Chibi Troubles

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The next morning Sanji felt a gentle nudge and opened his eyes. Saro was asleep, curled up near his bosom. The alarm clock showed that it was 5:30 in the morning. Sanji looked back to find Zoro sitting up with his face close to Sanji.

Sanji: (sleepy voice) "What is it?"

Zoro held up a paper close to Sanji's nose.

Zoro: "Give me one now. I got up before you!"

Sanji saw that it was the stamp chart he had given Zoro the previous night.

Sanji threw a pillow into Zoro's face and went back to sleep holding Saro.

Later that morning:

Sanji was making breakfast when Saro dashed in and clung onto Sanji's leg. Zoro came in right at the chibi's heels.

Saro: (excited) "Mama I brushed my own hair!"

Sanji: (patting the chibi's head) "Well done Saro."

Zoro: "I woke the chibi up, brushed his teeth and bathed him!"

Sanji: (confused, blinked twice) "O-Ok. Good job."

Two reward charts were held up before Sanji's eyes at this moment.

Sanji: (thinking internally) "Maybe it wasn't the best idea to give them reward charts...."

All morning Sanji was followed around the house by two chibis: marimo chibi and Saro chibi with their charts in hand.

Sanji: (annoyed, internal thought) "Feels like I have become a mother duck!"

The reasons for which the two chibis requested stamps also became wilder and wilder. For example:

During breakfast,

Saro: (excitedly) "Mama I got up on my chair! Stamp! Stamp!"

Zoro: (as he was about to leave for his office) "I wore my suit and took my bag! Give me another one!"

Sanji had had enough.

Sanji: (turning to face Zoro) "If you want to go to your work place in your birthday suit, be my guest!"

Sanji: (looking at Saro ant Zoro) "Stop pestering me for stamps, both of you! You will only get it when you do something remarkably good and I will decide when to give it to you!"

When Sanji finished Saro stealthily looked at Zoro and whispered, "Papa, what is 're- apple-ee good'?"

Zoro: (looking at his feet) "No idea."

Sanji had kept his words. Even without asking for it both Saro and Zoro were slowly progressing in their stamp collecting ordeals. Sanji gave them stamps at odd moments when they least expected.

One day Saro and Sanji were in the park when they saw an old lady. She was feeding birds but didn't notice when her bag slid down beside her and an apple fell out.

The chibi quickly picked it up and scuttled to her to return it. The woman smiled at Saro and patted his little head telling him to keep the fruit. When they returned home Sanji gave Saro another stamp.

One afternoon everyone was at home when Sanji received a voice call from Zeff.

Sanji received the call.

Zeff: (cutting off Sanji before he could speak) "Oi Chibinasu give the phone to Saro chan!"

Sanji: (confused and irritated, mumbles) "Crazy old man!"

Sanji gave the phone to Saro.

Saro: (smiling his angelic smile) "Grandpa!"

Zeff: (smiling like an idiot) "Saro chan come to grandpa whenever you want! I will give you all the stamps to fill that chart and more so you can get whatever reward you want!"

Saro: (thoughtful face) "But Grandpa, Mama says I can only get stamps when I do good things. I don't want stamp when I do no good thing!"

Zeff: (almost in tears) "My grandson is so good!" (sniffles)

Zeff: "Oi Chibinasu you better give Saro chan all those stamps or you'll be hearing from me ya hear?"

Sanji: "Hai! Hai!"

Zoro was staring intently at Sanji's back during this episode. Sanji looked back abruptly to face him.

Sanji: "What? You want to go to my old man for more stamps?"

Zoro shook his head.

Zoro: (matter of fact tone) "He would probably tear my chart if he found out."

Sanji: (thoughtfully) "Hmn. There is a high possibility of that happening."

Zoro: "Besides I want the reward from you. Why would I go to Zeff for stamps?"

Sanji: "I see..."

Sanji: (internal thought) "Does he want to ask me for a divorce as reward..."

Sanji vigorously shook his head from side to side to get rid of these thoughts.

Saro came to his Papa with his chart at this point.

Saro: (excitedly showing the chart) "Papa! Papa! Look I got new stamp!"

Zoro sprang up straight in his seat and closely scrutinized the chart. There was a new "Perfect" stamp on the chart.

Zoro dashed to Sanji who was sitting on the bed with his legs hanging from the side. The green haired man sat on the floor and showed his wife the chart.

Zoro: (complaining) "Why did you give this to the chibi? You never gave it to me!"

Sanji: (blinked twice) "Saro made a sandwich today for the first time so I gave it."

Zoro: "I'll make a hundred no a thousand of them for you so give me the best stamp there is!"

Saro: (hanging from Sanji's neck) "No Mama I want the best stamp!"

Sanji: (giving a sigh) "Ok. That's enough you two!"

Sanji left the room but he was once more followed around the house by the two chibi.

Sanji: (internal thought) "We're back to square one!"

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