Chapter 37

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Please note, when ever the characters are speaking telepathically, it will be in italics


Antonio reluctantly left, only after the Queen had reassured him that I would be safe with her, and that she would not allow Dante anywhere near me.

"It bill be okay, I am going to find Damion, let him know that she is here. I will not be far."

I nodded once in his direction, and that did not go unnoticed by the Queen. She waiting thoughtfully as Antonio left the room. I admired her beauty, and her grace. She moved with such delicacy it was hard to believe she was real. Her long beautiful locks wrapped up in a high bun. Her Navy blue gown falling perfectly on all of her curves. I did notice she was barefoot, and I admired her even more for that. Could you imagine walking in high heels all day and night? Hell no. I would not want to do that either. She walked towards the windows, and I immediately remembered how she sat with me when I was in my head, and far away in the breeze of the trees. She was so calming, so light. Her eyes though, they were thoughtful, and serious. Almost exactly like Damion, so different then Dante. They were also soft, and held a lot of emotion. More so than I thought. She also had a cautious aura about her at the moment. I was not sure if that was a good thing, if I should be nervous. Whatever it was that she had to talk about had to come out one way or another whether I was prepared for it or not. I needed answers, and if she had them, even if I was scared, I needed to hear it. She turned to me and sat softly on the edge of the huge bed. 

"Please, come sit with me my darling, as we do have lots to discuss."

Following her lead, I sat on the other side of the bed. Grabbing a pillow to place on my lap so that I had something to do with my hands. 

"I have a confession. I knew that you were coming. I was waiting for you."

"How is that possible?"

"I have this book that the elders had given me. When I went to set them this morning, they told me many things I already knew from the book they gave me. There is so much more that I do not know however, so much that they do not know. There has been a battle raging since the beginning of time, A great battle of good, and bad. Neither side winning. The balance never tipped, always even."

Okay, I was lost at whatever it was she was talking about. So I just let her continue, until I could catch on, or ask questions. She was such a calm but intense presence. 

"There are some things that you need to know now, and lots of things that you will learn when you are being schooled. First, let's start with your name. Your name is not JoJo. Your name is Angelina. I know this because the elders were waiting for you as well, and they made sure that you were placed well. What happened after that no one is really sure. Apparently there were some misunderstandings, and confusion on the authenticity of who you were. Then of course there was the disruption that my younger son decided to cause. Placing himself right in the center of things. That has always been his way, you see, when they were younger they always felt the need to compete. That pushed Dante in a different direction, and he decided to side with a different level. It all went rolling downhill there after. Damion and Dante are on different sides now you see. It will be up to you to decide how you proceed. They both have a piece of you which is what the back and forth is all about. You were meant to belong to Damion. He will need you more than ever over the next few months. He is going through his own changes, and without you, without your light, he will surely fail. He will fall, and all will be forsaken. Enough of this for now though, right now, we need to get you well, healthy and trained. Please understand under the laws of the elders, I am only allowed to say so much. I am on your side, and will hint to anything and everything I can to help you. I am quite fond of you Angelina."

"Angelina? Wow, that makes so much sense. I have never felt like me. Like myself. I don't know how to put in into words. Angelina..."

"I know how you feel, and I understand how you can be stuck on that part."

"Yes, but I'm taking everything in, even the stuff you said about good and bad , and different sides. How Damion and Dante are on different sides. I want to ask you some questions as well."

"I would like to hear the questions you have, although I may not be able to answer them."

"Damion, is changing. When I was out of it, I sensed strange things with him. Whenever he entered the room it was as if two people entered. No one else does that. Do you know why?"

"I think this is all I should say for now. You will learn a lot more when you start your classes. Oh, and before I forget. I should tell you that there is no witch in you. I realize that Antonia thought there was, but he was mistaken."

"Okay, I'm not sure what that means, but perhaps the boys will. I am unfamiliar with all of this stuff."

"Open the door, they are all waiting on the other side. They are anxious to know what they can, and make sure that you are safe. Have patience, for the path that you are on will be long and difficult."


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