13. Apprehensive Reunion

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As soon as I got into the palace, I was surrounded by guards and maids who have apparently, noticed my absence. Rejoicing the fact of my well-being, they guided me to the chamber where my family was waiting for me. Sitting on the settee, my mother was in the arms of m father, weeping, while my father tried to coax her with his loving words.

Seeing both their expression, I wondered whether I would be able to share the same experience with Nyrvig ever. Speaking of the monster, I turned to look at my second brother who was pacing around the room with my third brother following his lead with tiny steps. Among all of them, the calmest of all was my first brother who was standing in the shadow, tapping his feet against the floor.  The taps of the footsteps and the silence shrouding the entire room stopped the very moment I entered the room, everyone rushed toward me at my mere sight.

"You are not allowed to put in such a state ever again." Was the first thing my mother said to me while hugging me tightly. Her tears slithered down her cheeks, falling on my blouse, subsequently, wetting them.  

"We were worried sick." My father muttered, his hands were placed on my mother's back, coaxing her to stop crying. "Never do this ever again, Vija."

"Why bother with her when she is going to repeat her actions?" 

My brother's words were rough and I could sense the disappointment in his voice. He always consoled me when all scolded me for my actions but this time he was angry. I looked toward my other brothers, Rajkumar Aditya and Rajkumar Ashok. They both arrived yesterday when I was lying unconscious. 

Rajkumar Aditya, my elder brother, had a physique similar to my eldest brother but was more serious than any of us. He demanded respect at the mere sight of him and a stoic expression, similar to that of our father, always resided on his face. But for the people who knew him would easily find the concern that lied in his deep eyes for any of the family members or his dear ones and currently that concern was for me.

Glancing at him, the proposal that Nyrvig kept in front of me popped into mind. It was either my brother's life or mine and that depended on my one decision. In my previous life I was a lovesick puppy and ignored the words of well-being from my family but this time I am ready to sacrifice anything for them. But do I have enough strength to make my decision?

A warm hand cupped my cheeks and brought me out of my trance. I looked up to see the eyes of my mother glistening with tears that are ready to fall at any moment. A warm drop slithered down my face and before I realized I was sobbing in the arms of my mother. My inner turmoil, the love that my family showed me, and the guilt for hurting them all flowed down my face at that very moment.

"Are you okay my child?"

"Did something happen to you?"

"Please say something Vija!"

"Vija why are you crying?"

I heard several voices calling me, asking me about my well but I could not manage the strength to utter a single syllable. Their concern was clear in their voices but all. I was going down in the round of self-guilt. I was blaming myself for always putting them in such a condition. Whether it be Urjit, because of whom I saw my family die in front of me, or my reckless actions, because of which all this is happening. 

I just tightened my hands around my mother, seeking all warmth I needed to fight my inner turmoil. I was thankful to them for bestowing me with such great love. But now the question which was revolving in my head was 'Would I again feel this love?'.

After a few moments, I gathered enough strength to look in the eyes of my mother again, to look around, look at my whole family who was standing near me worry evident in their eyes.

"I am fine." A pathetic lie came out of my mouth which more or less sounded like a sob. 

"We can clearly see that." My head turned towards my eldest brother, carrying a neutral face he gave a sarcastic remark to my statement. 

"Dear, what happened? Please tell us." Worry laced the voice of my father. The forever strong man I used to see was crying in front of me, worried for me.

'This is happening because of me.'

My inner voice was trying to guilt-trip me but I knew better than to start crying all over again and worry about my family again. This Vijetri would burn for her family this time. Not for love, not for revenge, not for herself but for the family that was always with her.

"We should let her rest. She is clearly tired. We should not push her to say anything if she is not comfortable." The calm voice of bhrata Aditya cut through the silence and reached to the very corners of the room.

"I agree with Aditya. Maa, Pitashree, you two have not rested since morning. Please take some food and rest. We would talk about this in the morning." Bhrata Aadhirai's voice followed and those two voices managed to convince mother and father. I knew both my brothers did this for me and for my comfort. I was blessed to have their love till now.

"You should take rest, Didi." Ashok spoke after both my parents left for their chamber. He was silent throughout the scene. My younger brother Ashok, Rajkumar Ashok, did have a warrior's quality but due to his age, he appeared more of a simple child. But on fine observations, one could clearly tell his muscles did undergo warrior training. Unlike my other brothers, he had a chirpy and mischievous nature which when looking upon his age was very normal but that did not mean he was any less wise. One thing that my brothers surely inherited from my father and that was his wise and deep nature.


I broke out of my trance, which for sure I am having much these days, and gazed at all my brothers inspecting me for any wound or even a scratch on my body.

Little did they know the harm was on my heart.

"I am fine. I guess I should take rest." I quickly said. One thing about me was that I could never hide anything from my brothers. I don't know if it was my poor lying skills or their ability to read me like an open book, but they always got to know what was going on with me.

"Hmmm. Let her rest brothers, we have plenty to discuss with her the next morning." Bhrata Aditya's voice held a tone that told me they surely knew something of my turmoil. I don't know how but they did.

Ignoring the thoughts I focused more on the person who is just a single meeting made my life upside down. Nyrvig.  I have a strange inkling that his game is big in which I am a mere pawn and still many pawns are unknown. With these thoughts, I descended into the lands of dreams without bothering to clean myself up after the visit to the market.

It was an eventful day and I feared these events would have greater repercussions in the coming days. 

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Bhrata- brother

Pitashree- Father

Ma- Mother

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Vijetri: Water is solution to every problem. 

 Dehydrated? Drink water. 

 Want clear skin? Drink water. 

 Want to get rid of someone? Drown them in water. 

 Nyrvig: .......... 

 Vijetri: am I wrong?

 Nyrvig: only morally

Meme by vedvaani

On TheVanillaGurl's demand, the chapter is written by @Mystery_Reader_195

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