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We sat there in the clinic chairs for about 10 minutes and Mickey was getting really impatients. "Taylor Milkovich." The receptionist called. "Please head to room 209." She gave me a smile so me and mickey walked to room 209 the doctor wasn't there but I say on the bed whilst Mickey sat in the chair next to me.

"What make us wait 10 minutes in that waiting room just for us to come in here and wait longer." He come complained. "Mickey just shush please be patient it's gonna be worth it." I tell him and he shuts up.

"The receptionist called you Taylor Milkovich, you told her your name was Taylor Milkovich." I look at him and he was smirking so I blush. "Yeah well I like it better than Taylor Gallagher. Plus I hope to be be Taylor milkovich one day "  I smile at him and he smiles back. He grabs my hand holding it as he brings to his mouth kissing It. "You will be baby you will be." He tells me.

Soon as he's finished were interrupted by the door opening. "Good afternoon my name is Dr Brenner so sorry for the long wait my last appointment ran over." The doctor who was a beautiful blonde girl finally looked at us.

"You must be Taylor and I'm guessing the father..." She left a gap for someone to tell her Mick's name as she shook my hand before shaking Mickeys. "Mickey." He says and she gives him a small smile.

"So it says you are 4 months along." I nod. "Ok would you mind pulling down you sweatpants a little more so I have full access to your stomach whilst I set up." She ask and I roll down my sweatpants a little. "I'm gonna put this gel on and just a little warning it is freezing cold." She lets out a little laugh.

I smile again before gasping a little at the gel she rubs it in with the little stick thing as rumbling was hard for the machine. "And there is you baby." I gasp before tearing up at the site of my baby. I look at mickey to see he was staring at the screen with pure shock and adoration.

I look and the doctors face and it had a confused face and my face drops at the site. "Dr Brenner is everything alright." She looks at me for a second. "Is this your first check up." She asks. "Yeah we didn't really have time to do it earlier and we found out quite late" I explain.

"And you say your 4 months correct." Now I'm getting worried. "Yeah why." I ask. "Your baby is very big for 4 months." I look at her confused. "but that's meant to be a good thing." She nods. "Yes but your baby is overdeveloped." She tells us and I look at Mick worried and he had the same expression.

"Mrs milkovich your not 4 months pregnant...your 5 months." I looked at mickey shocked and he looked surprised. "Would you like to know the gender." She smiles at us and I look at Mickey before smiling and nodding. "Yes please." "Well congratulations Mr and Mrs milkovich your having a little boy." She says with a big smile.

And I look at Mickey with a smile as i tear rolls down and his eyes were watering "were having a baby boy." Mickey says with a smile. "My little boy." He whispers. "Your happy." I ask cause I know he wanted a girl. He nods "of course I'm just glad that he's healthy." He says.

I look at the doctor as she held the same smile before taking a few tissues and wiping the gel off my stomach and rolling back up my sweatpants for me. "Ok you guys are free to go when your ready." She tells us before leaving.

I stand up and me and Mickey walk out.


When we got home everyone was in the kitchen eating and hugging Veronica. "Hey you guys are back." Veronica says with a smile. "Yeah why you all smiley." I ask her. "I just told everyone I was pregnant." I smile at her before winking. I look over at Mickey and ofc he had that I don't ret give a fuck look anyways.

"So any news you wanna share." Ian pressures us. "Yeah we found out I'm not 4 months pregnant I'm actually 5 and I might as well tell you cause we're not having a big gender thing so we're having a little boy." They all give me a hug in excitement.

Ian and lip have mickey a little man hug but that's it. "So what you gonna name him." I look at Mickey and he was looking at me. " I don't know but I gotta phone my dad." He walks off outside but shortly returns.

"Welp my dad is happy that were having a boy that's gonna be big and strong like the rest of the Milkovichs oh and shocker he once my son to have an Ukrainian name when the motherfuckers name is fucking Terrance." He says annoyed.

I rub his arm. "That's not so bad is it I mean your name is Ukrainian you know Mikhailo." I say. "Yeah it is bad and so is my fucking name thats why I make people call me Mickey." He raises his voice a bit in annoyance. "Well what do you want to name are fucking son Jamie." I say sarcastically.

"Better then fucking Mikhailo." He says and I tut laughing at him a bit. "Let's not be extra Ukrainian names are nice nicer then typical white names like fucking Deborah or Emma or jack and Jake." I tell him

He shakes his head dropping the subject. "What do you wanna eat." He asks "ummmm anything really I don't have a weird craving this time." He gives me a fake shocked face before pulling out his phone and ordering food.

"You got 20 chicken nugget with Mac sauce and a Oreo mcflurry." He tells me and I nod. He seemed annoyed and pissed so I walk up to him wrapping my arms around him and he hugs me back. "Can we go cuddle." I ask. And he kisses my forhead. "Yeah we can cuddle only til food arrives." He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us upstairs and into our room.

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