Blue Marimo

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Sanji was sitting on the floor of the drawing room making final adjustments to the costume. Saro was playing with his toys near him.

Sanji: (gave a sigh of relief) "Finally it's complete!"

Saro had looked up at his Mama when Sanji beckoned him to come closer. Sanji made Saro wear the costume. The thrilled child flapped his tiny wings and turned round and round to look at his feathery tail happily.

At this point Zoro returned home from office and dropping his bag and coat on the sofa sunk into the seat beside them. Sanji noticed that Zoro was giving off a weird vibe. It was not exhaustion and definitely not anger or sickness. His eyes were not focussed. It was as though he was not present in his surroundings but lost somewhere in his thoughts.

Without saying a word to him Sanji observed the green haired man from where he was sitting.

Saro: (prancing up and down in front of Zoro) "Papa! Papa! Look at my dress!"

Zoro: (staring off into space) "Hm. It's good." (Dead voice)

The child stopped prancing and pouted. His big sparkly green eyes filled with water.

Sanji: (quickly coming to Saro's side put his hand on the back of the chibi's head) "What is it Saro?"

Saro: (complaining) "Papa is not looking at me!"

Sanji: "Don't worry he's just very tired. Why don't you bring your reward chart and show it to him. He will recover instantly!" (Smiles his million dollar smile)

Saro: (expectant eyes) "Really?"

Sanji: "Of course!"

The chibi trotted off towards the bedroom.

By now Zoro had bend his head backwards to rest it on the head of the sofa. His eyes were closed.

Sanji: (staring at Zoro; curt tone) "Do I need to ask?"

Zoro did not reply even after a while.

Sanji: (irritated voice) "Oi! What the hell is the matter with you?"

Zoro slowly opened his eyes but didn't look at Sanji. Instead, while staring at the roof he began speaking.

Zoro: (distant voice) "Sanji....say..."

Sanji was caught off guard. Zoro never addressed him by name. It was always either 'curly' or 'curly eyebrows' or as before, 'curly cook'.

Sanji: (cautiously) "W-What?"

Zoro: (detached voice) "Are you satisfied?..... Are you happy? ..... with me....."

Sanji thoughts-

Unearthly screeching!

"What the hell is this idiot going on about?"

"I am the one who should be confronting him and asking these questions after these past few weeks!"

"He dares ask me if I am satisfied?"

"I fell like kicking his a** and then strangling him by the collar!"

Imagine chibi Sanji kicking chibi Zoro. The chibi Zoro now K.O. is lying on the floor, his eyes crossed out and tongue sticking out of his mouth. The chibi Sanji then grabs the chibi Zoro's collar and shakes him.

Sanji: (keeping his voice as calm as possible) "What makes you think I am not satisfied?"

Zoro: (distant voice) "Today I came across Marco san and we had some drinks......"

Sanji: (getting impatient) "And—"

Zoro : (distant voice) "Marco san said...... he said ....that unless alpha..... and omega....mate .....they.....they........can't find...... true happiness"

Sanji stood dumbstruck and rooted to the spot.

Sanji thoughts-

"W-Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!"

"This idiot was acting all weird for this stupid thing!"

"And what on earth have I been agonising over this past few weeks?"

"Cheat on me? .......This guy?"

"Yeah right!......... May be in his next life!"

"Actually scratch that last thought....."

Zoro glanced sideways at Sanji for a moment. Observing the blonde man standing motionless he trailed on.

Zoro: (sad voice) "You're not answering....... Guess it's...." (Voice choked up)

Without answering Sanji slowly came and stood behind the sofa putting his hands on either side of Zoro's head. Sanji lowered his head to bring his mouth in line with Zoro's ear and started whispering softly.

Sanji: "Remember what I told you that night in your apartment?"

Sanji noticed that Zoro's eyes immediately came into focus.

Sanji: (continues whispering) "That still holds."

Zoro's cheeks tinged a bright shade of red.

Sanji smirked to himself at this innocent reaction and stood straight.

Sanji: (commanding voice) "Next time your head is filled with useless thoughts talk to me first. Don't just turn blue all on your own!"

Sanji was about to move away from the sofa but Zoro clasped his back with both hands. The green haired man sunk his face into his wife's chest and stayed still in this position.

Zoro: (muffled voice) "You're not allowed to take your words back! Ever!"

Sanji: "(patting Zoro's head gently) "Hai! Hai!" (Closing his eyes, smiled to himself)

Sanji: (internal thought) "Were both fools! Aren't we Zoro?"

Sanji opened his eyes and immediately gave a terrified expression.

Before he could do anything there was a 'SPLAT!'

Saro had covered his tiny palm with green acrylic colour and with that palm he put an impression on the back of his Papa's white shirt.

Saro repeated this a few times before Sanji caught his hand.

Sanji: (befuddled) "Why are you doing this Saro?"

Saro: "Mama said Papa become blue. Saro make Papa green again!" (The chibi smiled his angelic smile)

Zoro burst out laughing.

Sanji: (placed his hand on his own forehead) "What do I do with the two of you?"

Saro: (excitedly) "Papa look! Look!"

Zoro saw to his surprise the chibi was holding his reward chart and it was now complete with stamps!

Saro: (happily) "Mama gave me the last one for doing the dance properly!"

Zoro immediately took out a folded paper from the pocket of his shirt.

Zoro: (begging tone) "Give me one too...."

Sanji: "What for? Turning blue?" (Sarcastic tone)

Saro immediately tried to put another hand print on Zoro's shirt.

Saro: "Saro make Papa green!"

Sanji caught the chibi's wrist and carried off the child towards the kitchen sink.

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