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No pic bc wattpad deems like every single pic of Megan Fox to be inappropriate 😂 

Lara's POV

I smiled as the hostess confirmed my reservation for tonight. Even though Mila gave me practically no time to prepare, I did promise her a romantic date. And I'm going to make it extra special. I know she probably feels neglected, so tonight she is my one and only priority. I was a little confused why Mila wanted me to meet her at an abandoned building. Thought she would've wanted to meet downtown or something. But I won't be picky.

I stopped the car when I saw a flower vendor. I walked up to the guy and asked for the prettiest flowers. He smiled and fashioned a gorgeous bouquet. I smiled and gave him the allotted amount as well as a generous tip. I winked at him before walking to the location. I entered and stared around in confusion. Where is my love? I pulled out my phone to text Mila.

I noticed Hailey calling me, but I declined her call. I began crafting a message to Mila when Hailey called again. I rolled my eyes and declined her call. I was almost done with my message when Hailey called again. Could she not get the hint that I just wanted to focus on Mila today? I declined the call and sent Mila the message. I then silenced my phone and put it in my pocket, but not before seeing the message Hailey sent: URGENT! YOU'RE IN DANGER!

I was about to call her, but heard some talking. I wonder if Mila is conversing with someone over the phone. Well, that's okay. I'll patiently wait. My eyes flitted across the room when I heard the sound of someone banging glass. I scrunched my brows since the sound came from overhead. I was about to look up when I felt a pain in my shoulder. I grimaced and looked down to see blood pouring out the hole. I then heard more shots before bullets pierced through my body.

I dropped the bouquet and fell to my knees. I gritted my teeth in an effort to control my pain. I then saw a woman in a sharp suit step closer to me. There were a few guys behind her with their guns aimed at me. I was momentarily stunned as to why I didn't sense anyone. I then realized that they had probably done a magical barrier spell to cloak their scents.

"Hello, Allura." The woman spoke.

"Have we met before? You must remind me since your face is easily forgettable." I smirked at her unamused face.

"I'm Agent Kate. And you're under arrest."

"Humor me as to what I'm being accused of, love." I applied pressure to my shoulder. That silver was really a pain in the ass.

"Your rap sheet is too long to list." Kate aimed her gun at my head. "But your reign of terror ends here."

"You sure it isn't the beginning?" I arched a brow.

"We were told to capture you alive and if you attempt to resist then we can use lethal force. The thing is... they don't know what really happened. Only what I tell them."

"Who is them?" I questioned.

"You won't be alive long enough to fully understand. All you need to know is that we wouldn't have gotten the evidence without your darling wife." Kate smirked while I stiffened. "She's the one who gave us all the clues and drew all the connections. Without her, it was just speculation, but she was able to make it fact. So you can thank her." Kate titled her head upwards.

I furrowed my brows before following her gaze. My words got caught in the back of my throat as I locked eyes with Mila. She was being restrained by Matt as she screamed. Of course, I couldn't hear her. They must've done a soundproofing spell to prevent me from hearing her. I didn't need to hear or sense her to see the desperation on her face. Mila was screaming into the void, but I could make out her words. She wanted me to run and escape.

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