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It wasn't long for Terra to want to move back into the tower. She couldn't believe she had moved out. She kept reminding Beast Boy that it was only a matter of time before she would remember him again. How could anyone forget the one they love? 

Terra was thrilled to be spending time with the team again, she couldn't believe Slade had tricked her and created a joke out of it. 

It was a typical day at the tower. Cyborg and Robin were working out in the gym, Starfire was taking care of silky, and Raven was in her room studying. Raven sat near the window, she stared out where the sky met the sea and sighed. 

She couldn't believe that her spell hadn't quite worked. Sure, it did bring some of Terra's memories back, but Terra and Beast Boy had broken up! They weren't together anymore, and the more and more that time went by, the more Raven began to question if Beast Boy still had feelings for Terra. 

Thanks to Raven, he had let go of the past now. Maybe that was what he needed to get back with Terra. Raven felt foolish for believing he truly liked her back. They were complete opposites. Raven began to wonder that if all those times she had spent with Beast Boy meant anything to him. Maybe he just wanted to be a good friend.

There was a lot of tension between Beast Boy and Raven, and they hardly saw each other now. Raven made sure of it. She felt humiliated. Raven spent her time meditating and looking at different spells she could use. She continued to drink her herbal teas each morning and would use her powers to bring her own kitchen items into her room to make anything else she was craving. She'd eat usually in her room. 

Raven even learned to create an emotions center meant for demons. She went there often to left off steam and allow her emotions to be present and free. It was a nice place to rest and created absolute bliss. 

Star and Terra had become close friends and Raven was unsure of her friendships now. She felt as though her friend's attention was consumed by Terra and in helping her to learn to control her powers like she once had tried to do before she joined Slade. But Terra of course didn't remember that. 

When dinner came, the team decided to watch a movie together. Robin was clearing the dishes while Star gave him company. Those two were always together now, at least that's what it seemed to be to Raven. Cyborg was usually working hard on his T car, or spending his time managing Titans East. He did however play video games with Beast Boy, and Terra would often join them. Raven felt a little replaced, but maybe they just forgot she enjoyed playing with them. 

Raven wasn't quite sure what Beast Boy spent most of his time doing, but she assumed he spent a lot of it with Terra. 

Cyborg was sitting down next to Terra on the couch while Beast Boy walked over to the movie case to pick through the movies. Raven sat at the table holding her drink. Her dark eyes are drawn to Beast Boy and she watches him sift through the movies. Then she saw him stop and look over one. 

Raven catches a glimpse of the title and her stomach flips upside down. Beast Boy was holding the Cyber Monkey movie they had watched not too long ago when Raven couldn't sleep. She wondered if Beast Boy felt sick looking at the movie. He sets it back on the shelf and pulls out another movie. Raven watches him carry it over to the tv and they start the movie. Raven couldn't care less what movie was playing, all she could think about was Beast Boy and Cyber Monkeys. 

With the team all sitting on the couch now, Star and Robin were cuddling in one corner and Cyborg was sitting with his elbows on his knees. Anyone could see that he was really invested in the movie. Beast Boy was sitting next to his friend with Terra next to him. There wasn't much room left on the couch, but Raven didn't care. She left the room the second the movie started. She could feel her heart start to crumble.

Beast Boy had slid really close to Cyborg, trying his best to avoid Terra touching him. He felt uncomfortable. Cyborg seemed annoyed at this and later asked him to scoot over. Ever since Terra got some of her memory back, Beast Boy had hated every moment since. Everytime he tried to talk to Raven, to be with Raven, Terra would jump in the picture. 

She'd jump into his arms, try and kiss him, call him babe, and even expected him to rub her back. She also asked if he was going to bring her breakfast in bed some time. He had never done that for her before. Everything about Terra made Beast Boy think about Raven. 

He ruminated over having breakfast with Raven. He loved playing video games with Raven, the two of them were so competitive it was fun to win by grabbing a hold of her as she desperately tried to keep control of her controller. Every time Terra would jump in his arms, he wished it was Raven.

Raven had kept her distance. It hurt to see her avoid him. He felt as though his heart was breaking and there was nothing, he could possibly do about it. He tried many times to visit Raven at her room, but she was either not there or she wouldn't answer the door. He tried to talk with her at breakfast, but Terra would slide in next to him and Raven would get up and leave. 

He felt as though he couldn't do anything right anymore. Raven was always leaving, avoiding him any time she could, and Terra was there to steal all the rest of the time he had. She was there every morning waiting to escort him to breakfast. She followed him around like a lost puppy.

When the movie ended, the team began to say their goodnights and Cyborg initiated lock down. 

Robin and Starfire enter the hallway and Robin takes Star to her room. Now standing in front of her door, Robin leans in and kisses Star. He holds her in his arms, caressing her hair. "Goodnight beautiful." Robin says, and Star's face was cherry red. Robin notices and he two becomes cherry red. They step away from each other looking away with embarrassment. Then Robin turns back to Star and they both laugh. 

Cyborg stretches in the lobby, finishing the lock down as Beast Boy jumps up to stand next to him, then Terra begins to follow close behind. "Goodnight!" Cyborg says as he leaves to his room. Beast Boy follows after, also wishing Terra a good night and rushes off to his quarters. Terra blows him a kiss and skips to her room infatuated. 

Beast Boy was tired of this. He had to find a way to talk to Raven, to tell her how much it had always been her. He wanted to spend all his time with her. He needed to tell her how he felt. With not much luck sleeping, Beast Boy paced around his room thinking of a plan to win Raven's heart. Then an idea popped in his head. Beast Boy smiles, eager to see the plan through.

Beast Boy opens his window, taking the form of a pterodactyl and launches himself towards Jump City. Nothing was going to get in his way.

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