(28) L

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Your POV

"Hey..." you softly whispered in Namjoon's ear. "I cooked breakfast..." You spoke softly and ran your hands up to hold his face. "Oppa." You called out to him. He scrunched his face and turned to look at you. "Goodmorning," you spoke softly and he grinned.

His eyes stared at you, a smile growing on his face. "Good Morning..." You rubbed circles on his cheek with your thumb. "Where's Chanyeol?"

"He just fell asleep because apparently he stayed up all night." You sat carefully on the side of the bed. Your other hand reached to cup the other side of his face. "How are you feeling? Tired?" You know he had barely slept today.

He shook his head, his hand reaching to pull you down, face to face with him. "I'm great." He spoke and you rested your head on his chest only momentarily. "Wonderful, actually." He chuckled.

You gave him a kiss on the cheek and patted his chest. "Get up bub," you smiled down at him. "You have to go film today, right?" As realization washed over his face, he tilted his head back and groaned.

"I do..." he didn't look so happy. "It's another live." You knew that it was the waking up early that bothered him. He enjoyed everything about his job and you were glad he did. "You sure you don't want to come along?" You wished you could.

"Chanyeol is starting grade school next year. How about next year?" Will you be with him next year? What's to say he gets tired of you in the next few days. You literally live with him when you're not even technically dating.

He hummed and rose from the bed, sitting up next to you. "Next year... should we move into a bigger house?" He asked, looking genuinely curious about what your answer would be. "Hm?" He raised a brow.

You couldn't help but feel some butterflies in your stomach. "Let's go eat." You stood up and turned to look back at him. "The toast will lose its crunch."


Usually when Chanyeol woke up and realized his father was gone, he'd cry and get all snuggly. Especially when Namjoon spent more than a few free days with him. Today was different.

It was odd. He woke up, ate his breakfast, strawberry jam obviously included, brushed his teeth, and took a shower. There was no questioning of where dad was.

For some reason, you were starting to get nervous...

"Chanyeol, bub?" You sat down next to him while he was watching television. He hummed, sippy cup in hand. "Is there anything you want? How are you feeling today?"

He looked confused. "Of course I'm happy! You're here Y/N!" He laughed.

"You don't miss papa?" He was moving around, crawling on the couch to sit on your lap.

He shook his head. "Papa's coming back. Chanyeol's a big boy. Chanyeol no cwy." He seemed sure of it and sure, you were glad he was finally ok. "Chanyeol has Y/N. Y/N love Chanyeol. Yes?" Your heart melted.

Playing with his fluffy hair, you smiled. "Of course Y/N loves you." He smiled and you finally took notice of how cute his dimples were. They resembled his father's.

Sighing, you poked his dimples and softly hugged him. What would happen if you left him? Chanyeol hugged you back.

"Y/N—- Y/N..!!" He called out, climbing off of you as if he just remembered something important. "I want to go to the park today!" He spoke as if he had planned it the day before. "I can make new fwiends and we can eat ice cweam!!" He carefully climbed off the couch and ran to his room. "Papa bought me a new hat! I wanna wear it!!"

He pulled out a cute bucket hat from behind him that had a familiar cartoon stitched on. "Oh my..." Did they even show that cartoon on tv? "Didn't daddy make a song about Anpanman too?"

Chanyeol nodded furiously as a response and handed it to you. "Can we- can we go? Pwease?"

"As long as daddy says yes, of course! Let me call him," you weren't sure he would answer though?

You were right... Namjoon would be filming all day and probably wouldn't have much time to text back.

Chanyeol was getting desperate. He even dressed himself- WITH NO help might he add- and was ready to go, just waiting for the ok to do so... but his father was not responding to the text messages. Sure you'd said you would call him but you didn't want to actually bother him.

Here goes nothing....

The phone rang once.... twice... thrice...

"Hey bub," in the fourth ring, Namjoon's voice was heard across the phone. "Is something the matter?"

You instantly panicked. You weren't expecting him to answer. "You're not busy are you? I don't want to be annoying and I know you're shootin stuff today and-"

"Y/N. What is it?" His voice sounded playful and you could imagine the smile on his face. "I'm almost done- Did something- Did something happen?"

"No! Nothing of the sort. I just wanted to ask if it was ok to take Chanyeol to the park. I don't know at what time you come back but you might come back and we won't be there." You glanced at Chanyeol. "Chanyeol is ready to go, dressed himself up and everything." You giggled and grabbed your very own hat, reaching out for Chanyeol's hand.

Namjoon chuckled. "Yeah! It's fine. I'll buy food then. You two have fun and be safe!" He seemed rushed. "I have to go, we have to do the second half of the live now!"

"Oh.. alright, sorry. Have fun..! Bye bye," you smiled. Grabbing your shoes.

There was a bunch of speaking in the background but Namjoon talked to you again. "Alright Y/N! Bye! I love you!" He hung up before you fully processed what he said. He said it. He said the L word and you didn't hate it?

"Y/N, Y/N! Yow face is wed! Is Y/N swick?" Chanyeol let go of your hand to pull on your skirt. "We need medicine!" He exclaimed, pulling more on it.

You covered your face, realizing the warmth you felt on your cheeks and ears. "Oh..." you sighed and crouched down. "I'm fine. It's just a bit warm. Should we get you some apple juice before leaving?"

Chanyeol nodded and walked to the kitchen, pulling on the sleeve of your shirt now.

Love. Are you even able to say it back? Did he mean it? Why does your stomach suddenly feel like it's filled with butterflies but also scrambled eggs you can throw up any moment?

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