Chapter 38

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Myself and Antonio were waiting outside the room that my mother and Jo were in. Billy went back to his room, not wanting to intrude. This was making me anxious. Before I could even open my mouth to voice this to Antonio, the door swung open. There stood jo, and my breathe caught in my throat temporarily. Her hair was down and wild. Dark as night, and beautiful. She was in a night gown. So pretty white and frilly. Her eyes as big as saucers, light hazel, and full of wonder. Her lips, perfect and pouty. I just wanted to pull her close, but I knew it was wrong at the moment. Her scent, that was what pushed me closer to the edge. It was amazing, and tempting. Even though Antonio gave her his blood, I did not smell anything of him on her at all, and that was calming. 

"The Queen wants to speak with everyone together, come in."

I nodded towards her, and entered the room. My mother was sitting on the bed, and Jo leaned against the wall. Antonio and Jo were looking at each other like they were having some secret conversation. My mother looking regal sitting on the bed in her gown, was wide eyed watching Jo. I wasn't sure what that was about, but I would worry about that another time.

"Hello my son. I wanted to speak to Jo before everyone, there were somethings that I had to inform her of before I sat with all of you. I went to see the elders, and they have told me somethings I will share. I will also have to admit to you all, that I knew a little bit about Jo, for a long long time I knew that she was coming. I was waiting for her for so long. She was placed by the elders to be involved with this family. She was lost for a while, everyone second guessing her authenticity. That's not here nor there. For now you all need to know that she was expected, and she is needed for the future of this race. She has no witch in her, and I am not sure why Antonio suspected that in the first place. That is one hundred percent false. Also, her name is not Jo."

"Wait, what the hell are you going on about mother?"

"The elders sent her to help the race. She is important to both you and your brother. Both of you have parts of her. She must decide for herself. Although, I know that she is meant for you Damion. There are many things that I cannot tell you. Many things from here on out will require you guys to figure out, and for Jo to learn on her own. Her real name is Angelina."

"Holy shit."

Antonio was cursing now. Great, and this still made no sense.


"I have had dreams of an Angelina. I never saw her face though. I just knew that I had to protect her. It was in my blood and veins. I just knew what I had to do. "

"Yes, Antonio. You will learn many things about yourself during training. Have patience, and absorb everything you learn. Sometimes my son becomes so hot headed, he refuses to see things that are right in front of him. Also, Angelina will need protection. No one is to leave her alone, ever. Is this understood? Angelina, I am going to ask that you do not put yourself in danger by taking off by yourself."

"I understand, and I will not venture off on my own without protection."

"Mother, surely you have more to tell us. More that will help us understand, because so far, I still don't understand anything."

"I have given you her name, and I have told you all that you will learn much more as she starts her schooling and training. There will be two elders that will be arriving shortly. They are going to be running some of the classes. This is important as you know, the elders do not make themselves seen often."

"Holy shit, what in the fuck?"

"Have patience, and know that if I can hint to anything over the next few months, I will. I will guide you in the direction you need to go whenever I can. Don't push. I am under strict rules here. Rules that I cannot break. The elders will be speaking to the three of you separate, for they have things they must tell each of you about yourselves. This was the deal that they made, I had to oblige."

"So you are telling me that Jo-Angelina was sent to this family on purpose. She accidentally wound up at my brothers feet when she should have been with me? Now she has a connection to both of us, but she belongs to me. Even with all this, she will still need to chose. Is this a going to be a fight between good and evil? Because I'm telling you mother, I won't be on the good side at this point. What kind of fuckery are the elders playing at right now? What are they up to, and when the hell are they getting here?"

Just as my mother was about to leave the room, before I could make eye contact with Jo, I mean Angelina, she passed out. Thank god Antonio was watching her.

"She needs blood. Make sure she gets that and some much needed rest. I will send for you when the elders get here."

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