(17) Chemistry

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Third POV

Chemistry: a connection, a bond or common feeling between two people.

Kim Namjoon and Y/N had some hot chemistry between the two of them but they are too much of a pair of airheads to realize it. But of course, how could they not when they've been on the phone during late nights everyday for the past few nights. There was no chemistry at the beginning.

Kim Namjoon saw Y/N as a nice babysitter and Y/N saw him as her boss who's got the money to make her disappear off the face of the earth.

When did the chemistry build up? Was it the subtle eye contact between the two of them? Maybe the slight touch of the hands when doing everyday things?

We're all probably wondering how their story progressed so fast with little to no explanation. Chemistry between two people can have them do a whole 180 turn and do something they would've never dreamt of doing.

Namjoon watched Y/N frantically pull out the two cale trays, carefully putting them on top of the oven snd turning them off. "Namjoon... you couldn't hire an expert to bake this?" She turned ho look back at him, her face still flushed as she tried to lighten up the mood. Namjoon was still just staring at her, speechless.

He was ok with the idea of kissing her. Heck, he was still thinking about doing it if it weren't for her looking so uncomfortable. Her face was flushed, frosting still all over her face as she dropped half the things she was grabbing.

At times like this, Namjoon would be worried, yet at the moment, he was thinking about how cute she was when flustered. Hiding his smile, he turned away and widely smiled with his back faced to her.

Y/N on the other hand was freaking out. Her hands were shaking and she was a blushing mess. The room suddenly got warm and she felt like she was sweating bullets. What if she got fired? Her parents would kick her out for sure. Should she apologize? Maybe she was just imagining him trying to kiss her. She'll definitely get fired.

The cale had to cool down and the messy cupcakes were out in a cute stand thing Y/N bad bought the previous day.

Today's Chanyeol's birthday, she had to stop messing around and make the day a happy one for him.

"Alright Y/N! Fighting!" Y/N lifted a fist up in the air and carefully covered the cupcakes away. Humming softly, she looked around and started cleaning the mess she made with the man who stood on the other side of the counter.


It took a while for the cake to cool down so it could be properly decorated by Y/N. Her eyes would occasionally meet Namjoon's and she would look away with a small blush on her face. Every time she looked away, Namjoon would stare at her for a few minutes and then he'd go back to look away.

After the cake was done, it didn't take ling for them to really get to work.

Y/N became nervous and she carefully decorated the table while Namjoon blew the balloons. Half of them would pop but the rest seemed fine.

"Y/N, how am I going to put this up?" Namjoon looked at Y/N who was struggling to set the tablecloth down.

She looked around a pointed at the bag filled with party supplies. "There should be some tape and ribbons over there." She leaned over the table and huffed in annoyance when it slipped right off the table once again. "Help me out here... please." He grinned and put the things he had in hand down.

"Explain." He picked up the tablecloth and waited for her to speak. "Y/N?"

She shook her head, no longer staring at him in awe while focusing on the task at hand. "Get it to stick to that corner over there..." she leaned over and Namjoon slowly moved carefully to not break the cheap tablecloth that was planned to be thrown out right after the small party.

"Like this?"

"You have long arms... don't let it fall, I know what to use..!" Y/N stepped back and left Namjoon clumsily holding on to the tablecloth.

The girl walked back to grab the tape and spun around. Namjoon noticed what she had in hand. "Start over here, my arms are going numb...!" He exclaimed and Y/N nodded, pushing him to the side while trying to put the tape underneath the tablecloth.

Her fingers met his and once again, for a second the two of them could feel that spark. A spark of chemistry.

"Sorry...!" Y/N pulled her hand away and Namjoon carefully moved to the other side to continue placing tape underneath the tablecloth.

He seemed to be thinking about something and as Y/N began to place to funny looking yet delicious cupcakes along with the cake on the table, his thinking became louder.

For such a smart guy, he was pretty dumb when it came to doing what he wanted to do or say what be wanted to say. "You know..." oh, he actually spoke. "You don't have to be in high alert when around me. If you didn't like-"

Dang it. His phone rang the moment he was actually going to say the important stuff. Curse the person responsible for this.

"Taehyung, What's the matter?" He glanced at Y/N for a second who decided not to think too much about what he was gonna say and just on decorating the balloons. "No. I did not move. Still the same place from three years ago. Alright, bye bye." He hung up and looked up at Y/N, this time she met his gaze knowing he wanted to tell her something.

Her nose scrunched up in confusion. "What is it?"

He grinned and held a balloon up for her. "Everyone except Jungkook are on their way here. I'm giving you a fair warning in case you want to go back yo your place for a quick second or maybe-"

"Oh no. This is terrible. I have to get going. Wait, the balloons. Oppa what am I-"

"I got you covered. There'll be six grown men in this house, we'll manage just fine without little you." His eyes met hers for what seemed like the millionth time but this time neither of them looked away embarrassedly.

If you were to look at them from another perspective. You could see the two of them had something going on between the two of them. Something that maybe they were just now starting to realize. Something I like to call chemistry.

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