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Melody and Alexander spent three eventless days holed up in her room. Friends brought them food, drinks and snacks as needed. Alexander insisted on cutting all Melody's food into small bites, not even willing to risk her choking on her food until he was certain she wouldn't be a vampire if the unthinkable happened.

It was kind of nice, curled up with each other under blankets, watching each other's favorite movies back to back. Getting a chance to naturally talk about their pasts, likes, dislikes. Everything possible came up as conversation during those first 18 hours after Melody woke up. Still wrapped in Alexander's arms. They were unable to stop talking to each other as their love for each other grew even deeper.

Melody used the time watching movies and talking about her past with Alexander to put herself back together. Her arm was already feeling like it was healed, and all her other injuries were gone when she woke up. She kept telling herself that she was safe, mostly unharmed, and now she knew her father loved her until the moment of his natural death. She realised she was going to need some serious therapy but do shifters have those she wondered in her head. She had some serious issues to work through and a human only therapist wasn't going to be much help.

"Alexander..." The movie was starting to run through the credit reel, "Is there, like a shifter therapist or counsellor or something?" She felt awkward. She didn't like asking him this. Admitting she was broken to him.

"I know you can feel me Melody, and I can feel you.  Don't feel shame over wanting help. Of course we have those. There's an appointment for you already set up after this quarantine." Melody probed her feelings and his. The only thing she felt was his unwavering love and support. All the bad feelings were her own. Except for guilt he was full of it too. "Yes. I have an appointment too. Even if you didn't make that eye at me, or if you hadn't asked just now the appointments would have still already been made." She looked up at him confused.

"Pack policy, traumatic events like an attack, kidnapping, or accident mandate an automatic appointment to talk through the event if nothing else." Melody was about to interject, and ask him why he needed to go too when she had been the one attacked but he rushed the ending, cutting her off to answer her question, "Mates of those involved in traumatic events also need to be seen. They felt everything their mate felt in real time. Without being able to know more about what is happening."

"I'm sorry" His eyes widened in shock, how could she be apologising.

"Why would you be sorry? You did nothing to deserve anything that happened to you. I should be begging your forgiveness because if you weren't my mate nothing would have happened to you." He leaned down to kiss her, but she pushed him back. Leaving him more shocked and now worried.

"I would be a revenge porn victim at the very least, worst my step brothers would have tag team raped me in my own home while my mother let it happen. I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger. That I couldn't protect myself. That I made you worry so much. So sorry about-"

Alexander cut her off from saying anything else so stupid by claiming her mouth with his, swallowing anymore lies and nonsense before she could say it. "I felt you sending strength and calm through the bond Melody. You were captive, chained and terrified and your strength is what allowed me to find you. Otherwise I would have been a useless pile on the floor. Others would have rescued you. "

"I love you."

"I love you more." Alexander rolled himself pinning Melody underneath him. "Is this ok?" She was still recovering, she had been through so much, his body was begging him to bury himself inside her, to feel that deep connection with her again when their bodies became one together. But he would never do anything she didn't want.

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