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I crossed my arms as I stared at the whiteboard in front of me. Matt was leaning against a desk while staring at the complex investigation board. The red marker was in my hand as I bit my lip. I was trying to see any more connections from the sparse evidence Matt had.

"Hope you didn't tell your wife that you're here." He commented.

"No, I don't even know if she realizes I'm gone." I stepped to the whiteboard. "There has to be something." I muttered.

"Why wouldn't she notice your absence?"

"She's very busy." I continued staring at the facts under victims 32.

"Can't she make you a priority?"

"Are we investigating the missing girls or me?" I raised a brow at him, resulting in him raising his hands in surrender. "Back to the girls, they were abducted from different continents. All the same style, making us believe there's a common connection. If it's the same organization behind it, then they'll want all the girls taken to a specific location. Now, for mass abductions like this, cargo ships are typically used."

"Here." He waved a file in his hands. "Got all the ports and ships that left around the time of the girls' disappearances."

"All of their disappearances?" I asked as I flipped through the papers. "Because they were abducted on different days, but always around the same time. And the days leading to-"

"The cargo ships leaving." His eyes widened while I nodded. "Wait." He pushed off the table and looked through some files. "No, they're all registered to a different company."

"Some overlap with the cargo containers on the ships." I pointed at a few names that were at locations close to the areas that the multiple girls were abducted from. "But it could just be companies having multiple locations worldwide. We'll need to look into these more and see the legitimacy of all the companies. See if any have a history of smuggling items from the black market or other legal affairs. And if the owners have any skeletons in their closet."

"I'll have Zayn give it a look." Matt commented before stepping back. "Good work. I'll be back in a few days." He smiled.

"Okay, tell me what he says since I can't even talk to him." I rolled my eyes while Matt gave me a look. "Got it. I'm to be kept off the record." I turned my back to him.

"I know it's hard for you to work in the dark, but-"

"I understand." I cut him off. "It's just frustrating since I know you're withholding valuable information. Information that could make it easier for me to crack this case."

"You need more information?" He smirked. "Look what you're doing with barely anything. You're finding connections with impossible leads. You're doing great work. Thanks." He patted my arm before leaving.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the room. I saw Hugo playing a game on his phone, so I whistled. He immediately stood and put his phone away. I chuckled and motioned that we could leave. Hugo scampered ahead of me and opened the car door. I sat inside while he went to the driver seat and drove back to the chateau. My mind was filled with thoughts about the missing girls case, but I couldn't provide anything more until Zayn cracks whatever the hell Matt will task him with.

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize we arrived back until Hugo opened my door. I smiled and walked inside and greeted the other staffers. I walked to Lara's office and noticed that the guards didn't open the door.

"Sorry, but she's not in there. She's still in a meeting with the council."

"Still?" They nodded at me. "Oh... can I still go inside?" They looked at each other, probably wondering if they're allowed. "I am her wife and I've been in there alone before."

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