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"She ditched us! I can't believe Raven ditched us!" Beast Boy says frustrated as they continue to follow the pathway. "Next time I see her, it's not gonna be pretty!" He finishes as the scenery suddenly changes.

They walk under another archway and the world goes back to the way it was. The sky is an inky black, with the specks of red once again. There are no clouds and the grass becomes a drop off. The vibrant colors dissipate into nothing. Everything is dark and creepy, once again.

"Hey!! I know where we are!!" Cyborg starts, grabbing his head. "We're in that place where I didn't know where we were before."

Suddenly Raven appears in front of them, and the two scream in surprise. She looks at them with no emotion. Her cloak isn't pink anymore, and she doesn't have the same energy as before.

"Where were you?! Shopping for robes?!" Beast Boy shouts at her. Raven cowers in her gray cloak, and she begins to cry.

Now Beast Boy felt bad. He didn't mean to say any of that and he didn't mean to hurt Raven. But they had been wandering in lala land longer than they should have been and she didn't have the audacity to help them!

"Whoa, easy! I didn't mean it." Beast Boy says with concern. He reaches out for Raven and she turns away from him, looking down. "Please don't--"

"Hey!" Cyborg cuts in. "That's that forbidden door," He points to the end of the path. There was a large floating island of rock and a circular hole in the side that the pathway went up to. "Right Raven?"

Raven doesn't say a word. She looked scared, and Beast Boy watched her confused. He puts a hand on her shoulder, but she doesn't seem to notice. Raven nods.

"Come on ya'll!" Cyborg begins to run towards the door, "We're alm--" The ground beneath his feet begins to shake and right before his eyes, a large wall pops out of the ground, blocking his path. "Whooaa!"

Raven and Beast Boy stay put, just watching. Beast Boy looks shocked, but Raven just stays the same. Timid and scared.

Then more walls break from the ground, boxing them in. The group watches as each one pops up. It seemed to be some kind of maze.

Beast Boy's first thought is morph into a bird and fly up overhead. As he does so, some sort of barrier has him falling to the ground.

He hits the ground hard, rubbing his head, back in his normal form. "Great!"

"Ah man! We gotta get out of here!" Cyborg uses his sonic arm blaster to shoot the walls, but it does no damage.

"It's a maze," Raven says quietly. "You can't get out, yyou have to go through. I-I can show you the way, but when we reach the end, you won't like me anymore.."

Raven looks over at Beast Boy. "He already doesn't like me."

Beast Boy raises an eyebrow. "Come on, that's not--" But before he can finish, Raven is already walking away, into the maze.

Beast Boy puts his hands on his hips, frustrated. He just wanted to go home! Raven's moods were too much for him right now and it was all so confusing. Why was she so moody?

"Gee Raven, moody much?!" He glares.

Cyborg scratches his head. "She's like a whole different person!"


Back at the tower, Robin and Starfire were busy and oblivious. Starfire was taking care of silky, and Robin was caught up with the computer sensors to notice.

After a long while, Robin finally speaks. "Did Cyborg fix the prison's main frame?" He doesn't look up from his work.

Starfire walks over to Robin, who is looking at a recent report about Slade in an abandoned warehouse. He knew it was a trap, but if he could just get one step ahead of Slade, they could catch him!

"No, I do not know where our friends have been. I do think it is important we check on Raven after what occured earlier?"

Now Robin was fiddling with one of his gadgets, it was bent and Robin was trying to straighten it. "No, we shouldn't bother them."

"But are they not our friends?"

"Yes, but sometimes friends need space."


"A-and remember the time I called you both immature pin heads? I-I'm sorry for that too and also--"

"For the hundredth, millionth time!" Beast Boy starts, then Cyborg joins in, "We forgive you!!"

Raven stares at them sadly, then turning away, she watches the wall in front of her slide open. "That's the end."

2 large statues, with capes identical to Raven's, sit on both sides of the path, and Cyborg and Beast Boy can see the forbidden door almost in reaching distance!

"Sweet! Beast Boy says happily.

"Alright! Raven!" Cyborg grins.

The statues begin to come to life, the eyes turning red, as Cyborg steps forward. One has a frown, the other a smile. They soon slide together, their backs connecting.

Swords appears into the statue's hands. "What?!" Cyborg yips.

"No way.." Beast Boy trails off.

"Agh.." Cyborg adds.

"Told you, you wouldn't like me when we got here." Raven says sadly, and Beast Boy watches with concern, reaching out for her before she disappears. The two Titans turn their attention to their opposer.

The statue walks towards them, slightly shaking the ground with each step. Beast Boy and Cyborg step back quickly, as the statue lifts up its swords.

Beast Boy flies up as a bird again, and Cyborg uses his sonic bolts to try and keep the statue back, but it's no use, the statue moves through the smoke like it's nothing.

Beast Boy flies in to do some damage, but the statue is too quick. It grabs a hold of him without effort and he becomes Beast Boy again, grunting.

"Yo!" A familiar voice shouts from above, and before Beast Boy can even blink Raven knocks into the statue with her foot, allowing Beast Boy the time he needs to break from the strong grip.

"Wahoo! In your faces!!" Raven announces with her hands on her hips. She faces the statue once more as it tries to knock her down with its blades.

Raven steps back effortlessly, dodging each blow with a grin on her face. She jumps forward, head on, slicing right through the middle of the statue. Landing heroically, her cape blowing back behind her. The statue collapses.

Raven grunts victoriously as the smoke disperses and Beast Boy and Cyborg can see her again. "High fives!" She shouts with her hands out. "Come on!"

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