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Mandy and Mickey walk through the door but Mandy was beaten and had Mickey's shirt to cover her. She was frozen tears fell down her face but her body was frozen her arms froze covering her chest and he hand blood all over her face her hair was a mess she didn't move she didn't even blink. I look at mickey he was pissed off his arm on her back guiding her through the door with the gun still in his hand.

Everyone stared at them but they didn't stare at anyone. He just took her the bathroom downstairs. We heard gaging and I know Mandy was throwing up. The water starts running and I heard Mickey mumble something at her but his voice was soft even though he was annoyed.

He stepped out the bathroom leaving her in there. He come to me. 
"What happened." I ask. "She was walking to school the long way cause she was early cause she didn't have to stop here for Ian some drunk fat man came up to her asking for sex so obviously she said no and tried to walk away he didn't exactly like that pulled her hair punched hit kicked and spat on her dragged her to the alley ripped her clothes off and yk.

Tears form in my eyes. "What happened to the guy." I ask "I shot him, Iggy's and Colin's taking his to an abandoned warehouse were were gonna torture the fuck out of him." I nod.

"I'm sorry but why did you bring her hear why didnt you take her home." Monica asks Mickey. "Because my father's there alone and she's already vulnerable as it is so it's not gonna end well." She tells her with attitude.

"Can you get Mandy some clothes to wear pls." I look at him confused. "My clothes are mostly maternity but I'll see if I got something." I go upstairs and rummage through my clothes before I found some cute sweatpants and a plain black crop top I also take out a new packets of underwear to give to her. I give the clothes to Mickey and he goes into the bathroom and give her the clothes.

I hear them talk for a bit and Mickey starts curing before opening the bathroom door. Me,Ian,lip, Monica and V were in the kitchen so as soon as he opened the door we could see inside the bathroom. Mandy sat on the toilet crying she didn't have blood on her face anymore and she changed into the clothes I gave her.

I could tell that Mickey was mad he hasn't let go of the gun yet which is kinda scaring me. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his car keys. "V can you do me favour please." Ive never seen Mickey be so nice.

"Yeah sure." He hands her his car keys. "Could you go to the store and get um plan B." She nods Mickey pulls 45 dollars out his pocket and hands it her and v leaves. "M-mickey." We hear Mandy stutter.
Before she could say anything she starts sobbing hard Mickey sits in front of her on his knees.

"Hey shh it's ok I've got you I'm here I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you no more I promise you that. Not dad not random drunk men not even boys from school ok." She nods before Mickey hugs her. As she hiccups through her sobs.

"I don't want to go home Mickey." She crys out. And Mickey kisses her cheek. "I know mandy I'll figure something out ok." She nods

V walks through the door handing Mickey the pink box and a can of soda she bought with the changed. Mickey's hands it to Mandy and Mandy doesn't even hesitate to take the pill and swallow it.

"You ok now" Mickey's asks her and she hesitate but nods. "You can stay with us for a while our home isn't the best but it probably better than your." Ian tells her softly and she gives me a weak smile Before nodding.

"I'm really tired." She announces. "You can go sleep in my bed for now and then tonight you can sleep in the boys room." She nods giving me a little smile before slowly getting up in pain.

"Do you need help Mand." Mick asks but she shakes her head no before making her way upstairs slowly.

"Mickey what's happening with the man." Mickey switches his attention to me. "Don't worry about it ok" he says softly and I nod.

Shooting pains travel up my back and towards my lower stomach. I groan in pain and Mickey rushes towards my side. "Breathe through it baby deep breaths copy my breathing." He tells me and I copy his breathing as I try to ignore the agonising pain.

"Taylor are you sure your not in labor " V asks I'm not sure no but I refuse to have this baby now not when Monica is living in this house not when Mickey should be focusing on his sister who has just been raped not when Frank can Walt's into the house drunk and high whilst my baby is around not now.

"Yeah I'm sure V." She gives me an unsure look before nodding her head. This contraction was much longer and much more painful than the others but I quickly got past in and now I'm sitting in the arm chair with a cup of hot chocolate in hands. The doors burst open and Fiona walked in with Debbie Carl and Liam behind her.

"Hey your back." She says with a smile and I just nod.  Liam runs up to me. "Hey Liam how was school." I say running my hand over his head. "Good." I smile at him as he skips into the kitchen.

"Hey debs Carl." They quickly wave at me before they started bickering again. I'm guessing Fiona didn't allow Monica to give debs and Carl a day off like lip and Ian did.

We all started doing our own thing Mickey was watching the football game along with Ian lip Carl and Kev who can over about 2 minutes ago with a box of beers. Monica went out probably to go shove some random drug down her throat and Debbie's was telling Veronica and Fiona about some school drama.

I zone out as I rub my stomach someones phone starts blaring loudly which made everyone shut up and wonder whose phone it was. Everyones Eyes followed the sound until there eyes set on Mick.

"Oh shit its mine." He leans to one side pulling his phone out his back pocket and answering.

"Hello." He says confused before his eyes soften. "Ok and did we get it." He smiles. "Ok yeah we've put the deposit down already." "10 grand yes no we don't need monthly installments I can pay right now all cash." " Mikhailo Milkovich." I was so confused. "I can come right now how long will it take." He asks the person on the phone. "10 minutes yeah that should be fine ok thank you." He takes the phone off his ear and hung up before his beautiful blue irisis land on mine.

His eyes were filled with excitement. "What." I ask confused. "We're getting the house." My eyes widen. "Really!?" I ask with a big smile. "Yeah that was the real estate agent I need to go sign some papers confirm the ten grand deposit give her the rest of the money for the house and then she'll give me the keys and it's all our."

My smile goes wider wider than I thought it could be. "Ok I gotta go and when I come back we'll have a house together." He smirks and I smile once again.

He grabs a bag and goes under the stairs grabbing all the money in the safe and stacking it into the back. He comes out from underneath the stairs and slings the bag over his shoulder. He comes to me pressing a soft family friendly kiss on my lips before leaving.

As he leaves I suck in my bottom lip with the biggest smile on my face.

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