(23) House Hunting

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Third POV

"Good evening Mr. Kim, it is quite a surprise to see you. Good day to you," you greeted Namjoon, wearing a bucket hat and a black mask to match it. He sat on the stairs, wearing fancy casual clothes. Fancy for a normal park day but casual for a restaurant. He looked up from his phone and greeted you with a soft eye smile. "The maknaes can be quite troublesome, eh?" you could only look at his eyes and noticed the bright intensity in them. His thoughts are hard to figure out.

You figured that since you were out in public, it was best to keep intimacy to a minimum in public. He stood up tall in front of you and buried his phone in his back pocket. "So... where to go?" Right... you hadn't thought about that. Shoot.

"You CAN go house hunting with me." Two birds. One stone. He seemed intrigued. "You up for it?"

He nodded and walked beside you, bumping shoulders with yours. "I would love to," he spoke softly and his eyes crinkled in a smile. "I've never actually been house hunting before, it should be fun."

Little did he know how much of a mess house hunting really was.


"Well, hello to you beautiful couple~ How wonderful it is to see the two of you" The real estate agent cheerful walked around the desk to greet you and Namjoon together. "How can I be of help to the two of you? Moving together? Renting a house? You two make a beautiful couple." She smiled at you and you could feel your face warm up whilst she spoke to you.

Namjoon placed an arm on his shoulder. "No, no, we're here for a single person house." You frantically nodded and pointed at yourself before speaking.

"Me- I'm looking for a place for myself" you explained and the agent's lips slightly parted and she then smiled.

She nervously looked around and then turned to the office. "What would the budget be?" You looked up at Namjoon then down at the agent. The amount wasn't a lot, but then again, it wasn't too little when you take into consideration the paycheck's you're now getting out of babysitting Chanyeol. Still, you tiptoed and gestured to whisper in the lady's ear and told her the amount as she leaned in.

She stepped back and smiled kindly. "I'll get the plans right away. You two can just go looking at the assigned times and it won't be a problem." She turned to look for what you assumed were copies of locations for you to go to.

"Y/N." Namjoon called to you, slightly leaning forward so his face would be at the same level as yours. "What's with the secrecy? You do realize that I'm the person that writes your checks every week, right?"

That was true but it was still kind of awkward. "Yeah... don't comment- don't worry about it~" you grinned and turned back to the kind lady that had a small stack of papers with what she assumed were locations.

"Alright...! I'm assuming you want a one bedroom place since you clearly stated that it would be a one bedroom place.... this is the list. You like any of the places, stop by and we can talk calmly." The old lady slightly bowed and the two of you respectfully bowed back before stepping outside to the quiet streets that were your neighborhood.

The day was somewhat hot so you were lucky you decided it best to wear shorts and a plain tank top that would keep heat to a minimum. "Okay!!! We can visit the distant places first to avoid having you be discovered Mr. Celebrity and then I'll take a different free day to work on all the other places." You looked through the neatly staples stacked and all the places looked beautiful and stunning. "Can't be that bad."


False advertising was a thing. Even for HOUSING. The first three places you and Namjoon had visited were worn down. With more than half the place needing to be repaired. Hope was lost as soon as it was found. Namjoon stuck close to you as you looked around the fourth place now. The neighborhood was filled with creeps and it just reeked of cigarettes.

"This place isn't as bad..." you trailed off looking around and seeing all the mold growing on the walls. "It's not that bad..." you tried lying to yourself once again and naturally reached for Namjoon's hand. The place definitely looked better in picture but out of all the other places you've visited, this one did seem to be the better one.

The neighborhood was sketchy but you were sure to manage with the right amount of pepper spray. "Let's just take a look at the bedroom and bathrooms. The mold can easily be fixed..." you tried your best to be positive every single time you walked into a room but it was damn near impossible.

Namjoon didn't comment anything and followed you to the bedroom, looking around carefully and squeezing your hand. "Y/N... I don't like this place." You didn't either. The place gave you the creeps, it made it feel as if somebody was watching you.

You opened the door and the room itself was a mess. The floor wood was broken and the windows were way too open, given your neighbors the perfect view to everything. "Namjoon... you've said that about every place we've been to." You smiled calmly and walked to the bathroom. The tub was green, the shower did not have a shower head and the place did not look white, but yellow.

"Yeah. This place is not convincing at all." He spoke flatly and shook his head in pure disapproval. "Y/N, listen-"

"We can go to the next place... it shouldn't be that bad, you know what they say... fourth time's a charm." You spoke softly and looked down at the floor. This was exhausting. Your parents were about to leave you on the streets and you don't know what it is you should do.

Namjoon sighed and finally caught your attention. "Huh? Is something wrong? Are you ok?" You responded instantly, used to knowing that the Kim boys are not boys to sigh when there wasn't anything wrong.

"I've been trying to tell you for the longest. Literally this whole day has been you interrupting me every time I try to say it so maybe you already know what I'm going to ask..." it sounded serious. What could it be? You leaned forward, awaiting whatever it was that he was going to say. "Move in with me."

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