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Just before it touches the team, the debris defies gravity.

Raven holds the building together with her powers as Beast Boy swoops in and cuts the rope, holding the civilians hostage. They all run away in panic as Cyborg jumps forward, grabbing a hold of Jinx.

"How bout a little malfunction?" Jinx slips through Cyborg's grip and messes with Cyborg's circuits. Cyborg grunts and Jinx flips into the air till she reaches Star and Robin, she sends a kick to Star's face. Star yelps; The impact knocks her into the already broken plant.

Robin holds his grip on Gizmo, and Jinx sends a few blows his way but Robin uses Gizmo as a shield. Jinx grunts in frustration, she then gets the idea to touch the floor. As she does, she jumps in the air. Robin loses his balance slightly from her bad luck, allowing Gizmo to pull out a quick trick up his sleeve. He shocks Robin with his tech, throwing more insults at Robin.

Beast Boy jumps into the scene, keeping Gizmo from doing anything else. Jinx is now faced with Terra while Raven is still holding the building up. She couldn't hold it together for much longer.

Raven was using all the strength she had in her to keep the building from crushing her friends, but Mammoth was determined to stop her. He began to throw debris at her and launched himself multiple times at her to strike her down.

Terra winks at Jinx and with the team so focused, Terra pretends to fall as if Jinx had hit her. She knocks into Beast Boy, allowing Gizmo to escape once more. Jinx grabs a hold of the tech geek, and looks around for Mammoth. She sees him attacking Raven.

Robin had immediately ran to Star's side after he saw Beast Boy take Gizmo. "Star! Are you hurt?"

Star rubs her head, now observing where she had landed, she noticed the pot under her and floats up faster than a lightning bolt in shock and worry. "Oh no!"

Star kneels down, she had crushed the plant and she began to feel horrible. Robin catches on quickly, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay Starfire, the plant just needs to be repotted. It'll survive."

"I am the sorry poor friend." Star says, gently touching the plant. "I will re-pot you myself." She finishes. Robin admires her heart of gold and grabs Star's hand, lifting her up. "The fight's not over yet." He says, and Star's eyes glow emerald green.

Star and Robin lock eyes with Gizmo and Jinx. Gizmo shows a tint of fear.

To create a diversion, Gizmo pulls out a flamethrower and lights what is left of the furniture in the little to nothing building. Everything in that radius quickly catches fire. There was now a line between the H.I.V.E and Titans.

When Beast Boy had gotten up from Terra, she is still on the ground, now looking up at him. She reaches her hand out to him, and Beast Boy reluctantly takes it.

"Thank--" Terra starts, but Beast Boy has already shape shifted into rhino. He charges Mammoth.

However, it was too late. Raven was drained, the power within her was weak now, and the roof of City Hall, began to tumble down. She catches it about 6 feet away from hitting her friends.

Meanwhile, Star grabs a hold of Robin and flies him over the puny fire. Jinx and Gizmo had already started fleeing and Robin was determined to catch them. They leave the scene, now in the street.

"You just don't give up, do you." Jinx says annoyed. Jinx looks around, there was no time to get Mammoth. Reluctant and angry with the Titans, Jinx and Gizmo take off and and disappear into the city.

Mammoth overtakes Raven, her powers unable to hold him back now. He knocks her into the hard concrete beneath her, and Raven yelps in pain.

Beast Boy grunts angrily as a rhino and bashes Mammoth farther into City Hall. And then it happened.

The building collapses to 1 foot above Beast Boy's head. Raven watches intensely from the concrete, her cheek touching the hard ground. Raven shoots a hand out to hold it up, to bring it high in the sky, anything! But she couldn't. She didn't have it in her.

Mammoth and Beast Boy continue to fight, and as the building falls to the ground, Beast Boy shape shifts back to normal, his eyes locked onto Raven.

Raven's horrified face said it all, but it happened too fast. Raven's insides began to scream and throb. Tears rolled down her cheeks, landing on the pavement, creating a dark shade of gray. Raven lets out the most ear piercing sound ever to be heard and as she does, everything in the city goes out of control.

The ocean cascades into the city, glass shattering in every direction, a few buildings tumble, and empty parked cars are instantly crushed. The street lights flashed bright and dim, before shattering completely, electricity erupting left and right. Civilians all over town were now running in panic, unsure of what was going on. 

Robin and Star stop chasing Gizmo and Jinx, noticing the chaos immerging in front of them. Rubble falls right in front of Star, and she notices a few teens staring up screaming. Star Fire rushes to their sides, catching the debris. She grunts as she throws it to the side. Robin runs to them, taking the teen's hands. "Go! Get out of here!" The teens nod in fear, before disappearing far into the city. 

"What's happening?" Star Fire asks Robin. Robin knits his eyebrows, looking around them as more people were running away screaming. "I don't know, let's regroup." Robin replies, and Star nods. They begin to run back to city hall. 

Terra slowly emerges, noticing Cyborg entirely stunned. Her eyes move to Raven, who look defeated and crippled. Terra watches, enjoying Raven's pain.

Raven had let her emotions get the best of her, and Terra had seen it all. A dark smile divulges on her face, and she fades into the background.

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