(03) Kim Chanyeol

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Your POV

It could be very good luck or maybe the gods are punishing you. How did you end up in the house of none other than Kim Namjoon, the leader of the world-known kpop band BTS. Sure, you didn't know much about him and you only listened to kpop (doubtful), it is hard to not know about BTS in this day and age.  

As you currently sat on the couch of his very cozy home, you looked around his house as he fetched for some tea. Around the floor were some toys and many Totoro plushies. Clear indications of a small child living in this house. Before you kept looking around, a small clatter came from a door close to where the toys were thrown, your eyes quickly turned to look at the source of the sound. "Huh?" you stood from the couch and looked at the small child. A small smile placed on your lips as you waved at the small kid. "Hello~ what might your name be?" you tilted your head to the side with a small smile and the kid quickly hid behind the door frame.        

You quickly glanced at the kitchen where Namjoon was too focused on making the tea to notice you. He wouldn't mind if you roamed around the house, right? You put your things aside on a table and peeked through the door frame.

The small kid hid behind a curtain. Fully trusting that you wouldn't be able to see him from there. "Hmmm... I wonder where he went?" you spoke out loud to see if he peeked out. "Did he suddenly disappear?" you spoke to his direction, not moving from where you stood. 

A small giggle came from behind the curtain and you loudly gasped.  "Omo.... what could that be?!" you whisper shouted. "I think it came from over here..." you stepped all the way to the curtain beside the one where he hid.  Moving the curtain to the side to see if he was there. 

"Aww I guess he's not here..." you pouted and as soon as you turned around to act like you were going out the door, the kid jumped out at you. Letting out a small roar that was more adorable than intimidating.

Nevertheless, you jumped up in surprise and pretended to be scared. Falling on the ground in progress which resulted in a small toy robot stabbing your back. "No, no, no, so scary~" you covered your eyes to not look at him and he giggled. Rushing to you and jumping up and down multiple times.

"It's Han'yol,(Chanyeol) 'ont be scawed" he spoke and you smiled, still covering your face and shaking your head. "Han'yol no scawy..." he sounded sad and you quickly removed your hands from your face and sat up, removing the toys from your back and reaching for his hands.

His small hands fell perfectly onto yours and you tilted your head. "Chanyeol is not scary?" you asked and he shook his head no. You pouted and glanced at the door.

"Miss. Y/N?" Kim Namjoon peaked at the door. A huge blush spread across your face as you realized where it was that you were. "Oh, you've met Chanyeol..." he smiled but there was a hint of confusion in his eyes as he looked in between the two of you. "Right. Tea's ready," he lifted a tray for you and you quickly stood up. Dusting the dust off your skirt and taking a look at Chanyeol one last time.

Chanyeol rushed to stand by Namjoon who walked back to the living room with you following behind. "I apologize for roaming around without permission." You reached for the mug with both hands once Namjoon set the tray down and handed it to you. You sat on the smaller couch. Namjoon sitting in the longer one, helping tiny Chanyeol sit on the couch beside himself. 

"Don't worry about it," he responded once he finally helped Chanyeol sit down. "It's quite strange seeing Chnayeol getting along with strangers so quickly. He's really not really social," he explained and turned to look at Chanyeol who was looking at both of you attempting to understand the conversation. "I've hired few other babysitters for him before but they all either quit or were fired due to me being his father." He patted Chanyeol's head and sighed with a warm smile on his face.

Chanyeol scrunched his face up with a smile, his hair covering his eyes. You took a sip from your tea and turned to look at Kim Namjoon. "So... um do I start working today or..." 

"Right, you can have the job. Chanyeol seems to like you, and you don't seem to be a troublesome person," he explained himself.

Your eyes widened and a smile never left your lips. "Are you serious?" you put the mug down and Namjoon nodded. 

"Yeah, luckily, no one knows I live here so you are free to go anywhere as long as we don't go out at the same time. Here's how much you'd be getting paid, I know it's not a lot... but it's the best I can do at first," he explained and handed you a paper with the payment information.

That's a lot of zeros for a babysitter. Not that you were going to complain... "Don't worry, this is more than enough sir," you spoke and kept the paper in hand. 

He scratched the back of his neck and glanced at his phone. "You can skip the formalities, we're the same age after all." He put his phone down and stood up, putting the mug down on the table. Chanyeol tried to get off the couch but almost slipped. "I have training in a few hours, do you mind starting to work today?" he asked and you glanced at the clock behind him.

"Yeah don't- shoot" you reached over to Chanyeol who was about to grab the steamy hot mug of tea which was still very full. Pulling him away and moving the mug over to the middle of the table where he couldn't reach it. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I can start today." You smiled.

He grabbed the mug and his phone. "Thank you," he stared down at you for a while.

You played with Chanyeol, keeping your own mug away from him. "Don't worry about it, you can go and get ready if you want. Chanyeol and I've got it covered. Right, Chanyeol?" 

"Yeah!" he cheered and Namjoon softly chuckled.

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