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Terra was tossed right and left, and from what everyone could see, there was no one in sight. "Slade's back?! Again?!" Beast Boy shouts, holding his temples. He felt exhausted! Last time they had 'fought' Slade, Beast Boy had come down with a cold and couldn't stop sneezing. That experience had definitely left a bad taste in his mouth. 

"Slade must've created more than one chemical reagent. Last time it was his mask contaminated. We have to find the source." Cyborg calls to the team, they surround Terra in a circle, in a defensive stance. 

Robin had his bostaff in hand, Cyborg was trying his best to locate any sign of the chemical reagent, Star was trying her best to be helpful. "What can we the do friends? We cannot see Slade?" 

"We need to get Terra into the lights, that seemed to work last time." Beast Boy remarks. 

Just then, Terra is knocked into Beast Boy and she falls to the ground panting. "P-please! I tried to defeat them! I did my best!" Terra explains. 

Your best? Come now Terra, we both know that's a lie. If you join the titans now, they'll only turn their backs on you. You will always be their enemy. Only I can help you now. 

"I don't want that, please--" Terra grunts as Slade punches her in the stomach. She topples to the ground once more. 

"I've got a lock on a contaminated piece, but the location is odd. It's located at the Jump City High School." 

"Beast Boy and Cyborg take it out." Robin replies gritting his teeth. He had had enough of Slade's tricks, it made it hard for him to really believe Slade was really gone.

Remembering what seemed to work last time, Raven uses her powers to see through Terra's eyes. 'I'm here, let me see.' Raven whispers to Terra through telepathy. 

Terra shakes her head in fear. "You won't, you can't!" Terra replies in her thoughts. 

Raven emanates peace. Even if she didn't like Terra, all that was in the past now and she was a hero. She was going to help all that she could. She was no villain; she was no traitor like her father made her believe she was. She was a good person. 'We are here to help you.' Raven replies. 

'Okay,' Terra says calmly as Slade continues to try and manipulate her. He doesn't succeed this time and comes back full force to put an end to Terra. 

Then, Terra's eyes become Raven's and Raven is now seeing Slade right before her. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven lifts Terra into the air, using her powers through Terra to block Slade's blows. Terra lifts rocks into the air, launching them at Slade, but to no one's surprise but her own, Slade is unscathed. 

'That's enough Slade!' Raven shouts, and she pulls a full force field in front of Terra to block him, then he appears behind Terra, but Raven doesn't allow him to touch her. Her aura blocks him once again. Star and Robin nod at each other and Robin hops on his Redbird while Star floats next to him before flying high in the sky where she sends out a large starbolt into the air to create an overpowering green light over the city down below. 

Slade disappears from sight and Robin drives his redbird over to Terra. "Raven!" 

"He's gone, for now." Raven replies, coming back to. 

"No no, please don't leave me!" Terra cries, staring around her surroundings now that Raven wasn't with her. Robin pulls up next to Terra as Raven pulls down her walls. Her aura dissipates and she floats up next to Star.

"We're not going to leave you." Robin replies, he holds out his hand to Terra and she looks down at it. Robin smiles. "Hop on." 

Terra looks around her surroundings, fearful that Slade was going to pop up and attack her. She cautiously grabs his hand. "He'll know, he will follow us." Terra says in panic. 

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