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I held the goblet of blood as I walked down the halls. The vampire guards immediately glanced at me before getting their hunger under control. It always amazed me at their self control since Lara and Alec had once told me that my blood is tantalizing since the blood of royal vampires' mates are mouthwatering and indescribably sweet. I wasn't nervous about the vampires' self control. If anything, I was more concerned about the ones who hate wolves lashing out.

I finally arrived at the monarch's office and greeted the guards. With happy smiles, they opened the door. Lara was simultaneously on a call, signing documents, and sending an email. Jeez, what I would give to be able to multitask like her. She spotted me and told the person that she'd continue the conversation at their next meeting. She then ended the call and stopped working to give me her undivided attention. I swear I fall more and more in love with her everyday.

"For you." I handed her the goblet.

"And here I thought you'd want to have the blood for yourself." She smirked while I rolled my eyes. "How are you, my love?" She sipped the blood before scrunching her brows. A mischievous smile played on my lips from the action. "This tastes awfully familiar." She looked down before placing the goblet away from her.

"I thought you'd like it." I was confused.

"I covet it." Her voice darkened and I could've sworn I was talking to Sloane. "Which is why I try to refrain from drinking your delectable blood. Me constantly drinking it will make the urge to drink your blood drastically increase and the last thing I want to do is hurt you." She still eyed the goblet in want. "I don't want to ever lose control." She stood up and ignited the liquid on fire.

"Didn't realize I'd make the atmosphere dark..." Lara chuckled at my words. "But how are you?"

"Tired!" She complained. I laughed as she was back to my regular Lara. "My God! These dimwits call me 24/7 and want me to fix all these issues. Why can't mum take over?"

"And you take over the company?" She gave me the evil eye. "Just joking, Larz." I sat in her lap, resulting in her wrapping her arms around me. "What can I do to help?"

"Give me an endless supply of kisses." Lara suddenly kissed me. "And I'm instantly recharged." She smiled. "What's your day been like, my love?"

"Failed attempts at finding anything on Geneve... like the last 2 weeks." I sighed while she looked concerned. "It's aggravating me."

"I see... we'll be journeying to the school soon. Hopefully, my aunts will be able to provide further clearance on their mother or any information in general." Lara scratched her head. "Mum and Hailey didn't interact with Geneve a lot, only when necessary." Lara thought for a moment. "How are you enjoying your stay here? I'm sorry it's taken me so long to inquire that."

"It's understandable. You're beyond busy!" I chuckled. "And a lot more hospitable than I imagined. I was worried that the absence of our friends would make me feel isolated here, but not really. Sure there are the vamps who aren't happy that a wolf is here, but-"

"Who?" Her voice darkened.

"It's fine." I pat her chest. "No one had been outwardly rude." I partially lied as I remembered the butler from yesterday.

"You're heart sped up, love." Her eyes narrowed.

"They always fulfill my requests." I stood up, causing her to whine. "You still have stuff to do and I don't want to distract you." I kissed her, but Lara captured me by wrapping her hand around my head, holding me in place.

"I love you." She whispered against my lips.

"I love you more." I smiled while she frowned. "Wha-"


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