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Failed by Oxford definition:- to be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal.

Failed by Oxford definition:- to be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal

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"She failed" said overhaul with an angry tone

'Dang it, I'm sorry eri, I'll be here for a while'

I bit the inside of my cheek knowing what was to come next

He took a lot of my blood until I was dead and soon got restarted again by his quirk then forcefully make me drank some of my own previous blood to "enhance" myself.... thus the procedure repeats itself in a cycle

I held back my voice from screaming in agony, he didn't hold back this time as punishment for letting my younger sister escape free

He didn't stop to give me rest.. And so for the thirty something time of repetition, finally it ended

I didn't know how long I was sitting there enduring the pain

He removes the straps from my wrist and ankles after wearing his gloves

My energy was empty I didn't feel anything, I can't walk back to our room, I was tired

Overhaul was irritated, "I told you, no matter what, you guys won't escape. You're bound in here forever for my use"

He harshly grabbed my right arm making me wince in surprised and the added pain he brought

Dragging my weak body to our room and thrown me inside, locking the door, clearly not caring if I'm hurt or not

Due to the fact that we can be 'restarted' by him

No matter what state we're in, we're just someone who carries the blood he needed

Eri was mortified watching me get thrown inside and rush to my side

"S-si-sister sis-ter" she cried between hiccups

I sat down on the concrete floor, plastering a smile on my face, "It's okay eri... I'm fine... Please... Bring the medkit... For me" between huff and puff, with a small voice I managed to create a sentence

Eri listened and brought the medkit containing 2 roll of bandages, even when she was crying she listened to me

"Can you help me, please eri?" to be honest I didn't want to ask but with little energy I have, it's either dying from blood loss or swallowing my pride

And to be dying from blood loss in front of my sweet young sister, it's definitely a no

We cleaned up my hands and legs with my rag of a gown shirt

It took a while but after we wrapped it up, eri helped me to my feet and back to bed

Every step was painful, and it felt like I was taking a million of it

We sat at the side of the bed and I noticed eri was fiddling with her arms, as if she wanted to say something

So I decided to speak first, "Is something bothering you eri? Do you want to talk about it?"

She layed her head down to my lap, carefully not hurting me

I stroked her hair, waiting for her answer

Her head turned to face my stomach, not wanting to see the plain wall, caging us inside like some lab rats

"I-I'm sorry sister" she whispered, forcefully closing her eyes

Why was she sorry? Is it because she failed to escape?

"I wa-was ca-caught" she started to tear up

"You have nothing to be sorry about eri... The world is like that sometimes... It's unpredictable... So it's not your fault... Okay" patting her with reassurance

"So what happened... outside?" whispering the last part

Eri explained that she ran and didn't look back

She was in an alleyway and bump into two teenagers, one was green haired, another was blonde

And that was when overhaul caught her

She further explained that the green boy didn't intend to let her go after she plead, but instead she willingly went back with overhaul because he threatened her

'God he seriously makes me sick, how dare he! One day I will make him pay!'

Eri wasn't one to let others hurt for her, even when she needed help the most she couldn't bring other into the mess

And that was it, with our old caretaker was killed

That was her moment outside for a period of time

"It was strange sister"

I hummed in question "What's strange?"

"My entire life no one else reached out to me before, only you"

I smiled to her, "There's always good people eri, the two young heros you met.. They're the good ones," she nodded

"I'm scared of being alone" eri ended her story

"I know...i'm here now"

We lay down on the bed and sleep in each others arms
















'I'm scared too'

Enhance :eri sisterWhere stories live. Discover now