Chapter 35

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Antonio took me by the hand into the bathroom. I knew that I had been out of it for a while, but didn't realize what a mess I was. I glanced in the mirror, my mistake. My cheeks had hallowed out, with dark circles lining my eyes. Lip chapped, hair a wreck. My eyes though, they were lifeless at the moment. Dull, unhappy, tired. Antonio stood stock still next to me. Watching me, as I looked myself over in the mirror. Tilting my head in the mirror to look back at him, watching the sadness in his eyes for me. I decided to say nothing, not sure my words could even convey how I felt. Bless him, he knew that I was not up for conversation. 

"I know, that this must be so difficult for you. I am here, when you need me. I have the water running, Why don't you take a long hot shower. Relax as much as you can, I will go get you some food. Even if you are not feeling hungry, you need your strength. You must eat. You will also need some blood, and I can offer that as well. Do you wish to see anyone?"

The stream from the shower was drifting into the entire room, feeling the warmth made me feel alive. I nodded towards Antonio, I wished to see no one. I just wanted this time to relax to myself. He left the room quietly. Deciding not to waste time, I undressed and climbed into the hot shower. The bathroom was beautiful, and I knew that I should enjoy it. Surrounded by beautiful marble, the shower was large enough for several people. The flow  of the water over head was just right, the temp perfect. I took my time washing my body, about to wash my hair, when an overwhelming feeling of sadness washed over me like ice water. I cried, and let it all out. I sat on the floor of the shower, embracing the heat, and allowing myself to cry. Lost inside my head once again, fearing the worst of everything. Was I supposed to be this emotional? Was that part of turning into a vamp? just when I thought my tears were dry, they started again, only this time my body shook, and my cries were loud. Not the cute girly cries. These were the all out, ugliest cries you could imagine. 

"Jo? " 

I knew that Antonio would find me. 


He entered the room, sorrow ebbing off of him in waves. He immediately shut the water off, something about it being ice cold. I could no longer feel the water on my body, was it cold? I looked up at him in confusion. Letting the embarrassment of being naked go, I allowed him to pic me up with a towel in hand. He was the perfect gentlemen, but I knew if anyone saw us right now there would be a war. With the existing war already raging between the two brothers, I did not want to add anymore to that. He carried me over to the big chair next to the bed, right outside the bathroom. 

"Please, you must eat, and snap out of this. I promise it will get better. Everything will get better in time. Let me find you something to wear. Something easy to get on. Do you have any dresses here?"

I hugged the towel around me tighter, and pointed to the suitcase I had yet to empty. I knew that I had one long summer dress. It was a plain black spaghetti strap summer dress. 

"Yes, the black one, found it."

How did he know I meant that one? 

"Antonio? How did you know that I wanted the black one? I did not say that out loud."

We both looked at each other in total confusion. He handed me the dress. I pulled it over my head, and down. When I stood up, he turned around to give me privacy. When I was dressed, I walked over to the tray that he had brought into the room. There was some fruit cut up, and a few wrap varieties. Not bad, as I went through everything the scents made my tummy grumble. I sat down to eat a wrap and some fruit. I did not forget about how he read my thoughts, but I waited for him to answer me as I filled my hungry tummy.

"I was able to hear your thoughts. Strange, but I am not surprised by anything anymore. Not right now, and not with you. Anything seems to be possible. Let's see how this goes. Could be beneficial, especially if I am looking after you and you need something or you are in any kind of trouble. Let's test it."

Okay at least he was not freaking out. I waited as I ate, and then I heard him.

"How do you feel?"

"Okay, I hear you. You asked how I feel. Now how do I answer you, and can you always hear my thoughts?"

"No, not entirely, but then again. I have not really been paying attention. It does require attention. How do you feel anyway? You look a bit better, the coloring is coming back into your face."

I was glad. Before I started my next thought, he came through again.

"We have company. The Queen, I can try and get rid of her, but she is the Queen. "

I tried to have a thought, and I think it went through. He nodded.

"Yes, no sense avoiding her, let us see what she has to say."

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