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On the way to school I sat at the back with Ian and Liam. Once we dropped Liam off I asked Mickey at a red light. "Do you like the name Kozak." He looked me through the review mirror. "Baby I already told you I like the name. it's the only Ukrainian name I can stand." I nod understanding. "where's this coming from." He asks confused as he pulls up in the car parking lot. I shake my head telling him that it was nothing before getting out the car like everyone else but I walk to his window kissing him goodbye before walking inside school with Mandy and Ian.

All eyes automatically turn to us before everyone started whispering. I turn to my left to see indie and Layla staring at me disgusted and sad up and down. Me and Mandy go up to them as Ian stayed across the hallway from us. "So you don't call or text or even talk to us for 10 weeks and you come back pregnant are you serious." Indie says and I sigh

"I'm sorry I had alot going on-" Layla interrupts me scoffing. "Doesn't look like it clearly you just had a lot of cock" I look at her pissed. "Do you know what fuck you both if you wont even give me a Chance to explain don't complain." I walk away from them with Mandy and Ian but was shortly stopped by Matthew (If you don't remember Matt he's laylas boyfriend)

"So you got yourself knocked up huh not a surprise there." His friends start laughing. "What do you want matt." He comes closer putting his hands on my stomach. "Just making sure the baby's not mine"
I push his hands off. "I slept with you once Matthew when I was 15 your either too slow or stupid to calculate that the baby cannot possibly be yours." His friends ooh making Matt mad. "So who's baby is it your such a whore you probably don't even know." His friends laugh nudging him in a proud way.

"You won't be saying that after I tell you who the father is." I tell him "who" he asks crossing his arms. "Mickey Milkovich." I tell him and his face drops.if you haven't caught on Mickey is like the devil round here he's been terrorising the streets of the south side since we were little and he hasn't stopped since.

He swallows hard "um well." He stutters before running off.  Gosh I hate him so much I shake my head slightly as tears formed in my eyes I quickly walk towards the bathroom as I got a sudden urge to throw up I  lock myself in a stool throwing up into the toilet it wasn't alot surprisingly and it didn't last long. I wipe my mouth popping in a mint flavoured gum drop and texting Mickey.

❤️ lover boy🍆


Babe I've been in school for less than 10 minutes and I'm officially not friends with Layla and Indie I threw up in the toilet, Matthew touched my stomach asking if the baby was his when I slept with him once when I was 15 and then called me a whore

️lover boy🍆:
Watch when I pick you up I'm beating the shit out of Matthews that will tell people not to mess with you but for now don't let it upset you or get to you head ok?



❤️lover boy 🍆:

I promise I gotta go
Read 8:40


looked at the time and it says 8:40 great I'm 5 minutes late to first period and the worst part is my first period was physical development. I sigh before walking to class. I open the door and all eyes turn to me. I walked to the seat at the back next to Mandy before sitting down. "Miss Gallagher why are you late." Mr Maya says sturnly.

"Sorry sir I was throwing up in the toilets morning sickness you know." He tuts before rolling his eyes. "See kids this is why you need to listen to today lesson on contraception so you don't turn out like miss Gallagher over here turning up late to my lesson and using the excuse of morning sickness as a reason to turn up late and expecting me to except it because shes pregnant."everyone laughs turning at me.

I hold back the Angry tears as I cross my arms. "Sir would you have rather me gone to the bathroom and threw up In the toilet becoming a few minutes late to your class or would you have rather me come here on time and threw up on your fat fucking head." I say rudely making everyone ooh in shock. "MISS GALLAGHER PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW." he yells at me making everyone go silent.

"Happily and whilst I'm at it I'll be telling him how you discriminated against me because I'm pregnant which is surprising for a physical development teacher who is meant to be teaching young adults that discrimination is wrong so not only will you be fired but I will sue you making you do prison time which will not look good on your record would it now" I threaten him.

"And if you by chance get jumped by Terry milkovich don't be shocked you just discriminated his daughter in law who is carrying his grandson soooo." Mandy adds on threatening him making the teacher loose all color in his face gosh I love being semi related to the milkoviches.

The class went dead silent as I smirked at the teacher. "Oh um right I'm very sorry miss Gallagher let's just carry on with the lesson shall we." He says with a smile and s nervous laugh. "Yeah" I say rudely giving him a very fake smile.

Gosh I can't wait to be home schooling.

It was last period and it was gym I had a conversation with the principal at free period and I told him when I have my baby I will be homeschooling for a few months before returning he was very nice about it and gave me a pass that said I couldn't do home room I couldn't do gym and I'm allowed to go toilet anytime I want.

I don't have to do gym I get to sit on the bleachers all lesson watching the other students but for safety reasons I still had to change into gym clothes.

My school is of course to cheap to have gym uniforms so we're basically allowed to wear what we want aslong as there not sports bras or really shorts shorts

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My school is of course to cheap to have gym uniforms so we're basically allowed to wear what we want aslong as there not sports bras or really shorts shorts. And of course suitable for gym activities so no dresses or jeans or heels and stuff like that.

I just sat on the bleachers and scrolled through social media and the teacher was kind enough to check up on me every once in a while and I had a good laugh at Mandy.

After gym I was in the changing rooms with all the other girls and of course I changed back into my normal clothes but I kept getting looked at then when I caught them theyd give me grossed out looks before turning and laughing at my 'weird shaped stomach' and of course it made me insecure so got out of there as quickly as I could not even bothering to wait for Mandy.

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