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Lara's POV

I was shuffled into a bedroom and left alone. I looked over my shoulder as I heard the door slam closed. I rolled my eyes and walked to the windows to see the beautiful view of the Amalfi coast. I held out my hand and used magic to bring me a random book. An intrigued look crossed my face as I scanned the summary. Well, this should keep me thoroughly entertained. I leaned against the window frame and silently read the novel.

I was halfway through the book when a knock resounded on my door. I ignored it and focused on the fascinating words of Paolo Giordano. I smelt a familiar scent, which easily beat my fascination for the novel. Mila had her arms crossed as she leaned against the doorframe. I marked my page and tossed the book on the bed, so that I could give her my undivided attention.

"I'm having dinner, would you like to join?"

"Nothing better to do... actually, the book is quite entertaining." Mila rolled her eyes and walked away.

I chuckled and followed her to the dining room. The table was set for two in a dimly lit room. How romantic, Amelia. I shook my head in amusement and sat next to her while she sat at the head. Nothing different from how we sat back in our realm. The waiters removed the cloches to show a devious pasta meal. I watched the man pour my wine to the acceptable height. I subtly sniffed the air and realized he was human. He stepped back, so I reached out and grabbed his wrist. Everyone, including Mila was on high alert. I smiled and allowed my fangs to elongate, making him slightly shake whilst glaring at me.

"Mind filling it to the brim, mate?" I smiled and released him.

The man poured the glass, but his arm slightly shook. He tried his best to make it not noticeable, but my eyes could detect even the slightest of shakes. I cleared my throat, making him glance at me.

"Just leave the bottle." I smiled and sat back.

He nodded and placed the bottle on the table before leaving. I smugly flitted my eyes at Mila to find her not amused in the slightest. Mila raised her fingers to usher everyone out the room. They were hesitant, but didn't defy her.

"Don't touch my staff again." She spoke before placing a forkful of pasta in her mouth.

"But where's the fun in that?" I smiled and drank some wine. "Delicious. That's the only thing the Italians may edge the French out in." I smirked while she arched a brow.

"You do understand where you are." Mila spoke in a way that made me realize it wasn't a question. "Yet have the audacity to-"

"More wine?" I asked since I finished my glass. Mila's mouth opened in offense that I'd interrupt. "I'll take much, much more." I poured myself a hefty amount.

"Have you no table manners? Or manners in general?"

"I'm actually quite well-mannered and detest people who lack table manners. However, I'm doing this to get a rise out of you. I'm hoping your wolf is beating against you to release her. Allow me to speak with Chiara." I placed the glass down.

"How do you know her name?" Mila hissed.

"Because we're mates and I'm the one who helped you unlock her. Seriously, Mila. This whole memory wiping thing is highly annoying." I rolled my eyes. "Now, can I speak with Chiara?"

"Fuck off." She menacingly whispered.

"Alrighty then." I smiled and took a massive gulp of wine.

"Are you not going to eat?" She gestured to the uneaten pasta.

"I'm on a no carb diet." I stood and walked around. "Where's this portrait from?" I stopped underneath a painting.

"A Michelangelo piece." Mila looked confused.

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