Missing Marimo

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Now coming back to the evening in question, Zoro came over to play with Saro. Saro was at the moment busy trying to make his teddy sit straight on his toy car while he moved the car but to no avail.

Zoro: (after watching for a moment) "What are you playing Saro?"

Saro: (still trying to make the teddy sit straight) "Mama sit car"

[Author: For the reader's information Saro loved his "mama" and "papa" the most. When Saro was younger and Zoro had to leave on business trips, Saro always cried his eyes out when Zoro was about to leave. So, Sanji made a green marimo plush toy for him and told him that it was "small papa" and that it would play with him till his "big papa" returned. The innocent chibi had accepted this explanation and held on to the plushie calling it "papa".

One day however, Saro came to Sanji and asked for a "mama" showing him the "papa" plushie. Sanji understood that Saro wanted a plush toy to call "mama" and play with. Sanji got him a yellow coloured teddy that had a smaller blue coloured teddy attached to its belly. Sanji told Saro that the bigger teddy was "mama" and the smaller one was Saro, who was sitting on mama's lap. Saro was overjoyed with the toy.

Currently, Saro was trying to make this ("mama" + Saro) teddy sit on top of his car but it was falling down every time he tried.]

Zoro: "Ok. Let me see that."

Zoro tied the legs of the teddy bear to the car, propping it into a sitting position with the help of a string.

Saro was so impressed with Zoro's handiwork that his big green eyes glinted with joy and he jumped into his papa's lap saying, "Saro papa wuv"

Zoro: (kissing Saro's forehead) "I love you too."

Then Saro got down from his papa's lap and started playing with the car. At one point the toy car hit the marimo plushie lying close by. Saro crawled over to it and decided to put the marimo on the car as well. However, with the teddy occupying most of the space on the toy car's roof and the marimo being a round object it would not sit there and came rolling down.

Saro: "Mama hit papa down."

Zoro who had just been kicked out (not literally) of the kitchen by Sanji got pissed off at this comment.

Zoro: (angry) "Your mama didn't kick anyone down. Just bring those toys here I'll make it sit on the car."

[Author: Saro said that his mama had "hit" papa down. I wonder why Zoro said Sanji didn't "kick" anyone.]

Saro paid no heed to this and instead started playing this new game of his "mama" hitting his "papa" with the car that he found more interesting. As the marimo plushie rolled further away Saro crawled after it with the car shouting, "Hit papa! Hit papa!", merrily.

Zoro was left dumbfounded at the place. After a while, Zoro got up and pulling a chair sat at the kitchen counter gloomily. Sanji was busy cooking and had his back towards Zoro. Without turning Sanji placed a tray of snacks in front Zoro and continued working. Zoro however, did not start eating.

Sanji: (without turning back) "So, why the long face?"

Zoro: (mumbling) "You didn't even look at my face."

Sanji: (continues cooking) "I don't need to look back to know that the endangered species is sad. Mind sharing what has got you upset?"

Zoro: (playing with the food with his fork) "You shouldn't have made that thing for Saro, now he likes that thing more than me..."

Sanji: (looking up from the pot for a moment) "Oh! You mean his marimo "papa"?"

Zoro: (revolting) "I am his "papa" not that stupid thing! Besides you call me "marimo"!"

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