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"There have been reports of consistent Earthquakes here in Jump City. Specialists declare the Earthquakes to be a level 7 and they seem to be getting worse by the minute!"

"Mommy, Mommy! Uncle Chad lives in Jump City! Is Uncle Chad going to be, okay?!" A young boy about 7 years old was jumping up and down, pointing to the TV that was displayed on a faux entertainment console. The room was quite small, consisting of one sofa and one armchair.

A woman enters the room, drying her hands on a red kitchen towel. She had been busy preparing dinner for her son. She scrutinizes the screen, unsure of what to think. She believed her son, but wondered if he was mistaken.

Looking at the screen now, the woman follows the news reporter as he continues to explain the commotion occurring in Jump City. Near the center of the Earthquake, the streets and ground had broken and began to fall apart.

The woman covers her mouth in horror. "Billy, go grab mommy's car keys, we have to go."

"But I was watching Teen Titans Go--" Billy whines.

The mother walks over to Billy, gently bending down and taking a knee. She places a hand on his shoulder. "You can watch more later; Billy, please listen to mommy."

As Billy left the room, the mother walked over to the TV, she picked up the remote. "The Teen Titans are at the sight now. More information--" She turns the TV off, not allowing the reporter to finish. Billy did as his mother asked, and they were then on their way.

"Titans come in! Titans!" Robin yells into his titan communicator. He and Star had left the restaurant halfway finished with their dessert. The restaurant had erupted into chaos. Servers were dropping their aprons and running for the door, customers were running to their cars or dropping down under their tables, and Starfire had jumped to her feet and was now floating, assuming they were under attack.

Robin had done the same, he had his bo-staff in hand now and Star smirked at the sight of Robin in a tux holding his bo-staff. 

"This is Cyborg, I copy. We've got a visitor and don't expect them to be friendly. Sending you coordinates now."  Cyborg joins Titans East, Raven, and Beast Boy as they examine the center of the commotion. Debris and smoke were everywhere and near the center, a figure had come out of the ground. 

Before Cyborg had responded to Robin, Raven, Beast, and Cyborg had rushed to the scene assuming the worst.

It was a dead giveaway who it was once they all saw the rocks floating. Beast Boy's stomach churned as he was reminded of Terra. She had sacrificed herself for them and became only but a statue, but now, Beast Boy wasn't sure if he could believe his eyes. It had to be Terra, right? Who else could have done this? 

Then, through the dirt and rubble, Terra arose. Her eyes were glimmering with rage, Terra had caused the earthquakes and it seemed as though she had intentionally done so.

"Aqualad, take care of the pier, got an alert; water and sea life scattered across the boardwalk." Cyborg says after talking to Robin. "Mas and Menos, the stability on Jump City's buildings is faulty, many could collapse at any moment. People are in those buildings."

Mas and Menos reply, "with pleasure." in Spanish and just like lightning, vanish. Aqua Lad leaves as well, calling a dolphin to escort him.

"I need to get to the prison right now!" Cyborg says with panic. After the earthquakes, many of the city building's power had gone out. Cyborg was determined to put an end to his worries about the prison. He hoped the backup generators had kicked on, but even then, if he went it would wash away any concern.

Bumble Bee nods, and she takes Cyborg's hand, now flying towards the prison.

Speedy stood, bow at the ready. Now there were only 3 heroes standing before Terra, but that didn't last long as Robin and Starfire emerged from the streets and reunited with Raven and Beast Boy.

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