chapter 10

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After watching her for hours...she started to stir.

"Yea baby?"

"I'm cold now. and I'm still tired and hungry."

Her voice was so rough, and she sounded sore. I was proud of myself I couldn't even lie. I know it showed. I was sporting the biggest smirk, what an asshole I am.

"Rest, and I will  bring you some food."

Walking towards her, I felt  her forehead. She was no longer burning up. The  change was starting, but she wasn't there yet. We were safe for a little while. I covered her again with the blanket, and then made the mistake of looking into her eyes.

"You look so different sometimes, within your eyes. Sometimes you look at me with this look, and your eyes...they sparkle. That must sound silly. It didn't sound as silly when I thought it. Saying it out loud however, is a different story altogether. I'm sorry. Other times I catch you glancing at me, and you look as if you hate me altogether. '

She was giving me those big doe eyes, and damn if I just didn't want to melt into her and live there for days. Where was this feeling coming from?

"I don't hate you. I hate the idea of you." And that I did.

I didn't want to say anymore. She looked sad but was smart enough at that moment to let it go. Thank god. I didn't even know how to explain myself anyway. Needing to get out of there as fast as possible, I took off to the kitchen and put my hands on the counter, hanging my head down. Desperate  to control my racing thoughts and emotions. What was this girl doing to me?

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

That's when I heard the elevator beep. Someone was coming up to my fucking penthouse. Now was definitely not the time for visitors. I didn't think I had the energy to deal with anyone else other than Jo today. It was so emotionally draining for me, especially when I had not felt emotion in such a long long time. I didn't know if it was a good thing right now. It was less stressful when I didn't feel emotion, refused to feel it, chasing it away. Never having to worry about getting hurt again. Never. Being able to care enough if I hurt someone else.

Taking long strides to get to my room, I changed into a shirt and joggers. I didn't know who it was, or why they were here. I certainly did not want anyone else knowing about Jo. I did not want to have to explain to any one what was going on between us, whatever the fuck that was. I then paddled into the main living area with bare feet, only to be met by Antonio. Antonio with the inquisitiveness of a 16 year old teenage girl. FML

"Ah Sir Damion. how fare thee?"

"Antonio, what can I do for you?"


He strolled around the living area looking and touching whatever he pleased, paying no fucking mind to me at all. In his dressed up attire, looking as devilish as ever.

"The girl, The one I met at school. Is she yours?"

"Jo? No she isn't." Was he seeing through me?

"She is going to be a new vampling, and she has no idea. How odd is that these days

"It is what it is." I shoved my hands in my pockets, trying to seem uninterested in this conversation.

"Hm. Let me show her some things, you seem to close to the situation, and I think  you have feelings for her, I can tell that already. What's going on?"

"Fuck off Antonio."

"Well, I felt tingles when we touched. I will continue to explore her, and if you have no attachments....."

He looked up and past me. It was then I realized from the scent of her coming up on me real quick,  Jo Jo had been standing in the door way of her room. In her white nightgown, covered in sweat, and a haze in her eyes. Now I just wanted to pummel Antonio for seeing her like this.

"Hello darling."

He strode over to her, and took her back into her room, and before shutting the door, swagged a nasty smirk.

No, before I got crazy. I needed her to make correct decisions about things. so I tried to relax, and went to the kitchen to get her something to eat. I could not lead on to Antonio that there was something there. He was a unique vampire. old too. If he saw something in Jo, then it was not my imagination. She had no history as far as I knew. I had this nagging feeling though, that she was going to be powerful...and very important.

I took a deep breath and made a tray to bring to her room. When I got to the door I heard nothing. I was tempted to knock, but instead chose to just enter the room.

"I have brought your meal. Hope this makes you feel slightly better." I placed the tray on the dresser.

Jo was sitting in her bed, off in space it looked like. She was looking at me, but right through me. It was as if I was not even standing there, and neither was she. I turned to look at Antonio.

"What happened." I asked trying to keep my voice level, and my anger hidden.

"I put her in a trance. She is not herself. She was omitting all kinds of emotions. She thought about hurting herself."

"What the fuck... why?" My stomach began to churn at a pace I was unfamiliar with.

"She is confused, and scared. There is someone chasing her. She knows it because she is feeling some of her powers. She feels the chase. Who ever is chasing her is a very scary person. It is a vampire, powerful. She was his, and she ran from him. "


I never imagined it was a vampire, and I never imagined that she would belong to him. She ran from him.? He would cause all kinds of havoc when he found her. Shit. This just got tons more complicated. Yes another sign that I should leave her alone. But would we have to protect her? I'm sure she ran for a reason. I wouldn't let him hurt her, I didn't  give a fuck who he was.

"Yes, but she bares no mark. She has not been marked, no scents. Her blood, it's pure. She has yet to drink from anyone or allow anyone to drink from her. Yet, this vampire is powerful enough to have her claimed to him to an extent, not many can do that.  Here she is though, willing to go to great lengths to get away from him.

"Fuuck. fuck and fuck. I don't want her to hurt herself.  Who ever this guy is, she is scared of him, we cant let him near her."

"You care for her, although you are afraid."

"Get out of my fucking head Antonio. You know it is forbidden to read the mind of Royal."

I'm not reading your mind, I'm seeing into hers. I can see what she has seen. Feel what she has felt. This is new for me, she is projecting it to me, she is more than vampling,  she is witchling as well."

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