room before. It was honestly really creepy. "Looks like Halloween came early this year." Beast Boy says, looking around.

"We're in Raven's room... We should not be in Raven's room! She doesn't let anybody in here! Ever!" Cyborg whispers loudly, tip toeing towards Beast Boy.

"So this is our big chance to find out more about her." Beast Boy replies. He felt guilty for being in her room, but he was too curious for his own good. He walks away from Cyborg, exploring the room further.

The room was dark and creepy, but the first thing that caught Beast Boy's eyes was a mirror siting on a vanity. "For instance," Beast Boy continues, "Check out this beauty mirror." The mirror had a little gem at the top and horns on both sides. The mirror was a gray color and was shiny.

"Ah! Is that a zit??" Beast Boy says, looking at himself in the mirror. Then bright red eyes appear in the mirror. Beast Boy jumps backward, screaming, and dropping the mirror in the process.

A dark hand shot out of the mirror, grabbing a hold of Beast Boy.  "Come on B, we should really---" Cyborg says, looking out of the room in case Raven came back. "Huh?" He turns to see Beast Boy.

Running towards his friend, Cyborg grabs onto Beast Boy's leg as the hand sucks him into the mirror. "Yo!" The mirror takes both of them. Smoke escapes the mirror, as it lays flat on the floor.

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