Christmas Special Episode : Part 1

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Sanji was busy preparing in the kitchen. On the drawing room floor Zoro was sitting cross legged in front of the Christmas tree. The green haired man was covered from head to toe in streamers, garlands, bells, balls and other tree décor.

Suddenly Saro came running into the room and pounced onto Zoro's back. The child remained clinging on in a koala grip till the green haired man stopped wobbling and steadied himself.

Zoro: (reprimanding) "Saro! I told you not to jump on me so suddenly...."

Sanji: (looking over the kitchen counter) "Ooooh..... So all that strength training was just for show?"

Zoro: "Urk"

The green haired man quietly resumed his work.

Sanji turned around in the kitchen and winked with his tongue sticking before resuming his work.

Meanwhile Saro scurried over his father's t-shirt to finally reach his neck. Zoro helped the chibi to properly place his legs one on each side.

Once the child was properly seated he took out a tree topper from his pocket. It was a custom made panda man that Sanji had specially ordered for Saro.

Saro: (excitedly) "Papa lets' put panda man on the tree first!"

Zoro: (smiling) "Hai. Hai."

Carefully the green haired man stood up while placing his right hand on Saro's back to support the child. The streamers and wreaths all hung from his body while some trailed on the floor.

Saro finished putting on the tree topper when Sanji came in with a bowl and placed it on the dining table. He looked up to find a perplexed Zoro who couldn't decide how to sit down without crushing the decorations all over him.

Sanji gave out a sigh and walked over to the duo.

Sanji: (stretching his arms towards Saro) "Give him here princess."

Zoro: (cheeks flushed crimson) "Who are you calling princess?"

Sanji was walking away with Saro. He turned partially and tilted his head to the right.

Sanji: (matter of fact tone) "Medusa then."

Saro: (seriously) "But Mama you said Papa is a Marimo!"

Sanji: (walking away with the child) "Yeah he is but on Christmas even marimos get promoted."

Zoro: (fuming) "Don't teach him weird things!"

After dinner Saro was decorating the fireplace with Zoro while Sanji was putting up the fairy lights.

The fireplace was done quickly and Zoro looked over to find Sanji balancing precariously one leg on the stool and the other on the back of the sofa.

Sanji craned himself while standing on an edge of the back of the sofa and successfully positioned the fairy light but suddenly lost his footing. He squeezed his eyelids shut and raised his arms in front of his face bracing for impact.

However, the impact never came. Instead Sanji felt two strong hands on either side of his waist propping him up into a steady position.

Sanji: (nonchalantly) "Hold me up. We haven't even begun with the patio."

Zoro simply nodded in reply and held onto his wife's waist.

With Zoro's help the work was quickly done and Sanji stretched himself to make the last loop of fairy lights.

As Sanji craned himself his dress shirt rose revealing his pearl white skin and perfectly toned slim waist line.

His cheeks flushed scarlet and a shiver ran down his spine as he felt Zoro's fingertips brush ever so gently down the inner edge of his waist line. 

Midori Speaks:

Hey all my dear lovely readers! Sorry for making you wait for the next chapter for like........(thinking).....forever! This was supposed to be a Christmas gift for you all but I went into hibernation before writing it...Gomennasai! But don't worry I woke up! So this is my new inclusion 'Midori Speaks' where I will communicate with all of you about......uh.....EVERYTHING! So I have a lot of new original BL story plots in my head that I want to share with you guys! (Speaking to myself: Yeah they are all still in your head! Get typing!!! My other self: ....Uwaa ....sorry don't get mad! I will do it but a bit slowly I haven't finished my assignments yet! Angry  self glaring at second self.) So please please do come back and read my stories! I hope they will add  one more smile to your day! Bye!  

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