9. Unwarranted Punishment

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It was almost evening when I gained consciousness. The sky was painted in its dark hue of blue with a tint of red while the evening star shone overhead, blessing the wounded with its healing presence. The gales sang a symphony of the beaches nearby and the sound of waves crashing against the shore was quite evident today. The entire expanse of Medinikhand was celebrating another day of prosperity bestowed on the nation by the grace of the sea god himself.

Amongst this extravaganza, I slowly rose from the bed, a thin sheen of sweat was accumulated on my forehead, reminding me of the events of today. I looked around, my room was scantly lit with the light while the maids were rushing to tend to my needs. 

One of my closest maids, Chanchala walked closer to me with a tub in her hand. In my last lifetime, Chanchala was like my sword who accomplished all my tasks through whatever means possible, even on the day of our doom, she was the one to bear an arrow coming in my way; she sacrificed herself for me. Regardless of how many lives I take, I would never be able to clear the debt she has laden me with.

"Rajkumari, please rest. You are yet again inflicted with a severe fever." She informed me while applying a wet kerchief to my forehead. Unlike Nirmala, her eyes held maturity and gentleness beyond her age. If Nirmala was like an innocuous fairy, Chanchala was the gentle village girl who held both wisdom and beauty.

"Forgive me." My voice croaked out and the words came broken, "I created a mess for you all,"

Sighing, I got up with the help of Chanchala, my muscles were sore and my head was throbbing in pain but the memory of the void was clear in my mind.

' Go away.'  The words resonated in my ears but I tried not to let my apprehensions be evident on my face. Bearing a stoic expression, I called Chanchala, "Chanchala," I muttered her name.

Though my voice was barely audible, her vigilant ears caught onto my words and she quickly answered me, "Yes Rajkumari."

I waited for a moment, no words came to my tongue and I fell blank but then the voices in my ears reminded me of my question.

"Am I a disappointment Chanchala?" I queried, my hands clasped on hers and our eyes met. She was bewildered, I was sure about that but she kept her calm.

There was no answer and it was solely silence that permeated my chamber with the footsteps of maids, it was broken by a grunt from Chanchala. She let out an indignant sound as if answering the question would be a herculean task for her- which it was- but to me, it was a yes. I left her hand in that very second, slowly, with disappointment.

"Pardon me Rajkumari, I am not qualified enough to answer this question." She finally spoke up, albeit her answer was not satisfactory to me. The entire time while speaking, the hands of Chanchala kept on working, ignoring the annoyance written on my face.

"You do know this is not a proper answer," I growled at her but she remained unflustered at my tone and kept on accomplishing the task in her hand.

"Chanchala, this could lead to punishment," I warned her though I was not planning to do anything as such.

"Punishment accepted, Rajkumari." The resolute in her voice was clear, she was not backing away from her words. If it were anyone else, they would have faced the heat of my anger but for Chanchala, I could do nothing but laugh endearingly at her bravery- the same bravery that saved me multiple times in my last life.

"You were always a tough nut to crack, Chanchala, and I respect that." I smiled at her, letting her change the kerchief on my head every once in a while.

"What is my punishment?" She questioned almost stoically as if she had unheard the praise that I just bestowed her with.

"Ah- yes, your punishment. Let me think of an apt punishment for you. It is not always that I get to present you with one." She just nodded at my statement and went to help the maids who were lighting up the room.

The dark sky of Medinikhand now donned the serene moon in its embrace whose gentle rays cascaded through the windows, giving a silvery touch to the palace. With the meticulous actions of the servants, my room was soon lit by the golden glow of the torches that added to the grandeur of the chamber. 

"Has Nirmala left?" I questioned the maid who was arranging my bed alongside Chanchala- Shailaja was her name if I am not wrong.

Leaving the work in her hand, she faced me and replied, "Devi Nirmala has been banned to enter the palace henceforth."

"Banned?" I scrunched my brows and adjusted myself on the pillow to get a better look at the maid. Decked in an orange cotton lehenga, she only adorned a single gold chain around her neck highlighting her collarbone. "Report the entire thing to me."

"Maharani was quite furious at Devi Nirmala for bringing the portrait into the palace that led to degradation of your health. According to her, Devi Nirmala did some sort of sorcery on you hence, whenever she is nearby you are inflicted with a severe fever. If it were not for Jyesth Rajkumar Aadhirai, Devi Nirmala might not have been able to go home without capital punishment bestowed upon her." She reported everything in a mellow tone. During this time, I turned to look at Chanchala whose work suddenly felt convoluted to me.

Sensing her discomfort, I turned to face her and queried, "Is there anything else that I am not being informed of?"

"Chanchala didi was also punished. She was beaten ten times on her knees for not taking proper care of you." Shailaja informed making me wince. Subconsciously, I stared at the legs of Chanchala that seem to be shivering albeit it was hardly evident through her silk skirt.

"Chanchala," I whispered. "Your family is in the capital, right?"

She nodded, her hands clasped on the sheets but she kept her stance.

"Your punishment is-" I looked at her with solidarity before continuing, "You are going to take me to your home tomorrow itself."

With this, I left no scope of debate before lying down to sleep.

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Rajkumari- Princess

Maharani- Queen

Jyesth- Elder

Rajkumar- Prince

Didi- Elder sister

lehenga- a traditional indian attire

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