(16) It's a Mess

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Your POV

"Chanyeol! Uncle Kook is here!!!" You called for Chanyeol who was concentrated on a brand new painting. "So... where are you taking him?" Your hair was a slight mess and you were wearing your last set of pajamas which consisted of a pair of shorts and a cropped shirt.

Jungkook closed the door behind him and smiled when Chanyeol came running over to him. "Uncle Kookie!!!" He exclaimed and crawled up on his uncle. "Chanyeol was drawing!"

Jungkook nodded and gasped in surprise. "Painting?!" He turned to look at you as if asking for an explanation.

You nervously giggled and showed him to the playroom which you had taken the liberty of remodeling. It was well organized and had enough space for him to make another mess. On the table, Chanyeol's painting was neat and only fell off the paper every now and then. "Do you think Hyung would approve of this?"

"It's just paint. It's Crayola brand so it's easier to clean too." You proudly explained, already prepared for that kind of question. "Plus, He's a very dedicated artist. Hang on... let me see..." you spun around to look for Chanyeol's newest paintings. "Look."

"What am I looking at exactly?" He tilted his head trying to understand the kid's painting.

You sighed and looked down at the floor. "It's me." The only thing recognizable in the picture was the face shape and the classic pigtails you would wear to sleep. Jungkook burst out laughing and you smiled at the painting. "He's dedicated. Maybe he's the next Picasso!"
Jungkook looked through the paintings and put them to the side. "Doubtful but I'll cheer for him! Chanyeol, fighting!" He looked at Chanyeol who looked at you for a second then back at Jungkook.

"Uncle, fighting!" He put two fists in the air and Jungkook giggled, giving him a high five.

The alarm to the oven went off and you jumped up in surprise. "Jungkook, the- the-"

"Ice cream! We're going to eat ice cream! Come on Chanyeol!" He seemed to have noticed and ran to the entrance. You quickly looked around and grabbed a bucket hat and face mask that Chanyeol could wear and in the house of a celebrity, those are everywhere.

Jungkook seemed to have forgotten as well, keeping his hood down just as he was about to open the door. "Waitwaitwait-" you called out and ran to the two of them. "Here." You carefully put the face mask on him and the bucket hat while Jungkook held him up. "Umm... Jeon Jungkook, do you plan on going out like that? No mask, no anything?"

Jungkook gasped and pulled his hood down, reaching for something in his pocket and pulling out a pair of glasses. "Now?" You nodded and opened the door for him.

"Be careful out there..." you warned Chanyeol and bowed, saying your goodbyes to Jungkook. "Bye bye~" the door was closed a second after they reached the car and you sighed in relief. Now, it was time to set up the place.

Stretching around, you fixed your hair and rushed to the oven. The cake was luckily not burned and seemed to be just about ready to be taken out. You happily pulled out all the sugary decorations you had bought and set it up on the table.

You knew for the frosting to be applicable, you had to let the cake cool down. So what are you going to do in the meantime?

A shower seems like the smartest idea. Namjoon said he would come minutes after Jungkook left so you were sure you had time.

You grabbed a set of clothes, walked to the bathroom, but of course the moment you were fully undressed and under the water, the doorbell rang. You hadn't even had the chance to rinse off all the soap you had on you. The doorbell rang again. You'd never showered this fast before.

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