chapter 9

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We shared secrets for a while, until she went in and out of consciousness. Then she was off the charts again, and so was I. Finding self control was near impossible at this moment. I didn't know what to do with this girl. The need for her was getting stronger and I didn't understand it. I wanted her, I wanted all of her. Right here, right now. I didn't give a fuck if I was rough. I wanted her against this wall screaming and fighting and turned on. I wanted to fuck her so bad I could taste it. Keeping my weight pushed against her pinning her hard to the wall. Feeling my energy swirl around the room like a heavy cloud. Seeping through my skull, wanting me to fuck her, get her under me as fast and as hard as I possibly could. No other thoughts. I grabbed the bottom of her beautiful night gown and hiked it up her creamy thighs. God, I wanted to taste touch and lick every fucking inch of her. I wanted to bite her, and drink from her. Bind myself to her, fuck her all night long. To hell with the what's and whys. To hell with our culture, and our regulations and rules. Fuck it all.

I grazed my teeth along her neck, smelling her blood, feeling her heart beat, plump and healthy. Excited, and fluid. The pulse in her neck so rapid. I wanted to be rammed inside her while I drank from her, over and over again. Even knowing what that would mean, what that would do to the both of us. Didn't care in this moment, just wanted it.

"Damion, please I need you. It's so hot, and I am hurting, please help me."

I wanted to help her. and a quick fuck would be great. I knew that I could not do that without biting her and binding her to me for life. I couldn't do that without her knowing and understanding what would happen here. That would be so unfair, I couldn't bring myself to do that. I could however play with her. I would be helping her, making her feel better, I would be able to pleasure her over and over again, and just live with my hard on. No problem.

Who the fuck was I kidding, if I tasted her right now, made her come... I would wet my pants for sure. This girl had made me harder than I have ever been in my life. What was this?

"I cant' have sex with you. This has to stop, I can't. I want to touch you and taste you though, so much."

I got on my knees, pushing her harder against the wall while lifting her ass up and wrapping her legs around my neck, allowing her to sit on my shoulders. No. Fucking. panties. Fuuuuuck.

I pushed my entire face into her core, and she screamed. Screamed. She was right though, she was throbbing already. She was pink and swollen. Her smell, hit me like an avalanche. Sweet, and creamy. I licked her with a wide tongue from the bottom all the way up to her folds. She was shaved bare, and I knew the warmth of my wide tongue covering her entirety from bottom up would have her quivering with sensory overload. She was right there, and ready to release. I did that several times, and then took two fingers and plunged them all the way up to where I wanted to be buried inside her. That was all it took. She was writhing and squirming and jumping all over the place. Legs shaking, body quivering. I didn't quit either. I Pushed my tongue into her as she tried to ride it out until her throat was sore from screaming.

It was the single most hottest thing I have ever seen in my life.

"Baby you taste incredible. Are you okay?"


She was done for right now, ready to pass out. I carried her to her bed, covering her and slipping away to let her rest easy. She needed to be cleaned but I didn't want to disturb her from rest. I would give her a bath when she woke. I did a double check on the ac unit, and stood there for a minute to take her in.
I still had so much to tell her, so much to explain, so much to show her. I wanted to be, and was was going to be who she drank from when she needed blood. I wouldn't have it any other way. Fuck That.

Didn't that just make me a selfish mother fucker? Wanting her even though she had no idea what I was. No idea what she was herself. So wrong.

I needed to find out what that mother fucker did to her. Who he was, where he was. To show her that she was safe now. I would kill that bastard when I found out whatever he did to her. I knew that. It couldn't be avoided. I felt an attachment to this girl, from the moment I saw her. Even though I did not want to , I cant help myself. I'm not sure what is going on, but I plan on hanging around, and seeing where this goes.  I won't avoid my feelings. Have I not been hurt enough? Have I not been lonely enough.? I was hurt, angry and lonely for so long. How long could that last? Maybe she was sent to me for a reason, and I needed to pay attention to that. Amazing that this girl shows up and turns my world inside out. All the years I refused to be  involved with anyone, and in this split second I met her, it all changed.  Why don't I just let go and take her for mine.

demon loverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon