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Promise by Oxford definition :- assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen.

Promise by Oxford definition :- assure someone that one will definitely do something or that something will happen

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We were woken up by the sound of the door being opened that casually send shivers down our spines

Looks like another day has passed

Eri pretended to be asleep not wanting to look at the man

Squeezing her eyes shut, and vigorously trembling by my side

Overhaul stood at the door frame and said my name "Ema, you're the only one today"

Nodding my head, I got up and peck a kiss at eri's forehead and adjusting the thin blanket around her

Overhaul scoff, looking disgusted by my actions

"I'll be back.. I promise" I whispered to eri, before following the cruel man to another room for my "test"

The torture seems short today, looks like he didn't need much of my blood

Once again like yesterday he undo the restrain and I head back to our room since I had the energy to walk for myself

Eri was waiting at the side of the bed, and hurriedly went to my side, aiding me to the bed

We had to reuse my previous bandages due to overhauls' lackey not refilling the medkit with one

So we use the outer layer and wrapped me up with crimson red stained bandages

Was this monday?

The routine was scheduled so that eri would get tested on Thursday till Sunday, While I got it every day

But some rare cases he wouldn't even take either of us so we could recover

Much to my dismay we just rest and nothing was actually recovered just for a day

Once every two Monday would also be the day our caretaker give us something, eri got a toy of some sort and I got an english dictionary.

The reason? Who knows, with this tiny suffocating room, my knowledge was limited

The only access to knowledge was from books that I requested when our caretaker go to the shop to buy us something for entertainment

But eri on the other hand doesn't request for anything, not even once she was extremely scared to talk to them.

So they always brought her toys or something to play with. However the only entertainment we have was books

No matter if it a story book or a documentary, which mostly is, I would always read it to her and teach her how to pronounce words

"Let's read a book eri" I suggest

"Can we read about the animals?!" she hopped, excitingly

My boulders on my shoulders were lifted a bit seeing my little sister excited for once

"Sure, we stopped at the cats right?" I questioned

Eri answers with a nod, we sat down at the corner

My legs was crossed and eri sat on top of it, legs spread outwards

The book was a documentary about all animals life that was known and discovered, so it was really thick

I opened to the cat section and started reading to eri
"The cat is a domestic species of small carnivorous mammal. It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family...."

I continued and eri kept pointing out to the cats pictures and asked how their names is pronounced

Little moments like this was enough to keep us smiling in this hell hole

We weren't scared or terrified of anything, we were relaxed with the presence of each other

Although with us being together, moments like this was not common, but it wasn't rare either

"Sister..." eri turned to look at me

I hummed in response, "Do you think I can... Pet one?"

Question like this always made my heart ache hearing it, because she barely got to live her life before this

While I had 11 years worth of memories of the outside, she didn't

She can barely remember what was life outside of this walls

"Ofcource as soon as we're free, I'll bring you to see all types of cat okay"

She beamed with happiness "Even the naked one??" she looks at me with hope

I giggled at the comment she made about the Sphynx, but I didn't bother to correct her, "Yes even the naked one... I promise"

I let both of our horn touch to pact the promise between her

Her's was on the right and mine was on the left side of our heads

We continued our reading about cats and it was really interesting to know about different breed of one species

And how much they sleep and clean themselves

Eris' gaze went back to the pictures of cats and her hands was touching the Sphynx or as she said 'naked one' picture

Eris' gaze went back to the pictures of cats and her hands was touching the Sphynx  or as she said 'naked one' picture

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Her finger was moving from side to side on the head of the 2D cat as if petting it

'If only moments like this last'

Enhance :eri sisterWhere stories live. Discover now