36. Unshrouding the Return

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The cold winds, carrying the nauseous smell of raw milk and old flowers, caressed my face while the song of birds wasn't evident to my ears. At the gates stood Purohita Daksha, gazing into my eyes and there was nothing I could find except silence accompanying my heartbeats; they were fast. Her presence unnerved me to an extent where I was unable to shift my sight anywhere but her; she had captured me somehow in those light grey shades of eyes. 

"Rise!" Her voice resounded in the entire vicinity though they were just above whispers and with her words- everyone followed her command. Even Nyrvig who is generally mischievous and chirpy was unusually silent today, being respectful to the old woman forth me.


The sound of her stick resonated against the marbled floor of the temple, as she headed toward me. Each click startled me, and an ominous feeling rose within me. My eyes followed her each step, my hand shakily moving toward my hidden dagger when she approached me. 

Her rough and bony fingers brushed against my chin, sending tremors down my body. I gulped my saliva, fear crawling up my body. Her mere presence was intimidating and knowing that my future lay in her hands, made the situation worse. 

"Good, very good." She said while analyzing my face and eyes scanning through every feature of my visage.

"Priestess Daksha," Maharaj Surendra made his presence known and with joined hands greeted the priestess.

Despite there being a presence of a royal, the priestess paid little mind to his words and kept her gaze fixated on me as if the rest of the world was not of her concern. 

"I know what you are here for Maharaj," she said in a low voice with a carcass tone; her old age was evident just from her voice if one already had not noticed her wrinkle-laden skin marred with dark spots.

"Then I request you to do the divination." Maharaj Surendra spoke amicably to the old priestess.

Her rough hands took hold of my palms and she swiftly put some cloves on them. A strange burning sensation took over my body and the flames of anger danced in my eyes. She kept staring at me despite the glare adorning my face. I quickly jerked away from the cloves, which was followed by her croaky voice.

"The bird of the ashes has risen."

Though similar to a whisper, her voice held power that shushed the hall and reached every part of the room. Whispers and stories were raised within the hall, fear riding all the faces.

"Ashes? Would she be the reason for our family's or worse the kingdom's death, priestess Dhaksha?"  Though a sense of satisfaction laid in her eyes, Durgamati's words were laced with worry.

I glanced at Nyrvig, his eyes zoned out and fear visible on his face. His hands were shaking, though it was veiled by the royal pretense that he was carrying. My brows scrunched but I averted my eyes and glanced at Daksha, her eyes holding a glint of merriment in them.

"No, Rani Durgamati. One could not deduce this from a mere sentence because I see wealth and prosperity within her wings. Victory shall be her accomplice but the pain is written in her destiny."

Saying this, Daksha left my hand and turned to my father-in-law. Her face held satisfaction and the prior air of ominous buzzing now held a good omen for me, for us. I glanced at Nyrvig who was still in a trance at the words of the priestess for it was hard for him to believe that the woman said anything prosperous about someone instead of her regular menacing divinations.

Though everyone was joyous regarding the prediction, I was alarmed; bird of ashes... my thoughts were stuck on the words.

'Does she know about my reality?' My mind ruminated over the fact, that it was not impossible because she was not some quack priestess who just spoke out random words as I previously thought her to be.

She conversed with Nyrvig's father, speaking further about the auspiciousness that is following me but my mind was stuck in her words. The royal family started leaving slowly; the show was now over. I was rooted at my spot and when almost everyone left, my legs slowly moved towards the gate, various thoughts bubbling in my mind.

"Would you like to know the reason behind the reason you got a second chance, Rajkumari?"

Daksha's coarse voice stopped me from moving ahead and I turned around to face her. I could feel goosebumps rise in my arms knowing that someone knew my reality.

"You know my reality?"

My voice was shivering and sounded stupid. Daksha laughed, her laughter horrifying. I felt a wave of terror flash within me and I took a shaky step back. She abruptly stopped laughing and glanced at me, her mere aura giving me strange vibes.

"Of course my child. I even know the reason you are carrying a dagger or the reason behind your decision to marry Nyrvig and not Urjit."

The information that she carried about my life creeped me out. She knew about all the important parts of my life. Various emotions flashed on my face, foremost being the curiosity about my boon.

"Please tell me, priestess Daksha, why I received this boon?"

She laughed at my eagerness, making me irritated and furious. I controlled my temper and waited for her to reveal the truth, eager and scared about it at the same time.

"It was your daughter."

Her words made me tremble to the core and tears suddenly welled up in my eyes. I just stared at her, waiting for her to continue. My breath was still and my body was stressed.

"The pain and sacrifice of Bhumija made the gods tremble, this they granted you a second chance, a chance to take revenge for her."

With that, she left me alone to ponder over my thoughts, tears welling up in my mind and my body shaking. Images of my daughter flashed in my mind and I took deep breaths to lighten myself when the voice of Shailja brought me out of the trance.

"The royal procession is leaving Rajkumari. Rajkumar Nyrvig is waiting for you."

I merely nodded and with heavy steps moved towards the palanquin, images of Bhumija ruling my mind.

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Purohita- Priestess

Maharaj- King

Rajkumari- Princess

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Hello peeps!

The chapter is dedicated to krishnasodari. Happy Birthday gurl! Stay blessed and happy! Meri shishya :P

Meet you guys in the next update

Till then bye bye!

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