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Lara's POV

I had been trailing behind Mila for the entire day. After she threw me through a window, Mila found the security stuffed in the closet. I was then thrown through several more windows. But alas, Mila had to stop her little game of foreplay since duty calls. Now, she was originally supposed to go alone, but I wasn't gonna let a moment go by where I didn't force her memories to return.

Mila and I were in the rear of a Mercedes. It was impossible for Mila to focus on the documents before her since I was a nonstop chatterbox. I kept pointing at different buildings and inquiring what they were. She'd sometimes answer, but her frustration was visible when I asked her what a birdhouse was used for.

"You're making it so difficult for me not to kill you." Her eyes glowed gold.

"You'd never do that, Mila."

"You speak as if you know me." She growled.

"That's because I do. You have the heart of a 25 year old, but the health complications of a 45 year old." She scoffed in offense at my words. "Your best friends are shitbag Zayn and scrotum Jade. Quite shitty... but that's assuming that they're friends with you in this reality. And Matt is a load of ballsacks. Having the nerve to set you up and... don't get me started on that turncoat. You're uncle will definitely be having his head when things calm down."

"I think you really are mental." Mila spoke up.

"Oh, I know. I have what you call daddy issues." Mila rolled her eyes at my words. "It's true. You see my dad conditioned me to kill at a tender age of 6. I was bred into the ultimate killing machine and massacred villages. I had no respect for life until I witnessed him almost kill my mother. That was a turning point in my life. My brother and I then sought out to help others and... long story short, I met you and my life changed for the better. Like spectacularly! And then our dau-"

"Listen, we just met and-"

"We're soulmates and our bond wasn't severed. Soulmates are not bound by space and time, meaning you know I'm yours and you're mine." I edged closer to her, resulting in her subtly creating distance. "Chiara, overpower her."

"What do-"

Mila stopped and averted her eyes. She squeezed her fists to the point that blood was dripping down her palms. I noticed her ears become more angular and the hairs on her arms grow. Mila flitted her eyes at me, allowing me to see the gold with specks of silver. She was struggling to control her inner animal.

"Tell her who I am, Chiara." I softly commanded. "And you can stop forcing the transition."

Mila gasped for air as she calmed down. She took a massive gulp and refocused her attention on me. She didn't look amused at the stunt I pulled. Mila then looked down to her bloody palms. Her eyes slowly raised to see what I would do.

"As delicious as it smells, I'd never intentionally harm you." I gave her a soft smile. "Now, that you are confronted with the reality-"

"I knew the moment our eyes connected, but I refuse to engage." Mila sneered.

"Then reject me." I watched as fear shot across her eyes. "Trust me, we tried and it was quite painful." I paused and made sure I had her undivided attention. "I will stop at nothing until you recover your memories, my love."

"You'll be waiting a lifetime." She breathed out.

"Good thing I'm immortal." I winked.


We arrived at a casino, where I quickly found out that the Ricci family were extorting. Apparently, the owners were behind on their payments. I yawned as Mila had her people beat the owners to a pulp. It was incredibly boring, so I raided the liquor cabinet. I smiled and popped open the bottle of wine. As I sipped the liquid, I spotted a safe tucked away.

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