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Lara's POV

My eyes widened as the words left her mouth. Fuck. She knew about sang familial. I was hoping we could delay this conversation until... never. Mila didn't wait for my reply and stormed out the room. I jumped up and chased after her. The guards quickly moved away from a furious Mila. I heard an advisor say that I had council members waiting, which caused Mila to roar at him. The poor man practically pissed himself. I gave him an apologetic look while following Mila to our room.

I gently closed the door as she paced the room. She kept hurling insult after insult at me. I totally deserved it after what she found out. I just don't understand how she figured it out. I didn't have any information on the practice in the library. I made sure to destroy any literary evidence of that custom.

"How sick are you?!" She yelled at me.


"That's disgusting. My own kid?! And I'm married, but my child?! That's... I can't even think about it! Why would you?! With the council members and plotting for me to bed my child?!"


"I can't believe you! You've been meeting with them and discussing this. Don't you think you should've told me about this before? What were you going to do? Lock us in a room and tell us to fu- Lara, that's my daughter!"

"That's why I've been telling them no!" I cut her off, capturing her attention. "I-" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "The truth is that the council members had first sent the letter to confirm that Zena had completed the ritual. I ignored them, but more letters followed. Alec had called me and I told him to go fuck himself. He understood why that wouldn't be happening with my daughter-"

"Did you tell them no?" Her eyes narrowed.

"I'm getting there, love." I sighed. "After I had told Alec to leave me alone, council members had arrived. Apparently, my brother told them to take it up with me for I'm the mother and it's out of his hands and up to me. So they've been coming and demanding that I make sure the union between you and Zena happens. I've been denying them-"

"Then why aren't they letting it go?" Mila shouted.

"Because I'm not the King. Yes, I'm acting Queen here, but I'm not the overarching authority figure. That's Alec and he's telling them to sort it out with me. I've yelled at him to tell them to go to hell, but he says that he's trying to rebuild relationships and will not strain or destroy the newly formed relationships. He wants me to deal with it. So you can imagine why I'm constantly yelling over the phone."

"Lara, that's my daughter." She had tears in her eyes. "I... I can't even think about doing that with my child."

"I know." I placed my hands on her shoulders. "And you will not have to. I'm denying and trying to outlaw that as a requirement for being a crowned princess or prince." I looked down.

"It's a requirement? To sleep with a family member to preserve power?" I sadly nodded. "That's sick."

"Different culture there. Incest is common and not a taboo." I felt my heart fall at the sadness radiating off my wife. "I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you." I wrapped my arms around her. "I just didn't want to worry or disgust you. I was trying to privately settle this."

"So you weren't going to make me do this?" She hesitantly asked.

"Absolutely not!" I raised my voice, startling her. "Apart from that being eww, your mine and no one else's!" I roughly kissed her. "And I don't share what's mine." I slammed her onto the bed.

I covered her lips with mine and deeply kissed her. My hands were around her wrists as I pinned her to the bed. Mila closed her eyes and tried to get lost in the kiss, but ended up sniffling. I pulled back when I felt something wet. My heart broke and eyes softened, watching her silently cry. I sat up and pulled her into me.

"Lara, she's my daughter." Mila choked up. "Why? With my daughter? I can't." Mila gripped my shirt and cried. "Why are they so persistent?"

"It's... I won't let them force you into something. I promise. I'm loyal to you."

"Just the thought about... violating my daughter?! I... I can't even think past it. That's all that's been occupying my mind. When you're touching me and... yuck! They want me to do that to my daughter?! Lara, it's..." She then sobbed again.

"Mi...Mila, my love, please." I cooed. "I won't-"

"Lara, if Zena found out-"

"She doesn't need to know." I cut her off. "There isn't any need to inform her of something that will not happen." I gulped since I was hiding something from her.

"Okay." She whispered. "I'm tired."

"I know." I kissed her head. "I'll-"

"Your majesty." A butler knocked on the door. "You're needed."

"Understood." I spoke, resulting in his footsteps retreating. "Mi-"

"I need to rest. Good night." She turned her back to me.

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "I love you." I then flitted out the room.

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