Chapter 36

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I sat with Billy while he reached out to everyone that he knew trying to find out anything he could. Until I had an idea.

"My mother won't see me yes, but like I said to Antonio, she went to speak with the elders, so I expect to hear something back from her. In the meantime, let us go check the library. There are some old ass books in there. Perhaps we can find something, anything in there. Maybe even enough to guide us in the right direction."

Billy stopped what he was doing, looking at me thoughtfully. 

"There is a book, I know there is. I remember seeing it when I was younger. It was a book on demons and angels. Your mother would always have it with her. It just dawned on me now. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I know that it is very old, and significant. Let's go find it."

"Demons and Angels? How odd, why would my mother be reading stuff like that?"

"Only one way to find out, let's go search your mother's library."

Once we agreed on that , even though I had no fucking idea what that book would be about or why it would be relevant, we headed towards the library.

"Hello boys, good afternoon."

Before we could get very far, we ran straight into Dante.

"What are you still doing here?"

This mother fucker was nervy enough to smirk.

"As long as Jo is here, I will be here. Deal with it."

I glanced at Billy, knowing full well that we were on a mission, searching for a book. I certainly did not want Dante to know what we were up to. Billy nodded, he knew what was up.


We both watched as Dante walked away, laughing as he left. Who knows what he was up to, or where he was headed. I knew that Antonio was with Jo, and that she would be protected while she was here. Dante would no longer be able to get to her, she would never be alone. From here on out, one of us would always be with her. I just hope that she pulled out of her funk quickly. As we entered the library, Billy knew exactly where to go. There was a section in the corner of the library with very old books. He pulled one out that was covered in dust, but not it.

"It isn't here. I just went through all of them. That one is missing, but I bet I know who has it."

"My mother would have it, perhaps. If that is the case we will never get it. If that book holds answers of any kind, she will not let anyone get to it. I know my mother, if she has the answers, she is going to hold them until she is good and ready to let us all know whats going on. If she knows things, then she is holding off for a reason. You know as well as I do, that if she is holding anything back, it is to protect us. It has to be, and I don't think that she would work this hard to protect Dante. She hardly knows Jo, so I don't know."

"Heads up, Antonio is coming in."

My head almost blew. "Where is jo, is she alone?"

This was the first time that I had seen Antonio not by her side. Even though that pissed me off, I knew that she would be protected. Now I was nervous.

"She is with the Queen, and the Queen asked for privacy. Jo is up and moving. She snapped out of it, somewhat this afternoon."

"Wait, what do you mean somewhat?"

Antonio looked at my and Billy, not sure if he should talk in front of him.

"We are all on the same page here, and we are all working together, so speak."

"She snapped out of it, and was able to wash up, and eat. I left her alone to shower while I prepared some food for her. When I came back an hour later, I found her on the floor in the shower, under cold water. I let her have some time for herself. I did not realize that she was still breaking down. She was hysterical on the shower floor. I covered her, helped her, and made sure she ate. As soon as she started eating your mother came in. She demanded to speak to her alone. She told me to come and find you, and let you know what she will need to talk to all of us."

I heard half of what he said, but the beast in me found that I was stuck on one part.

"You helped her out of the shower?"

"I did, but you have to know that I respect her, and I did not violate her in any way. Nor would I ever. She was safe with me, always will be."

I was not going to allow the beast to come through. I knew that he was being honest with me. He would never disrespect her, and he would always protect her. No matter how angry I was that I could not be there for her, I had to refrain from losing my shit.

"Did you feed her your blood again?"

"I did not. I would have, because she needs that,  but your mother made it seem urgent that she speak to Jo straight away."

"Look, I am refraining from being angry, and jealous. Make sure you feed her, and she is well taken care of . She needs everyone to look out for her right now, I am sure that she us confused and shit. Her mind is probably scrambled. We all have to do what we can for her."

I had to pull myself together, for her sake. 

"Let's wait and see what the Queen has to say. Maybe she found something out, and she can guide us to what we should do next."

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