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Lara's POV

Mila had a bored look on her face while manspreading. I ignored her impatient look and focused on touching up my makeup. I then played with my hair, making Mila groan. I smirked as she flopped onto the bed and groaned. A knock on the door sounded for the 5th time.

"We're so late." Mila turned on her side. "I don't understand why you're putting effort into your appearance since you're already naturally stunning."

"Because..." I gave myself a final once over in the mirror. "I need to be the best arm candy for you." Mila rolled her eyes at my words. "I'm ready."

"I'm not even gonna make a snarky remake because it took an eternity and a half for you to agree to that dress."

"I like to stand out, not blend in." I smoothed out the red velvet dress.

"And of course it had to be the one with the highest slit." Mila smirked and held her blazer over her shoulder. "You look hot."

"And you look sexy." I smirked and unbuttoned her button down until it was to my liking. "Always show extra skin." I husked and stepped back.

"You're making it really hard to-" Mila was interrupted by another knock on the door. "Well, I guess that makes the decision." I chuckled and allowed her to open the door.

Mila and I walked in the direction of the ballroom. There was security around us, so Mila stopped and told them to give her space. They shared skeptical looks, but she commanded them again. They had no choice, but to obey the beta. Mila waited until they were out of hearing range to face me.

"I need to speak with you." I gave her my undivided attention. "Stay-"

"Amelia." Dante approached us with a smile. I knew he was faking it since I could feel his scorn for me. "Your father has just arrived. Let's go before he enters the room."

Mila nodded and led me inside. The moment we entered, Mila was swept in a different direction. I stayed by the buffet and allowed her to mingle with the guests. I noticed Dante's lookalike, aka Enzo Ricci, enter. He received a standing ovation for simply walking into the room. He took to the center of the room and delivered a speech. I tuned him out because his speech was so basic.

Enzo and his wife approached Mila. I squinted because I had to make sure that was actually Mila's mom. It's weird to know that she doesn't have any siblings in this realm.

"How you holding up?" I heard munching next to me.

"As best as I can in a room that would love to defang me." I faced Ellio. "How is it being the only kid here?"

"I'm not a kid!" I smirked since that's the reaction I wanted from him. "And hella boring." He ate more food.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" I grabbed the wine glass out of his hands and sipped it.

"Rude." He glared. "And you're Mia's mate, so... you're practically family?"

"You don't sound so sure about that." I smirked while he blushed. "I'm teasing you."

"I know." Ellio smiled. "The thing is that Mia has always been my favorite cousin... despite the age difference." He joked. "So if she's happy with you, then I'm more than willing to accept you."

"That's very progressive of you, Ellio. Thank you." I paused as I observed Dante's half smile. He was involved in a conversation with 7 people. Enzo was speaking, causing the others to laugh and Dante to remain poise. "Ellio?" He hummed at me. "Is everything alright at home?" He gave me a confused look. "It's just that your dad seems... overwhelmed."

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