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I woke up to my phone ringing and I see that it was Mickey. Why was he calling me at 7:30 "hello." I say whilst my eyes were also adjusting to the light "morning I'm coming to your house around 8 so be ready I don't feel like coming inside."

"Why are you coming to my place at 8 o'clock." I hear him sigh "my house is hectic in the morning and once you left I got in a fight with my dad and its never good the morning after." I sigh "you ok." I ask sympathetic. "Come on Gallagher don't be all sympathetic and weird now that your classified as my girlfriend your fucking weird." I smile grows on my face.

"Be ready by 8" I hear before he hung up. I climb out of bed going in the shower and putting on my thrifted outfit.

Once I was done it was nearly 8 so I quickly ran down the stairs and everyone was laughing and eating cereal but It went quiet when I came down

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Once I was done it was nearly 8 so I quickly ran down the stairs and everyone was laughing and eating cereal but It went quiet when I came down. Some one knocked on the back door and everyone stared at me as I answered it seeing Mickey leaned on the door frame in black shirt with a gold cross necklace he probably stole. He didn't realize I've open the door cause he was to busy texting someone.

"Mickey." I say getting his attention. "Oh hey." That's when I noticed a scar on his eye brow. I run my fingers along it. "Oh that it's nothing . Just a beer bottle that was thrown at me." I give him a sympathetic look before pulling him into a hug. "The fuck you doing Gallagher get off me you freak." I laugh as I pull away from him and I see the little smile on his face as he looked me up and down.

After staring at eachother for like 2 seconds he pulls a little pink packet from his pocket and I realize it was plan B. I turn around to realise everyone was still watching and they saw Mickey hand me the plan B. "Oh um thanks." I clear my throat awkwardly it would have been less awkward if my whole family wasn't listening behind me. I walk back inside grabbing a cup of water before opening the packet and taking the pill that was inside.

"Why is that stupid little pill so expensive anyways." Mickey says as I walk back to him. "How much was it?" I ask "$45" I looked at him shocked. "Where the fuck did you get $45 from" he looked at me like I was stupid. "My wallet I had a little money saved for no particular reason." I felt guilty. "Do you want some money back I feel bad." He shakes his head.

"No your good I'm the one who forgot the condom not you." I grow red at his comment. "Are you sure?" I ask again and he nods "It's either $45 or a kid I have to look after for 18 years" I nod "true... lets go."

After school I made my way to kash and grabs to get my pay check. $170 yup for the whole month ik not alot and I have to give 50 of that to Fiona when I get home. When I was walking home a busted down car drove towards me and stopped Infront of me.

"Ugh what lip and where did you get the car." I ask with a bored tone. "The cars Sheilas and we need to talk so get In the car." I rollyeues before getting in. "First off what the fuck were you doing having unprotected sex with Milkovich you should probably get checked out for STDs" I laugh In frustration.

"God you guys always judging if I knew he was disgusting and gross I wouldnt have sex with him would I. He's cleaner than a virgin. He smells amazing his breaths smells and taste like mint his room is clean majority of the time and his dick doesn't taste like rotten piss and I never told you to get an std test after fucking Karen and Mandy so don't do it to me."

I go to leave but he locks the door. "Lip. Let me go." I demand. "Once were finished having this conversation I'll happily let you go. "I'm happy youve got a boyfriend instead of fucking around I really am." It goes silent for a second "thanks" I mumble its goes silent again. "You know you really hurt Fiona." I roll my eyes and tut.

"Just here out. Shes really happy that youve got a boyfriend and your committing to him she really Is but all she wants is her little sister back she's really really sorry for calling you a whore she just doesn't know how to say it in a meaningful way and when you compared her to mom it broke her. She hasn't been herself since you became distance with all of us. Ian also has been really off recently cause you guys are like glued together you guys were like twins and since the fight with Mickey you haven't talked to him and its hurting him."

I look down "maybe I was being a bit to harsh I'll forgive Fiona for hitting me and stuff but it will take a while for the whore comment." Lip smiles "that would mean alot to her. Really." There was silence until lip started up the car

"I'll drop you home but I can't stay I need to bring Sheila her car back."  I nod

He drives down the street dropping me off at our gate before driving back I go to the door opening it and no one was In the living room but a few people were I'm the kitchen.

"It's ok Fiona she's just going through it again." I here Veronicas voice "I know this is another one of her phases to fuck a milkovich but look what he's doing to her he's turning her against me he's changed her for the worst and she needs to hurry up and get out of this phase I hate Mickey so much and I want them to break up but she will never listen to me." Now that pissed me off why is Fiona saying all this. "There whole relationship has teared our family apart and she can't even realise it." She adds on.

I storm into the kitchen and Fionas face drops.

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