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I woke up to Debbie talking to her dolls this morning she was in my
room because Liam has nits and she "doesn't want her dolls to get them so it's my duty to keep them safe." (I just put them on the floor). It pissed me off due to the fact that it was 2 hours before I needed to wake up and I couldn't go back to sleep.

I think about it and decided to go in the shower before Ian and Lip go in there and take forever on their hair that ends up looking like shit anyways. I grab my towel and my toothbrush I keep them in my room cause the bathroom is disgusting and everyone else's toothbrush gets used by Frank. Just because this house is a rotten wreck, doesn't mean me and my shit needs to be aswell.

I thoroughly clean the bath before I go in it and I have a relaxing warm shower. "TAYLOR I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU USE ALL THE HOT WATER IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Lip yells. I roll my eyes and get out wrapping my soft towel around my body. I walk out and flip lip off as I walk to my room.

"Ok come on now out my room debs I need to get ready." She gives me a pout. "But Lucy was gonna tell me her secret." I roll my eyes."Those eyes aren't gonna save you. You're 12 you should be throwing your dolls out and hooking up with boys instead of relying on your puppy dog eyes that barely work anymore."

Her face drop and Ian walks in my room. "Just because you're a big whore don't teach Debbie that shit let her be young." He gives me a smirk. "Shut it ginger snap and leave take Debbie and Lucy with you." He flips me off and leaves with Debbie behind him.

I lotion up and put my clothes on.

I thrifted the whole outfit I love thrifting I can look like I'm made of money for so little money

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I thrifted the whole outfit I love thrifting I can look like I'm made of money for so little money. I love thrifting designer shoes aswell. The northside thinks it's all fun and games to come down to the south side and Donate their old dirty shoes as a joke but it's doing me a huge favour. Like the shoes I'm currently wearing. They use to have thick dry mud all over them so I got them for 10 dollars and got them cleaned for 5.

I go downstairs and see Fiona making breakfast for everyone and arguing with Frank who is trying to eat here as well. "Oh come on Fiona this is my house meaning everything inside this house is mine so let me eat." I roll my eyes "NO FRANK ONCE YOU START CONTRIBUTING TO THE RENT AND THE GROCERY MONEY YOU CAN EAT BUT YOU DON'T SO GET OUT IF MY FACE." Fiona snaps.

I grab a slice of bacon and go outside and sit on the steps. I munch on the bacon and have a smoke whilst I wait for Ian. Once he comes out I let him have a hit of my cigarette before putting it out an walking to school. "Mandy Milkovich is on my ass." He says

I chuckle "what do you mean?" "A few nights ago when you were out with indie she came over and tried to have sex with me and because i don't like girls I push her away and she runs out the house crying. I'm worried Mickey Iggy and Joey are gonna jump me after school because of her bullshit ass."

I sling my arm around his waist which makes him put an arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry big bro we will wait 5 minutes in the janitors after school giving them a good 5 minutes head start home and then we will run to a kash and grabs." I tell him my little plan he nods along in agreement and then we start taking about relationships.


We basically ran to kash and grabs cause we thought we saw Iggy's van. I get behind the counter whilst Ian starts to restock shelves. I start filling him in with the gossip between Layla and this boy called Matthews. I was sorting Linda money into envelopes and labeling them when I heard the door bell jingle and my head shoots up to see Mickey Joey and Iggy. "IAN GALLAGHER !!!!!!!!!!" Mickey yells draggin a bat along the floor. I hear Ian mumble shit under his breath before bolting it for the stock room locking the door.

Mickey Iggy and Joey all bang and kick the door but it didn't budge. "I would stop trying if I was you he's already gone. Theres a window that leads to the alley ways." I lie.
"GO GET HIM GO!" Mickey demands to his brothers and they run out the store.

Mickey comes towards me but I don't budge. He runs his fingers through my hair and then grabs my chin. "Just tell him not to be a pussy and take it like a man."

I just realized that Mickey's not ugly actually his kind fine. I bit my lip but I stop before he realises. "But he didn't do anything." He cocks his head. "You know what he did?"
"Yeah. Mandy wanted to have sex with Ian she been kinda all over him for like a few weeks now but when she came to our house she properly tried to have sex with him and he kinda just pushed her off not even hard just off him and she ran out the house crying."

Mickey takes his hand off my chin and I kinda missed his touch. "You lying?" I shake my head "Why did she tell you something different?"
"She came home crying normally we'd just laugh at her but she was breaking down so we asked her what's wrong and she's said ginger Gallagher tried to have sex with her!"

I lean forward and rest my elbows on the counter. I see Mickey's eyes focus on my boobs. "She was lying to you Mickey." He wasn't listening anymore he was zoned out staring at my boobs. Grabs my hand was walks me around to him and smashes our lips together. He deepens the kiss by adding his tongue so I tongue him back I've always thought if I kissed a Milkovich he'd taste like Cheetos. But no he taste like mint (and not the mints that make you want to yack like toothpaste).

He grabs my ass squeezing it. He moves down to my neck as he lifts me up on the counter I let out a soft moan but remember there is no back door and Ian can fucking here us.

Mickey comes back to my lips "we can't." I say but he doesn't stop and I don't want him to. I pull away. "We can't." I say breathing heavily. "Why?" Shit I can't tell him Ian's in the stock room.

"Cause your brothers are gonna come back and that would be embarrassing and if anyone walks by or comes in the store they will see us." "Fine whatever." He grabs a snicker bar and leaves not saying another word. Or paying.

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