Chapter 42

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MY mind was racing as I traveled through out the house in my search for Billy. Finding him in his room was probably the best for me. I needed to toss all of my thoughts to him, see what he thought. See if he was able to find anything about about Angelina. I could not get the picture of my mothers face out of my mind. The way that she spoke about Angelina, the glint in her eyes, the shimmer of home, and the slight fear that she wore on her face. What was this about,  my mother sworn to so much secrecy. And still I believed there was so much that she did not know, so much that Angelina would have to find out on her own. I would get my hands on and elder, of the royal guard. They would tell me more, they had to.

"Hey, Damion? Are you good? Your eyes, they shift in color when you're angry. We should start keeping notes on the changes taking place in you. Tell me what is going on, I will swear an oath of secrecy."

I thought it over, Billy was my best friend. More like a brother to me than my biological brother. 

"Billy, I love you like a brother, but I need you to swear the oath. The royal oath."

Billy got up grabbing a knife from his pocket, got on bended knees if front of me.

"I give my blood oath to keep all of your secrets, and never tell a soul. Should I break this oath, I shall die at your hands."

He cut his palm, and handed me the knife. I cut mine as well. We shook on it, combining our blood. If he broke it, death would find him at my hands, and I would have no control over that, no way to change that. Sparks flew from our combined hands, sealing in the oath. There was no way to heal the scar that would form. A constant reminder of the oath. Billy got up and traveled to his desk. Taking notes of all that I would tell him, all that he would probably already know. He wasn't stupid, and he watched everything with a mindful eye.

"So,we know that you can move things with your mind. Seems that you can so far only do that when your eyes turn black, when you get angry. What do they call that? Let me look that up in one of the school books I still have, hold on."

 Billy walked over to his bookcase in the far corner of the room, tapping on each book like he was playing the piano. He stopped on one and pulled it out going through the pages rather quickly. Excitement pushing through his eyes.

"Here it is...Telekinesis, also known as Psychokinesis (PK) is simply the ability to move an object in some manner without coming into physical contact with it. In essence, it is the psychic ability to use the power of the mind to manipulate a specific target and conform it to your will. An ability that has not been seen in centuries."

He looked up at me, bewildered.

"Centuries? What the actual fuck?"

"Don't get all worked up yet, remember we are putting together a list. Then we will research more. What else have you noticed?"

I thought about it, there were some things that I really didn't want to share. We made an oath. He was my closest friend, I had to confide in someone. 

"I am not sure yet, other than that. My anger is hard to control, I feel as if there is someone else inside of me. A beast that wants out."

"Holy shit Damion, why didn't you tell me?"

"That was when I was able to throw DAnte across the room. The beast inside of me became angry, and kinda took over. The same with Angelina. We had projected sexual thoughts to each other, then the beast took over my thoughts. He was more rough, and animalistic than I would ever be. That scared her, and I had no control over it."

"Shit, ok. Gives me something else to look into I guess. Although I cannot fathom where to start on that one. "

"Tell me about it. Seems like Angelina arrived in my life and that is when all of this started. After I marked there I think."

"If and when you bond with her, I think that is when shit is going to get in high gear. I don't think you should bond with her, until we have uncovered more information. Until we can control whatever is going on inside of you."

"I think you are correct. These things are all off balance for me. I can't explain half of it. I am afraid that this beast will hurt her."

"Anything new happens, come and get me and we can add it to the list. It will help with my investigation, the more information I have."

"I am worried, and afraid of what is happening in me. I worry for myself, but most of all for her. She has been through so much with that mother fucker. How can I put her through even more. I swore to protect her. I just never thought I would be protecting her from me."

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