37.Dark Truth

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It's been a few days since the reception

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It's been a few days since the reception. It pains me, everytime I remember, that my Sunshine feels her mother is murdered. I don't know how she was able to live through that. I was determined to put all my connections and influence, to get every bit of information of that day. If that can get some mental peace for my wife, then so be it. While I was lost in my thoughts, I heard my Sunshine call me. She looked quite nervous and doubtful yet with a strange determination on her face. I felt my heart skip a beat, just what was it, that made my ever confident lady look so anxious. Whatever it was, one thing was for sure I didn't like one bit.

Sunshine:- it was five years ago, on one of our usual trips to India. Mom and I went for a long drive, we soon realised that the breaks of the car weren't working. She crashed the car into a tree trunk to stop it from going out of control.
My seat belt broke, so I banged onto the dash board and almost lost consciousness. Coincidentally at the very moment, a truck crashed into our car. I still remember, the driver was not drunk. He was rushing towards us with the intention of crashing.
My mom seems to have realised that death was inevitable. So used herself as a shield to protect me. Taking most of the impact on herself.
The memories I have of that day are very hazy to frank. My operation, mom's passing away put me in a daze for quite a few days. Then I told Abhi everything I remembered. 
When we tried conveying our suspicions to the police, they just brushed it off. The hospital declared that I forgot most of the incidents of that day due to PTSD. Therefore my confession was useless. We tried investigating on our own, that's when we realised most of the traces of that day seemed to have been cleared. The cctv footage, the driver's postmortem report, the problems with the car. Finally concluding that the murderer is trying to erase this accident, and there was nothing we could do. Sure we had our connections in London, but not much in India. But that man was quite influential in India. That is why we decided to shift everything to India, slowly developing enough footing to fight him.

Me:- so you mean your was indeed murdered, it is not just your suspicion.

To which she nodded her head.

Me:- you didn't come to India because it was your mom's last wish. But to take revenge.

Again she nodded her head, does that mean she will leave once everything is over. I controlled my thoughts that were going astray.

Me:- do you know who that bastard behind all of this is? I can help you if you want.

Sunshine:- when we were going through everything my mom did in her last days. We stumbled across her diary. In the NGO she was running worked a pair of mother and daughter who were from India. One day the mother passed away, and the daughter seemed to strongly believe that she was next.
My persuaded her into telling why she feels that way. She confessed that her mother got pregnant out of a wedlock with a married man. The man asked her to abort the child, as he got his position because of his wife's maternal family. He didn't want to risk his whole life for a moment of pleasure.
She didn't want to, so agreed with him temporarily and ran away. That man had believed that she had aborted, but later get to know that it was all a lie. He was extremely frustrated and confronted the woman. Only to be threatened in return, that if he doesn't let them live peacefully she will send his wife proofs of their affair, and DNA report of their child.
Now he couldn't tolerate it any longer so he planned to end the entire problem by killing both of them. But that daughter of his gave all the proofs to my mom, who in return helped his daughter fake her death. 
He who knew about my mother  who was having the proofs, tried retrieve it from her. On failing he planned to kill her when she was in India.
As hospital has declared that I lost memories of that day, he believed the matter ended their.
We finally found all the missing links and evidences of that day.

Me:- but little did that man know, it only started. The fact that you still haven't punished him, proves that his wife's maternal family is on par with your current strength. Otherwise there is no need for you to be so cautious, collecting evidences and everything. At the moment the only ones who can take blows from your family is the Oberoi family. The only daughter of the Oberoi's who is currently married is bua (Father's sister). So that man should be my phupha (bua's husband). From what I remember Raj uncle didn't seem all that interested in our families collaborating. But Abhi suddenly interfered and agreed to it. So Raj uncle doesn't know about any of this.

She nods her head again, her eyes containing a lot of grief.

Me:- so what about our marriage, was that a part of your plan as well. So that you can get close to us.

Sunshine:- no Siddharth, it's not like that.

Me:- then why would you marr me? You are not someone who would be kind to  the person who could have helped your enemy.

Sunshine:- because you are a stubborn idiot. We didn't want to involve you in all this, which is why we kept harassing you on the name of trials. But you, just wouldn't budge. To be honest your sincere attempts moved me. I didn't want to reject you just because you are related to him. Besides  I would never take such a huge commitment as marriage, even if it is for revenge. Just so you know di has no idea about this whole thing. So even if you find this whole situation unacceptable, and want a divorce, don't spoil Di's marriage. She is one of the most innocent one in the whole thing.

Me:-(shouting) it is so fucking easy for you to ask for a divorce isn't it? It's because this marriage never mattered to you.

Sunshine:- (softly) I thought you would want it.

Me:- I can't dammit, I just can't. Even if you want to ruin me, I can never fucking leave you.

Sunshine:- believe me Sid I want our relationship to work.

Me:-(sarcastically) is it?

Sunshine:- yes

Me:- then prove it to me.


• What do you think about the new twist in the plot?

• How will it affect the relationship of the young couple?

• What will Sid ask Anu to do?

Precap:- Sid's insecurities.



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