Crying Duckling

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Saro: (worried tone) "Mama where is Papa?"

Sanji, Saro and Luffy were waiting outside the play school. Sanji was carrying Saro with one hand.

Saro wore a white feathery bird costume that had a hood with an orange coloured beak.

Sanji: (reassuring voice) "Don't worry Saro. Papa will be here any minute now!"

Sanji: (internal thought) "It's all my fault! I should never have believed that idiot Marimo could reach the place in time or that he could find his way!" (Imagine chibi Sanji letting off steam from his head and pulling his hair out with both hands)

Luffy: "Oi Sanji! Zoro must have got lost. He'll eventually reach the place don't worry!" (Starts laughing)

Luffy: (excitedly) "Were getting late let's just go in!"

Saro: (shocked) "Papa is lost?" (Clasps Sanji's neck with both hands)

Sanji: (while patting the chibi's back) "It's OK Saro. Even if the Marimo is lost Mama will find him before your show starts!"

Sanji's phone began ringing.

Sanji: "Hell-"

Usopp: (on the phone) "Sanji, I came to Zoro's office like you told me to but he already left a while ago!"

Sanji: "It's OK Usopp. He'll possibly reach any minute. You come to the school now."

Usopp: "I'll be there in ten minutes."

Sanji: (speaking to Saro) "Your Papa is going to reach any minute now and uncle Long Nose will come next." (Smiles)

Saro nodded meekly.

After a while Usopp's scooter came to a halt beside Luffy and Sanji.

Usopp: (while getting down from the scooter) "Hey Saro! Looking good!" (He looked up and down examining the costume)

Saro: (holding his hood) "Uncle Long Nose see I even have a beak!"

Sanji moved a bit away from the group and took out his phone.

Sanji: (on the phone) "Where are you?"

Zoro: "I'm here. Just five minutes."

Sanji: (through gritted teeth) "You told five minutes half an hour ago!"

Sanji: "Give the phone to the taxi driver!"

Zoro: "All right! All right!"

Zoro: (to the taxi driver) "Hey buddy!....Huh?...Oi!.......Waaaaaaait!"

Sanji: (concerned) "What happened?"

Zoro: "The idiot just drove off at lightning speed!"

Sanji: (internal thought) "I knew he was up to no good!"

Sanji: (giving a sigh) "Where are you right now? What do you see nearby?"

Zoro: "Tch! You worry too much! I'm right behind the school."

Zoro: "Be there in a minute."

The call disconnected before Sanji could utter a syllable.

Mean while. Saro was still talking with Luffy and Usopp when a child as old as Saro and wearing a duckling costume came and held Saro's hand.

Duckling: (pulling Saro's hand) "Let's go Saro!"

Luffy: "Woah! It's a duck!"

Saro: "Uncle Luffy this is my friend Take chan!"

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