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Mickey jumps out of bed putting on a pair of grey sweatpants he found on his floor and not even bothering to put a t-shirt on. I try to put my pants but my pussy was so sore that when I pulled up my pants it hurt like a bitch.

"Here where my sweatpants but I want them back." He throws me a pair of black sweat pants and I put my tube top back on and I fold my jacket over one arm. "MICKEY DON'T MAKE ME CALL YOU AGAIN." His dad yelled

Mickey rolls his eyes before opening his bedroom door and I walk behind him "what? What is so important your screaming me out here like your dying." He seemed annoyed "don't talk to me like that boy I'll beat your ass right here infront everyone." He threatens

His dad's eyes go from him to me looking me up and down like I was food and he hadn't eaten for days. Gulped hard "you have a really pretty screen. I bet I can get you screaming my name louder." I got physically and mentally uncomfortable at that moment and I know Mickey knows I am too.

Mickey puts an arm around my waist pulling me closer.n"I think you should go before things get to put of hand." I nod heading towards the door. "Where you going sweet pea."the same slurred man I heard from the bedroom asked. "Home." I answer with before opening there do.

I give Mickey a wave before leaving and walking home. When I got home V and Kev were there handing out fish and chips. "Where have you been? I heard you didn't go work today what are you playing at you know you need the job." Fiona questions me. "Why does it matter to you." I snap. "It does matter to me cause we need the money for rent- who's sweatpants are those you weren't wearing those when you left this morning?" I Groan In frustration "can you get off my back worry about your own life instead of mine and if you really want to know there Mickeys."

I go to walk off but Fiona shouts. "Wait! Come sit we wanna talk to you plus your food will get all cold."
I look at her before giving in and sitting down.

"I'm really sorry that I hit you I don't know why I did it I've never put my hands on any of you before and I'm sorry you had to be the first one." I nod expecting her to say more but she stopped

"That's not just it Fiona!" I raise my voice.

"you called me a fucking whore do you know how rude that is? Mandy's a whore. Sorry lip but Karen use to be a whore use to is the key word. I'm not a whore I went through a phase when I was fucking 15 years old and you know why I went through that phase? Cause mom left that's why I went through a bad girl phase but Ive changed and I'm better but now when it's an appropriate age for me to have Sex the same age lip has been fucking around since same age you've been fucking around since same age half the people in this room has been fucking around since I'm a whore and the worst part is I'm not even fucking around I'm having sex with my boyfriend and I'm getting called all types of slurs for no reason." I wipe the tear that fell out me eye

"You were the only person who new my reason for that phase Fiona and you use that against me do you know how much that hurts. I ran bare foot for 20 minutes a whole fucking block to Mickeys house mickeys because I felt like no one here loves me and they don't but it's fine I don't fucking care anymore act like everythings fine but I'm not and I don't accept your apology so just...leave me alone."

"Boyfriend" Fiona gives me a confused look "yeah he's my boyfriend." I say with attitude. "I-i didn't know he was your boyfriend I didn't think you guys were serious."
I roll my eyes "well no shit Fiona I'm wearing his sweatpants and he gave you 10 dollars towards rent of course were serious."

"I-im sorry I didn't know I thought you guys were just having sex-" I cut her off "no you think I'm fucking him and fucking other people that's what you were thinking." She was silent indicating I was right. "Omg. Fuck you Fiona." "Taylor don't speak to her like that she's done so much for you for you to go treat her like this." V says and I see lip not his head in agreement.

"Oh shut up v. Look your like a sister to me but god just shut up yeah she's done alot for me and I appreciate it but she doesn't know how much she hurt me in the last week she's hurt me more then Monica has in my life in the space of a week" everyone gasps at my comment and I see Fiona's eyes start to water.

"Your taking it to far now taylor" lip says. "What has Mickey done to you" Ian adds on "nothing except stick his dick in me and go down on me really and I'm not taking it too far lip it hurts more cause I see Fiona as a mom. It hurts more cause she was one of the people I let in one of the only people I was close to and she betrayed me like that." I sigh.

"Is this conversation done now I'm really tired." Carl chuckles "why cause you just had sex with Mickey."  Fiona hits him in the back of the head before mumbling stuff to him but looked at me for the answer.

"Are you seriously looking for the answer right now omg." I say "your actually pathetic can you get the jist I don't like you get out of my business and leave me alone but if your really interested yeah I did have sex with mickey and that's why I'm wearing his sweatpants cause I got railed so hard it hurt to put jeans on." They all give me a disgusted look and Frank who was so clearly drunk right now had a smirk on his face

"Now that Ive left you all speechless I'm going to my room now and I kicking Debbie out I need privacy she can be In your room Fiona." I run up the stairs slamming my bedroom door. I lay on my bed contemplating if I was being to harsh. But I decided to just let it go.

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