Chapter 23

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Things could not get any stranger right now. What in the fuck was going on here? 

Jo looked absolutely sick to her stomach, and getting paler by the moment. 

"What is going on with me Damion, I feel super sick."

"Ok, lay back down, you need to rest."

As I straightened myself up to stand, I too, wasn't feeIling well. I felt lightheaded, and confused.
Jo moaned and rolled over, as if she might be sick all over the bed, and at that exact moment, my mother walked in, with Dante tight on her heels. My mother had a look of despair shown all over her beautiful features. That only stood to frighten me further also making me furious with rage. 
"Damion, Dante must take her now. Let him tend to her."
This could not be happening at all, there was no fucking way I had to hand her over. I did what my mother said, why was she still being sent to him?

"Wait, that isn't going to fly. Mother, Joelle knew nothing about the vampire world, he had to have tricked her, this isn't right!"

My mother looked at my brother and then me, a look of utter sadness took over her face.
"This might have to go to the courts, I don't know."
Then the devil spoke.Adding fuel to my inner fire.

"No matter what the fucking courts say, she is mine, and I am going to her now, let go of me."

My mother nodded, and they let my brother go to her. She was still out of it, moaning like she was in pain. Then she started writhing all over the bed. It started out slow, and then began to look as if she was having a seizure.
He ran to her side, while my mother placed a hand on my shoulder, and Antonio who came from no where tried to calm me. I had no choice, I had to let her go to him is what he whispered in my ear. They would fight in within the courts, but he would win. He would always win. I would always lose everything. That was just the way it was I guess. I wanted to let go, convinced myself I had to, that my mother was wrong. She had to be wrong. I was clinging on to things. I had to let go. Taking one last look towards Jo, I turned around giving up, and walked out the door.

"Mother, I am afraid that you are wrong."

I had to voice this as I left the room, knowing that this was some fucked up mistake. Who on earth is afraid of their blood bonded mate? A vow so sacred that it bends all.

I walked out of the door, with Antonio quickly leaving the room as well, hot on my tail.

"What are you doing Damion, we cant leave her with him! Queen, please surely there is something that you can do."

"I have done all that I can do, do not give up so easily Damion, everything has just begun."

"Mother what are you talking about? Dante wins, he does every time. She has a connection with him, but so do I. When do I win?"

"As do you, as does Antonio."

"This doesn't make any sense, I am leaving."

"Damion, it is still your duty to be her guardian and care for her. Dante can not take that away from you, it has been ordered by the elders. And such duties can not be ignored, even by you."

I was torn, how could it be that I would have these feelings for a girl, my mother force me to mark her not once, but twice! All for it to turn out that she belonged to my brother, and yet, I was still to be her guardian?

"There is some sick twisted shit going on here, and I refuse to be a part of it any longer!"

Anger taking over every inch of me as I stood there in the hall in front of Jo's room. A feeling of comfort as I started to walk away. The feeling that part of her was still around me. Non the less, the walls rattling with my anger. Heat filling my body, as I let the anger flow through me like the blood swirling in my veins. The anger pumped through me like a drug. I wanted more. Needed more.


I turned to him, fury in every single step I took.

"Holy shit Damion."


"Your eyes..."

"What about them?"

"Your voice, what the fuck?"
I didn't have time to play these games with Antonio, I needed to leave this place. Shake the anger.

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