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Weird by Oxford definition :- suggesting something supernatural; unearthly or very strange and bizarre

Weird by Oxford definition :- suggesting something supernatural; unearthly or very strange and bizarre

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Aizawa P.O.V

It's only been 4 days...

4 days...

4 days for overhaul to wake up, 4 days for me to realize what both siblings went through 4 days being tied up, 4 days doing nothing, 4 days being kidnapped, 4 days and counting for others to rescue us

And 4 days since my first encounter with Ema...

It's been 4 days... For me. Yet it's been 3 years for her...

I sighed the thought away, it won't do anything well if I kept dwelling on it. "Kid, you need to bandage up, you're losing blood and you'll get badly infected," at the very least I can do is make sure she's looking after herself even with little resources until we're rescued

"Kid, did you not hear me"

No response...

"Kid?" I lean in a bit to check on her

The part sheets underneath where all four of her limbs is soaked with blood, her breathing was uneven and it barely made sounds. Her eyes fluttered shut.

It's as if she's...

"Kid?! Kid wake up!"

3rd P.O.V

While the inbound hero calls out for Ema. A teacher was calling out for a certain freckle boy

"HHEEEEYYYYYY!!!" Shouted the teacher right next to the boy's ear, may his right ear rest in piece

In return, he also shrieked off of his chair to his sudden surprise, and one hand covering his right ear

"Now! There we are! Focus please!" the loud teacher smiled and pointed at his fallen student

He uttered an apology and quickly sat back as his teacher continued teaching the English lessons

It was quite a sight for the class to see the commotion, most brushed it off thinking it was nothing just a tired mind dozing off or begging to sleep. Where a few knew why and where their friend dozes off and they can't blame him but they are worried for him

Two however were suspicious of the freckle boy's action. It has been going on for a few days, although it was subtle that most don't notice

The school bell rang and students hurriedly and hungrily goes to the cafeteria for lunch

Within minutes it was packed, every table was filled and the line was long. "Are you okay midoriya?" A monotone question came from a boy with half white hair and half red hair with the perfect ratio

"Huh? Yeah," Midoriya answered smiling at his worried friend beside him as he hummed peacefully eating his cold soba

"If you say so, but if you do have something bothering you please do not hesitate to tell us. We are your friends after all. It would be bad for us if we do not help you when you need it." Another voice came from a boy with nicely comb dark blue hair and glasses 

"Ah! ye-yes! I'll be sure to tell you!" He panicked, guilty for making his friends worried

"It's just I can't really tell you even if I wanted to, at least not now." Gazing down at his untouched food

His fellow peers looked at him and nodded their heads understanding what he meant. "It's alright you can tell us when you feel like it, we won't push you"

"Todoroki is right. Take your time midoriya," the glasses boy confirmed

"It goes to the both of you as well." todoroki's two-colored eyes were focused on his food as he munch it down "Uraraka-san, Asui-san"

Small gasp and widen eyes, "Is something also bothering you two?" The dark blue haired asked, concerned for them

"Ah no no, I mean..." A cute brunette named Uraraka-san declined

"'s a girl problem, ribbit" A hybrid of a frog with green hair, Asui-san exclaimed

"Ah, I see!" Flustered with the unexpected answer the class president wearing glasses drop the topic as they continued eating

On another table sat a group of blond, yellow, pink, red, and black heads

It was very energetic unlike the previous table where midoriya sat with his group of friends

At this table, they were chatting about homework, trends, movies, and other stuff, it was very hectic and loud

However, one person wasn't joining in any of their conversations due to his mind being somewhere else

His eyes were focused on his food where he ate silently, and occasionally eyeing the green head on another table with an angry expression

"Yo bro, you okay? You've been giving midoriya side glances," the redhead pointed out, now the topic of this new conversation was him

"Yeah and you been quite, not that I mind though." added the yellow head with a bolt on his side hair 

Another continued, "yeah you would usually yell at us for being loud or something" this time it was the black-haired

"Yeah yeah!" The pink-haired and skin agree as the others nodded in sync

Having enough of his friends pestering him tells them "Don't you think it's weird?" He questioned his group of friends 

Them not having the hint asks why and what. He sighed at his friend's stupidity and denseness "Aizawa-sensei hasn't been here for four days and the hospital where he is 'supposedly' in won't let anyone visits him." Closing his pondering statement

Finally getting it they also wonder where their homeroom teacher is, one however was tense by the blond statement.

"Um... Maybe he's still very badly injured that the nurses don't want us to disrupt him or something," he was sweating, trying to find excuses "and he's a pro after all I'm sure he'll come back soon enough!"

Many agreed with him and his lies but the blond, Katsuki Bakugou gazed at his red-haired friend intensely

They all continued eating the rest of their lunch, changing topics now and then

Katsuki Bakugou knows Kirishima Eijiro is hiding something... he knows

and he's not letting this go


Hope you enjoyed it!

Happy Eid Mubarak to my Muslim readers!


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