(09) Stubborn

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Your POV

"Chanyeol, come on.." Namjoon crouched down in front of his son and you stood nervously glancing in between him and Namjoon. Was it a bad idea to stay at his place overnight? Chanyeol seems to have become attached to you. A little too attached for anybody's good... "Miss. Y/L/N needs to leave. Her family's waiting for her at home." He spoke gently to his son and Chanyeol just tightly held onto your leg.

Jungkook looked over the both of us and walked over to Chanyeol as well. "You're going to leave uncle Kookie all alone?" He asked and Chanyeol nodded. Hugging you as tightly as he could.

After you were no longer nervous, you look at Chanyeol and put your arms out for you to carry him. "I gotta get the jam," you said. Holding him with your hand and your hip. "Tell me Chanyeol, do you know where jam comes from?" His eyes were watery but he was quiet. He waited for you to explain where jam comes from.

"Awe yuu weaving?" He asked and you turned to Namjoon, handing him his child. "But I wanna come with yuu" he whined but cuddled into his father's chest. Over the week you've known Chanyeol you've come to learn that when he's tired or hungry he can be quite clingy. Clingy enough to not let you go to the bathroom until he falls asleep.

Grabbing your stuff, you were sure that this time he wouldn't argue with you and let you go. "I have to go, bye bye Chanyeol~" you waved at him goodbye. Chanyeol's eyes began to water and you felt a hint of guilt.

"Don't worry pretty lady, he'll calm down in a few minutes. You go home and enjoy the rest of. Your day." Jeon Jungkook smiled and you nervously bowed to both Jungkook and Namjoon. You had met your second idol, this was amazing and thrilling. But would Chanyeol actually stop crying? You began to wonder on your way home.

Of course, as soon as you got home, you were greeted by your parents. "Where were you?" Here we go... "Who was that man on the phone he was so nice..." your mother took your things from your hands.

"Mom, that was my boss. Don't start coming up with colorful ideas." You smiled at her and walked into the kitchen. Your father drinking coffee in the table as he always does.

"Is that a new hoodie? seems to be men's clothing." He put the newspaper down and you sighed, facepalming and rolling your eyes. "It's none of my business, but don't go around messing with your boss. This is the first job you got after a long time and we're still waiting for you to move out." Way to be honest. No mercy.

Babysitting for a celebrity's kid did pay more than your average job, but bills have to be paid and you can't trust it'll be a permanent job. "I'm saving money mom... I just need to find-"

"You need to find the right motivation. Start thinking about your future. You're twenty two years old and still live with us." Your mother served you a cup of juice, putting a bunch of advertisements for new homes.

First it was a job and as soon as you get one, they want you out. You sat down on the table where you stood in front of your father and put your bag down on the floor beside your feet. You decided to read through the many articles but all of them where double the money of what you had. "It'll take me more than a year to be able to make a down payment for this mom... can't you just wait a little?"

In that moment, your mother seemed to have had enough. "That's it. She gently slammed down the jar of orange juice on the table and stomped her foot. "Either you start looking and find a place in a month or we'll kick you out!" She had to be kidding.

You turned in panic to your dad who seemed shocked but didn't at all disagree with what she had to say. You grabbed the home magazines and your orange juice and rushed to your room. Closing the door behind you, you loudly groaned as if they couldn't hear you. "You guys are gonna be the death of me!!!!!!!!" You stomped your foot and loudly yelled.

Your yelling was interrupted by your phone ringing. You looked down and read the caller ID: Kim Namjoon. What could he want? You answered the call and cleared your throat. "Yes? This is Y/N"

"Miss. I'm so sorry to call but it's Chanyeol. He keeps crying and asking for you." Kim Namjoon stressed on the other side of the phone and you could hear the loud yelling. "Could you please come over? I'll make sure to pay you more. Double even...!" He sounded desperate.

Of course you couldn't say no. You'll have to leave the jam for another day. "Uhhh... sure. Try giving him warm milk-" you walked into the bathroom connected to your room.

"Didn't work."

"A bit of s-"

"I'm afraid not."

You sighed and removed your hoodie. "I'll be there as soon as possible sir." You then hung up and removed your underwear to get in the shower. Why was Chanyeol acting up?

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