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Us by Oxford definition :- used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition.

Us by Oxford definition :- used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition

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Deku P.O.V

"Oh, heros!" The public point us out

Mirio-san and I were waving back and doing our patrol

"I-I'm nervous," stuttering a conversation with mirio-san

"you must atleast gone on patrol at your internship"

The conversation continued smoothly until a small kid bumped onto my side

"Ah- i'm sorry that must've hurt" I reach out my hand to her

Only to stop when I saw her flinched

"can you stand? are you okay?" Both of my hands came to help her get up only to feel her body intensely trembling by the touch

"Now you can't do that.... You can't go around causing trouble for the hero" stood a grown man with a plague mask, "I'm sorry about my daughter, hero. She likes to play around and get hurt a lot, I don't know what to do with her" he apologized to us

'shie hassaikai, chisaki! The man nighteye is looking for'

"Whoa there buddy your hood and mask fall off, looks like the sizes are off." mirio-san exclaimed while making me wear my mask on

'Ah- i must have given away a 'no-way' expression' realizing what I did

"We're sorry for bumping into her too" Mirio-san apologized

The tall man : Chisaki Kai eyed both of us, "It's my first time seeing you two heroes, what agency do you belong to?"

"Aah right we're new and we're still nervous about it! It's not subtle to us to be in any agencies yet" Mirio-san semi-answered

"Come let's go back home eri" overhaul spoke

The little girl named eri clutches my hero costume tighter begging to stay with tears pricking from her eyes

"D-don't go... he-help us"

Chills run down my spine "Your daughter..... Seems scared"

"That's because she got a scolding" bluntly he retorted

"Her limbs are all bandaged...."

"she falls a lot, it normal." Chisaki Kai shrugged it off like nothing

"For a small child to be trembling without making a sound, I don't think it's normal"

It was evident and no matter how you look at it, this is not normal

A hero wouldn't just let a small scared child go, once we put our costume and go out the streets we're.....


Chisaki sighed "heros today are so sensitive, they even assume things that are normal," then he ask us to come with him

I picked up the ssmall trembling child and nodded at mirio-san, agreeing to go with the man into the alleyway

As we walked inside the dark alley, he started talking again with hand gestures "actually recently I had a lot of problems with eri, she keeps on defying me no matter what I say"

'Abuse?' I thought out by the small analysis I gathered

"Parenting huh? Must be hard" Mirio-san casually keeping his cool, and kept the small talk going

"Yes children are hard to understand they feel like they can and will become someone..........they seriously think that" slowly turning his head 90 degrees looking at us

And at the same moment eri-chan quickly got off from my hold and ran to her father, holding his gloved hands

"What, done with your tantrums already?" the man asked eri

Eri nodded looking down, "she's always like this, I'm sorry you had to listen to my problems too"

I wanted to step forward and grabbed eri-chan back but Mirio-san stopped me

"we're not chasing after them... Didn't you see he shows his killing intent to forced her back to him. If we chased them too far, it'll be harder to catch him. Let's ask sir what to do" explain Mirio-san

We walked out from the dark alley and met with sir nighteye at the corner of the street

Subtly we explained the situation to him and with the new information of the yakuza leader having a daughter

He nodded taking in the new lead of info and gave us the first plan

-Wait and see what the villains wants and does

Before my first day of internship had ended

All of this leaves a heavy feeling inside my heart and a question in my head.....

'help Us?'

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