(53) Everyone Loves You

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Your POV

What you hadn't expected to wake up to the night right after you all got back home was your phone blowing up, again.

The warmth of Namjoon's body on yours made you want to stay close to him as long as you could. It just so happened that his phone also began to blow up. You groaned and snuggled into Namjoon's neck, climbing your leg to his side and not wanting to let him go. With this action, Namjoon shook awake and ran his hands through your hair.

"You should take that..." you mumbled into the crook of his neck and struggled to open your eyes.

Namjoon moves around, grabbing his phone. He's yawning and the ringing of the phone stopped only for it to be spammed by messages. "It has to be extremely important, right?"

You hum and close your eyes again, not thinking much of it.

It is shortly after that when you found yourself almost drifting back to sleep that you felt Namjoon yanking his body away from you and sitting up. "There's no way." He pushes the cover away from him and stands up, running outside of the room.

You're now wide awake. Completely confused by everything going on. You yawn and reach for your phone, instantly seeing messages from all of your friends.

The first one to pop up was the first one you opened.

"You're dating Kim Namjoon?!?!?"

Now what the freckles...?

You run a hand through your hair confused, finally hearing Namjoon frantically speaking on the phone on the other side of the phone. The easiest thing to go through was social media. Twitter to be exact.

And there it was. Pictures of you and Namjoon holding hands, sitting in the amusement park, almost kissing. There were other pictures by a different poster of you and Namjoon in the airport, someone commenting on your closeness to the male and it all looked so obvious.

You were doomed. This wasn't you being a babysitter getting caught with him and his secret kid, but you getting caught with him as a person who he was romantically involved with.

You're going to be eaten alive.

You try not to think too much about it. You can't. Its out of your control and there's not much you can do about it. You put your phone down on the table and glance at the door, knees going up to your chest and your head resting on your knees.

On the other side of the door, you can hear Namjoon talking, you can't make out the words but what you do understand is the sound of his laughing.

What could he be talking about...?

The door swings open and Namjoon is smiling at you. "I really love you." Woah.

That's a scary comment right after he received news we got exposed by the public. "This is it. Huh. This is how we're done???" You're being slightly sarcastic while somewhat serious. "'I love you, get out?' Is that what you're gonna tell me?" You wipe fake tears, confident by the smile on his face that that wasn't the case.

He jumps over on the bed, laying down beside you. "I got a call from our boss. You know, the one you talked to at that one press conference?" You mod. He adjusts himself comfortably and closes his eyes, he looks at peace. "He said there's no need for a cover up or to announce anything if I don't want to. He likes you and trusts me to make smart decisions."

"You're serious?"

"Deadly. He then insisted on asking you if you wanted to become a model or something like that, said he mentioned it to you before and is pretty serious about it." You laugh at that and shake your head. "No rush, were his words, enjoy your youth he said."

You didn't understand much of what was going on. "So... you're okay with the boss. What about the media? Do people hate me? I was too scared to check."

"Mostly jokes about me cheating on them and serious comments or threads of people who had met you and knew you saying they're in love with you." He glances up, making serious eye contact. "Everyone loves you, Y/N."

You blush, not by what he said but by the way he was looking at you. "I'm really glad, I really am... you don't understand how nervous I'd get if the majority of the people that supported you suddenly stopped because you got with me- and what if we got married- they would kill me on-"

"Married?" Namjoon lifts his head, smiling at you and you freeze. "I didn't- that's not what I-"

The door bursts open and there's Chanyeol, holding a pillow in one hand and keeping the door from closing with the other. "Morning..." he yawns, saying it in English and looking at the scene going on in his father's bed. "Papa, mam- y/n..." he has a pout on his face and despite that not being the first time you heard him call you mama, he said it in front of Namjoon and you felt a wave of embarrassment wash over you. He must think you tell him to call you that in secret or that you want him to call you that and are forcing him- he's gonna hate you.

Namjoon, on the other hand, laughs and gestures for Chanyeol to get on the bed. "You call her mama?"

Chanyeol looks at you for approval to continue speaking, not helping with your theory, but you just smile. The young boy climbs on the bed and snuggles you, looking at his father. "I wuv her."

Namjoon hums and smiles. "You want Y/N to be your mama? Is that it?"

"I wanna mawry Y/N!" Huh??

Maybe that's why he stopped the word 'mama' halfway.

"Well, get in line, buddy because I'm first." He tries to pull Chanyeol away who was now clinging on to you.

You take a deep breath, seeing the two of them arguing, Chanyeol taking this very seriously.

Namjoon wasn't completely right by saying everyone loves you but right now, seeing the two of them in front of you, you felt as if your whole world was in front of you, loving you.

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