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Trapped by Oxford definition :- prevent (someone) from escaping from a place.

Trapped by Oxford definition :-  prevent (someone) from escaping from a place

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3rd P.O.V

Few days prior after eri met two young heros at the alleyway and before their base was conquered and raid with heroes

They were woken up by the sound of the door creak opens, they became so sensitive that a mere door creak could woke them up entirely with fear

They jerked up and like the norm, ema hugged her little sister protecting her away from the cruel man standing at the door frame, carefully and cautious of her injured limbs

It was quite early in the morning, six o'clock to be exact, but both siblings has no clue of the time. The man commands for ema for her blood to be excreted

As usual before following overhaul to the lab of misery both mentally and physically, she kiss her little sister forehead still in her embrace, and gave her a few words "I'll be back eri, I promise"

Oh how wonderful it would have been if the sentence spoken was true.

Little did they know, they would be separated from today onwards. Ema won't be back to care for younger sibling and eri would be taken by the heros all alone without her sister joining...

To the lab, she sat down obediently and was tied by the straps and restrains before starting the procedure. Having this done time and time again she knew what was to come

Her mind wanders off to the scaple overhaul picked as he sat down on a stool nearby

Starting if off with no warning whatsoever, the knife in hand digs into her skin cutting vertically and horizontally on her arms

This was to see if her quirk made progress, and it did, when overhaul cuts her hands, it was closing slowly but seconds faster then previously

He made more cuts before noting it down on a clipboard fulls of data

With that checked out, it then continued with injections deeply pointed on her veins, either they cut the skin first and went straight to the exposed muscles and veins or just let her skin left unopened

But it was usually the first one, it made things easier and a lot more painful

Despite being a clean freak, it was a sight to see for the golden eyes. Smiling at the veiw he created

The second step was repeated until her body gave up, then came to the third step, resetting

Overhaul would remove his white medical gloves and use his quirk to kill her and quickly regenerates ema

However before going back to step two, overhaul forcefully made ema drank some of her previous blood as to 'Enhance' her stamina, so she could last longger and for her quirk to be twice as powerful as before

She rejects and fought back, swinging her head from side to side not wanting to drink her own blood, Overhaul was having none of her tantrums and rejection, shot her right thigh with the quirk boost bullets or quirk enhancing bullets, and that took some time to kick in

She yelped in surprise and breathing heavily feeling the effects taking place and her power growing

All of these steps are the cycle to her pain and torture, this has been going on for over two hours straight before the underlings of overhaul disturbed her pain and torture announcing the heros was gathered around the place

Ema was grateful for both of them to interrupt things taking a deep relief breath, if not it would last for far more longer

Their boss ordered the two mens who delivered the news to take ema into the new hiding place that they discussed and was told to wait for him

He gave orders to cover the girls' body so the heros wouldn't know of her existence and plan to keep it that way

Doing as he told, they freed ema and wrapped her motionless body with a large black cloak and gave her one of the beak mask hiding her face

Her body was tired from all the pain and was still bleeding out her senses was all distrupt, due to the lack of blood she felt fuzzy inside her head and numbing all over her body until she was out cold

The room they were in moved on its own like waterwaves flowing on a river, they hold ema close not wanting anything to happen to her or else their heads would be next

By the time it stopped moving, they left and the room was relocated just three feet away from the back exit

Both of them ran carefully so the cops and heros wouldn't notice their presence

Luckily for them the good guys was focused on the chaos happening at the front yard resulting with minimal security, and they easily slipped through

Going to the nearest resident of the Chie hassaikai's, they went in and entered the code that overhaul had given

Finally reaching the destination, they placed the girl on the hidden rooms underground, more or less the same as the previous resident

One stayed and the other head back out to help their big boss

The one that stayed, unwrapped ema and helped bandaged the arms and legs, then carefully placing her on the rusty cold bed letting her rest while keeping an eye on her sleeping form

That was all he did to pass the time, just stood there watching, it's not like he pitied the teenage girl, he has no relation to her whatsoever

Her chest heaving up and down with rhythm, face relaxed despite the situation she was in

After some time, there appeared the previous men and overhaul, he was in a beaten state right in front of the guard, he was unconscious, hurriedly they helped him and put him at his room for him to recover

It wasn't over yet, the man who went to get their boss teleported back to the ruined base carefully trying to avoid cops and heroes as best as possible and transported the rest who was not yet captured

He managed to bring in two person, due to them hidden underneath a rumble, the rest was captured unfortunately

After they were done helping their crew member and their master, they locked the tiny rooms' door caging in two individuals together

Ema woke up tiredly and was faced with a grey wall, body aching all over, even with the pain she sat with her arms supporting her up sighing in process, her gaze now on the slightly different door.

"You awake?"

. Once again she was trapped .


. But she wasn't alone .

Enhance :eri sisterWhere stories live. Discover now