(32) Tell

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Your POV

You frowned, looking down at the message you had just received. While you stared at the notification just as another one popped up. An address.

'It's up to you. If you want to know the truth. Meet me. If you want to stay and be clueless, feel free to do as you please.'

You didn't know what to do. You had to react one way or another...

You did what any normal person would do. You opened the text messages and typed in a few words.

'Who are you?'

Almost instantly, the phone was lighting up with a notification.

'I'm Kim Chanyeol's mother. Park Sunhee'

Holy crackers...

You turned the phone off, not bothering to respond much further as you didn't have anything to say to that person. While stepping out of your clothes and into the bath, you started to think about the situation.

How did she know about you? How did she even figure out you were with Kim Namjoon?

The water ran down your body and time had flown a little too fast for you liking because before you knew it, you were done with your bath and were just standing under the water. There was a small knock at the door, a little quiet.

You jumped up in surprise. "Yes?!?" You stopped the water, knowing you were done.

"Y/N! We gotta watch dada's video! Hully hully!" Right. The live.

You scrambled off the shower, grabbing the towel to dry your body as fast as you could. Grabbing the outfit which consisted of a pair of shorts and a large hoodie that you only recognized to not be yours when you had no choice but to walk out with it on as you didn't grab a shirt.

Putting it on, you tried rolling up the sleeves only for them to fall back down. You walked out to see Namjoon sitting with Chanyeol on the couch. The two of them were staring at the countdown and talking about how the numbers were different on the phone than on the tv.

When you put your clothes in your bedroom, you walked out to see Namjoon look at you slightly surprised until he wasn't and when he started smiling like a little fool. "Hey there..." the two of you giggled as you moved over to sit next him.

"Hey..." you spoke just as softly, having Chanyeol climb on your lap and hug you. "Hope you two handsome boys didn't miss me too much."

Namjoon looked down at your clothes then back up at you. "Bold selection of clothing. Please tell me you're wearing pants." He talked about the one time you didn't.

You rolled your eyes and lifted up your hoodie to reveal your iron man shorts. "Of course I am." He nervously chuckled, smiling and getting his face closer to yours.

The timer was louder now, bringing attention to the ten-second countdown. "Papa papa! It's starting!" Chanyeol sat up on your lap, tapping his dad's face and shoulders to get his attention.

Both of you laughed and started watching the video. The most excited of the two of you was Chanyeol and he started dancing and trying to sing along as he listened to it.

The song ended as soon as it started and you really fell in love with it, sure you had heard other BTS songs before because you have been curious as to who they were but you never failed to be impressed by their songs. Chanyeol was already grabbing the remote and putting another song on. This time called 'blood sweat and tears' he stood on the floor in between the tv and the couch to dance along with it.

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